I am due to have a Pfizer booster vaccination on Saturday, following two earlier AZs. I read that boosters can produce more by way of side effects than the first two vaccinations when they are of a different type. I rang Bart's cardiac nurses and they said that they had had reports from some patients of multiple ectopics and AF following boosters, although they didn't have an exact figure. They stressed that the advice was still to have the vaccine, but said there could be heart symptoms, which could include AF, arising up to three weeks after the vaccination. They couldn't say how long these might last. I wondered what the experience of others was of booster vaccines in relation to AF. Has anyone had AF definitely attributable to the booster?
Covid Booster vaccination and AF - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid Booster vaccination and AF
Just had my Pfizer booster after the first 2 Pfizer’s,,,,over last weekend,,,my afib is still quiet,,,only had 2 sore shoulders and some body aches for a day and then,,all went back to normal,,,never had any issues with the first 2 shots at all,,,,I trust all is well,,,here’s hoping you have a similar if not even better experience!
I had Moderna for all three but had no negative effects. My arm was a tiny bit sore.
Just had my booster 🤞🤞Pfizer, after 2 Astra Zeneca. Will let you know if any problems!
As of Nov8,,,a change in my “no reaction” to the booster vaccine,,,my cardiac device clinic called to say they found irregularities from my pacemaker reporting to them,,,some runs of a heart rate starting at 159 and then went over 200 for a few minutes several times this week,,,no wonder I’ve been feeling poorly and suddenly out of breath many times,,,have an appt for this Friday 11/12 to discuss,,some mild chest pain and burning arms also,,,my afib is normally super quiet so I am surprised at all of this,,,I have or had no other heart issues that I know of at age 74,,always considered myself fortunate,,,,here’s hoping there’s an explanation and that Booster didn’t cause permanent trouble! I am reading with much interest how everyone else is reacting or not,,,
I was told by cardiac nurses at St Bartholomew’s Hospital that they had had reports from patients of ectopics, palpitations or even AF up to three weeks after the Pfizer Booster vaccination. However, they said that there were "not that many people" who had reported such problems. My GP, who administered the vaccine, said that they hadn't had any reports from patients with AF of problems following the vaccine. Did your cardiac device clinic say that your raised heart rate was definitely attributable to the booster vaccine or that it might be caused by something else?

You will likely find mainly negative comments here as positive ones don't need to come and post. There will always be a few but nobody I know personally has had anything other than a sore arm for a few days. Covid, however, is quiet a different question.
Two AZ followed by a Pfizer. AF still quiet.
Hoping to get my booster in a few weeks. I felt very tired after the two jabs, but I still think any side effects at all are better than risking getting Covid.
I would have thought it was the cardiac nurses business to know / find the exact numbers, surely that is important to know in their line of business ? - i'm sure a lot are ok with the boosters, just troubles me about the unknown ..
I would have thought cardiac nurses would need to be very careful in quantifying side effects. I think there are robust scientific processes behind such analysis?
I’ve just had COVID with very nasty AF which landed me in A&E so all I can say is even if booster trigger some reaction - it won’t be nearly as bad as the effect COVID will have!
I’m still recovering - week 5 - husband is week 7 - & still loads of ectopics.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully the two vaccines you have had have reduced its impact. It's a reminder that even with vaccinations its a menace.

Without the 2 vaccines not sure either my husband nor I would have survived, even though I didn’t actually produce antibodies following the vaccines I must have had some immunity from killer B cells. COVID is teaching us a lot about how the immune system works. I’m now awaiting test results as to whether or not I produced antibodies from the infection - weekly antibody tests.
Well, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. So many people report having symptoms even after vaccination.

Luckily, I have honestly heard of not a single report of important symptoms, and I've spoken to many people who have had it. My daughter-in-law, a nurse, had the worst reaction to her first Pfizer jab, but that lasted only two days and she was fine.
We're off for our boosters this morning - fingers crossed all goes well!
I had my booster last Thursday. Didn't even feel the injection no after effects at all and no AF either.
Same regime for me, no problems only a slight ache the first night if I laid on the jabbed arm…..so I didn’t 😉
No problem after booster three weeks ago
Had my booster early October no side effect at all
Hi Sam 😄 I had my booster a couple of weeks ago (PB) and although I had side effects with the second dose AZ I was ok with the booster .
To me the risk of getting Covid greatly outweighs the risk of severe side effects from the vaccine. I can cope with a few unpleasant days, it is preferable to weeks laying immobile in a ventilator or even death from catching Covid.
Not in my case Samazeuilh. I had my second booster, (Pfizer), on Saturday morning, quite early. I'd dashed out without breakfast and after it had been administered, my husband took me off to our local greasy spoon for a full English. Guess what? I had a short run of AF! As I do every time I eat a full English! So, I don't believe the vaccination played any part in that. I had a slightly sore arm for 24 hours, which I didn't have with the AZ vaccines 1 and 2, and that was the extent of it.

You must really love a full English!
Lol I really do Auriculaire! As you can see, I'll happily suffer a bit of fluttery, racing heart to get my hands on one! Our local greasy spoon is glorious with locally sourced sausages, bacon and eggs and it sets my heart aflutter just to think of eating one! For the sake of my heart generally, I don't do this too often though! 👍😊

I only ever eat a full English if we come to the UK. But we eat a "semi English" every other day for breakfast with either beans on toast and a sausage, or scrambled eggs and mushrooms on toast, or poached smoked fish. Normally my husband makes breakfast but once every 8 days I make our favourite- grilled bacon,a fried egg and mushrooms with a squirt of HP sauce on a wholemeal muffin. This is very messy as the fried egg is difficult to contain and the yolk usually ends up on the plate or chins or dressing gowns but it is delicious! None of these breakfasts have ever set off my afib luckily .
So glad I'm not the only one to dribble egg yolk all over me when eating those messy sandwiches! 🙄😩😃
I live in the US. I don't know what a full English is, but it sounds like some thing I might like. 😀
It's a traditional breakfast - bacon ,eggs ,sausage ,baked beans fried mushrooms . It used to include bread fried in the bacon fat but you don't see that very often these days. An American intruder has made it's way onto the plate but mainly in hotels - hash browns.
Moved towards Eggs Benedict as slightly less heart attack included. Vegie wife eats Eggs Florentine. Saturdays at home I have bacon and a fried egg on a slice of toast and feel guilty.
Probably feeling guilty is worse for you than the bacon. Ordinary bacon is very hard to get here. There is the equivalent of streaky and the slices are so thin you can practically see through them. I reckon once grilled we eat about an ounce each. The birds get the fat if the cat doesn't get there first. We eat a frenchified version of eggs benedict as a main meal with the poached eggs on blinis ( or crumpets if our precious stocks from uk allow) topped with red wine sauce ,or hollandaise with moutard violette de Brive and accompanied by spinach or leeks. The traditional red wine sauce is supposed to be made with lardons but I usually leave these out.
No side effects with me on 2 Pfizer jabs and booster Pfizer jab.
I went into AF for the first time in 18 months a few days after my booster, also had foot pains, settled down now.
You really should have let them inject your arm, you know. The foot is far more sensitive!
I suspect the vast majority are fine.
However, there have been heart issues with all the Covid jabs although collection of that data and publishing it is not exactly a priority for Big Pharma, so we don't have as usual a reliable statistic. There is a theory put forward by responsible people e.g. Dr John Campbell that the injector should aspirate (pull back slightly to check for blood) before plunging in case you have a vein in an unusual place as it shouldn't go directly into the bloodstream.
"Big pharma", indeed - and Pfizer are a culprit if ever there was one. But where would we be without them and their wonderful scientists? We enjoy and wouldn't be without capitalism so have to put up with its less-good aspects, I suppose.
Totally agree but am frustrated politicians appear powerless to apply special provisions when the world is faced with a pandemic to mitigate windfall profits.
It is unchecked capitalism that is destroying our world. These world leaders at the COP make me laugh. Not one of them says that we should stop buying stuff we don't need- but are convinced we want by advertising. Look at the amount of food that is wasted because we live in a throw away society. Without this mentality capitalism would collapse.
I'd like it to change. We don't have "unchecked capitalism", really, though as there are many laws. They are just not sufficient to cope with multinationalism. A single country seems unable to act independently and acting on the world stage seems nigh on impossible.
It's saddening that more controls can't be forced on companies. To my mind, in the UK, the property market is obscene and yet is allowed free reign.
The laws will never be made more stringent as long as there are systems of government which permit lawmakers to be lobbied by ( and receive large sums of money from) industrialists and business people of all stripes. Or have "consultancies " which pay them nearly as much as their salary working for companies. I am glad I am old. I cannot see anything adequate being done about climate change and there seems to be no appetite for addressing overpopulation .
I am certainly not glad that I am old. Oh, I so very much wish I were young.
But I see your point and agree with it. I would go further and add in PR companies as used by our own government to manipulate those in society who are open to such control.
There's never been a better "system of government" however than capitalism; and that's the great sadness for me of socialism (and its radical variants). We need more control over capitalism, but not the extreme control that Marx wanted to apply. The law needs to be fairer and stronger, as well as separate from those who run governments and companies; instead so many politicians are trained lawyers and major companies spend great fortunes on employing lawyers. Indeed, what restrains companies is often not their conscience and goodwill but the fear of being sued - the law.
This is why I am a believer in the EU for it seemed to me it was moving in the direction of greater transparency as well as increasing control of unbridled capitalism.
All completely off-thread. I hope no one minds!
I had AF directly after both AZ vaccines. It is now 3 days since my Pfizer vaccine and so far no AF. I would normally have Af episodes more than once a week anyway so if it happens now I wouldn’t attribute it to the booster. X
I was fine, but all my three vax were Pfizer
I had a Pfizer booster 12 days ago (my 2 original doses were AZ). I have had no problems except for an aching arm for the first few days. I was just relieved to get it done. Good luck on Saturday!
I had my Pfizer booster yesterday. (previously had 2 x astra zeneca).No issues at all.
If I feel my shoulder very carefully I can detect a slightly tender spot but would not call it pain. I assume this is where the needle went in.
Two AZ jabs, booster early October with Pfizer, tender arm for a couple of days, no other issues.
Two AZ jabs. Pfizer booster which put me in bed for a day through feeling exhausted. Had a few AF issues since but I was getting them anyway so cant attribute them to the booster.
I have had my booster and got a sore arm. Otherwise absolutely fine!
I had problems including a lot of persistent ectopics and sinus tachycardia after my first AZ so much so that l got Pfizer for my second jab.I had no more cardiac symptoms at all following the Pfizer and although l was still suffering from AZ symptoms when l had the Pfizer it made no difference at all to them.The side effects l had from the Pfizer were more”normal l” side effects I.e l had a very sore arm and felt like l had a heavy cold for about 5 days.l had symptoms from the AZ for months.l had the Pfizer jab at just over twelve weeks from the AZ.I have told you my history but it will no guide to how you react as we are all different individuals physiologically and my reactions are no prediction for yours .I am worried about having to have a booster now but fingers crossed l will be ok as my first Pfizer was ok but needless to say l am not looking forward to it.However l think Covid could be much worse but for us jab reactors it can feel abit like being stuck between a rock and a hard place.l am very jealous of all those who can take the jab with little or no side effects.FYI l have never had a really bad reaction to any previous vaccination and l am the age to have had TB,Smallpox,Hep. B,measles,Rubella etc..so l am not normally affected by these things.
I had the Pfizer booster a week ago. My first 2 were AZ. Like others, all I experienced was some tenderness at the jab site. Can’t comment on AF as it is permanent and asymptomatic for me.
Had the Pfizer booster Monday (previous 2 were AZ) apart from a slightly sore arm where injected….no problems 👍
I had my booster and flu jab at the weekend, moderna, my first two being pfizer. I was expecting some heavy side effects so had planned a quiet in house Monday. I had stiffness in both arms on Monday, almost gone by Tuesday, slight feeling of nausea Monday and Tuesday when I first got up but felt fine. Tuesday went for a swim, shopping and a walk with dog then visitors at night. Was tired at bedtime but feel my lazy day Monday rejuvenated me. Xx
I had my booster yesterday. I have a sore arm from the injection, but apart from that all is ok with me.
I had my Pfizer booster on Saturday and have had no effects at all except a slightly sore arm muscle for a few hours. I think many might get so worried about the possibility that the anxiety brings on the beast.
I was going to have my booster, but got Covid so I cannot have it untill 28 days after I tested positive. I am still going to have it though, a friend of mine told me having Covid boosts your immune system.
I had both shots and the booster (Pfizer). I had no heart issues and no side effects from the vaccinations, but the booster produced low fever, fatigue, headache and chills for about 12 hours.
I had no problem with my first two Pfizer vaccines but did with my booster last week. I had three days with skipped beats, extra beats, flutters etc and I wish I had read all of these posts then. They would have been a little reassuring!
I had both Pfizer shots and only a sore shoulder. I had the booster and only felt tired a couple of days and had a sore shoulder. Less than 2 weeks ago for booster.
I had 2 AZ vaccines and had my booster Pfizer last week. No problems at the moment

If you would like any support, please contact our Patient Services Team direct at info@afa.org.uk or call 01789 867 502
No reaction whatsoever beyond the injection site tenderness after Moderna booster. That’s after a flu and TDaP the week before. Beats being intubated and dead!
Wife's having her booster today (Pfizer). Mine isn't until January as I had mine later due to waiting for the Pfizer to become available in our area. My wife is in a preferred occupation so gets special treatment.
All the best.
This is my experience and not advising in any way.I was really worried about having my booster as Pfizer after first 2 AZ.I have been in Persistent AF since 1st jab end of Jan .I had no qualms about 2 ND Az.Difficult decision for booster & no definite info as to any AF related effects of the vaccines anywhere .As we were going abroad for a month I thought if I can get it 10 days before we go I will have it.I had it 6 days before going.I felt out of sorts,off colour, for a few days & swollen painfull underarm glands for a couple of days after a week but now 2 weeks later I think I was worrying for nothing .Hope I am not tempting fate.
No symptoms after 10 days..
Thanks to everyone who has replied in this thread. The general picture seems to be that most people have been ok. I have been advised to defer the flu jab for a few weeks rather than having them at the same time as this puts extra demands on the immune system.
Had my booster last Tuesday, Pfizer, I had a slightly sore arm but no other reaction, hope it boosted my immune system. No Af following few days, good luck
Side effects of any medication is difficult to quantify and needs expert analysis because of the nocebo effect (this is when a negative outcome occurs because of a belief that the medication will cause harm). My wife had side affects after 1st and 2nd astra-zeneca jabs but we both only had a slightly sore arm after Pfizer booster.
I had my Pfizer vaccines and one booster. I have 8 stents, a pacemaker and Afib. Had only small reaction to vaccines. Had flu and booster same day. was a little achy and sore at injection site. Heart stayed steady and no afib. Now at least I'll protected God willing. All of this has been so scary. Now if they could just find out why I am anemic.
I had Pf booster 8 days ago after 2 AZ jabs and have been out of rhythm for the last 5 days. I usually go back to normal after a few hours but whatever I try it won’t go back. However I am going in for an ablation in 5 days so assume that will sort it.
How often do you usually get AF? Does the doctor think the recent episode was caused by the vaccine or something else?

I get it 4 or 5 times a week but it usually kicks back into normal after an hour or two. I haven’t contacted my GP but conclude it must be the booster because it was such a different attack. After 8 days it did resolve itself leaving me absolutely wiped out.
I will not get the booster as I regret getting the first Moderna vaccine causing my irregular rhythm initially which developed into A-fib.
I will not get the booster.I developed PVC’s then A-fib 12 hours after the first Moderna vaccine .
I have just written to say (in another post) that I had a booster Pfeizer vaccine today and had an unexpected horrid reaction, heart palpitations and feeling dizzy and light headed. I had to be taken to a side room and lie down for about 20 minutes. I was able to walk home but feeling wobbly. I fell asleep on the sofa, once home - and do feel better but rather weird. I am worried it might recur! I was not expecting this. I have Paroxysmal AFib - but not since my last ablation in September 2019. I had 2 Astra Zeneca jabs - the first gave me no reaction and the second, headaches. This was a scary shock!! I don't care if my arm aches or feel flu symptoms - but not AFib again!
Yes, today and it was horrid. I had 2 Astra Zeneca (no side effects with first and a few headaches after second). The side effects today happened in the 15-minute waiting afterwards window, just after having the booster vaccine and was taken to a side room where I lay on a couch for about 20 minutes. I have not had Afib for over 2 years and am really upset, as I had not seen any warnings about these side effects, until I came on here just now! I am worried the heart racing palpitations and dizziness might recur!?
I had my booster last Saturday 3rd Pfizer dose. I was concerned if it was safe as I had a cold but the nurse said it would be ok. 6 hours afterwards back into AF for first time in 7 weeks.
Yes, cardiac nurses told me they had had reports of AF and ectopics occurring after the booster and that these could occur up to three weeks after. They also said that "not many" people had reported this. My GP said the surgery hadn't had any such reports. All of these said that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks however. The nurses also advised not having the booster jab and flu jab too close together.
Hi guys, had my pfiser booster a week ago and I have had 4 AF episodes since. Not sure there's a correlation but it feels like there's one. My heart is settling down now.
I had paroxysmal AF for 4 years with only 2 episodes in 18months .The day after Ist jab AZ I went into persistent AF and still there 14 months later.However I am probably a rare case to have such a lasting problem.No probs with 2 ND & Pfizer booster. As viral infection usually prompted an episode I am not surprised.I don't know if I would have a further booster as COVID now milder and not Sure how effective against spread.