Good evening. Wondering if anyone has experienced AF symptoms worsening after a covid vaccine? I have paroxysmal AF and am in day 6 of AF…usual symptoms so far (palpitations, high heart rate, breathlessness when active, occasional lightheadedness) so nothing out of the ordinary. However I had the covid booster this afternoon and my symptoms have got a little worse this evening…I’m feeling lightheaded even whilst sat quietly and my heart rate is slightly higher (circa 130/140bpm rather than the usual 110/125bpm when not active). Just wondering whether this is normal after having the covid vaccine - as normal as can be for us folk with AF of course! - or if I should be concerned/seek medical attention? I haven’t experienced this with previous covid or flu vaccines but I don’t think I’ve been in AF when having one before. I’m on 300mg of Sotalol a day. Thank you to anyone for sharing your experience. Best wishes to you all.
Covid vaccine - symptoms worsening? - Atrial Fibrillati...
Covid vaccine - symptoms worsening?

I've had both CoVid and Flu jabs recently (7 October ) only a mild side effect ( feeling a bit one degree under as if I were working up for a cold). Not enough to keep me at home from work, just a bit 'crabby' ............ took about 5 days to sort itself. Just fine now. Not in AF, and haven't been so for some 18 months or much longer.
I think it is fairly common knowledge now that the C-jab can cause heart issues for some people, I understand even Pfizer themselves have published this outcome. For this reason, if you have PAF, whether during an episode or not, I would not take the jab in case it exacerbates heart issues.
In your shoes, I would moderate any exercise down to brisk walking only, if funds allow pay for an appointment with a trusted cardiologist and read up more information eg
Hi secondtry, that’s interesting info.
I’m in the position right now of having booked my covid jab and the responses to Delwynnie are making me wonder if I should go ahead. It’s very tricky when every medical professional who knows me or treats me says it’s definitely safer to have it if you have a condition like PAF and would be aghast at the idea of not having it, my EP included - but then people on here who I trust and respect are so certain the vaccine is a greater risk than the virus itself. I’m so confused!
Edit to add: Just to be clear, my confusion is because it IS complex and confusing, not because of the discussion. Discussion is good- I really value hearing different people’s experiences and new information or research, even when they are conflicting. It’s how we come to our decisions!
It seems to be quite normal after the booster... It only means that the vaccine "is working as expected"... I was cautious about the vacc, but now, after I have witnessed that people have taken up to 8 jabs and have remained to live, I intend to take 2 basic ones and 3 boosters, all at once, just to catch up.


Are you been serious Nesko
Tom, now I am in a dilemma if you are serious...? Of course I would not take the magic water. In Serbia, after a while, the state started paying to the people to make them take the jabs. Not much money, somewhere about 25 Eur pro person. There was a guy who received 8 jabs one after the other, in different places, just to collect money. I do not know the end of the story, honestly...

He probably had another 8 and then joined this forum 🤣

Glad to hear you never lost your marbles Nesko
Many people experience worsening of symptoms but they’re not allowed to talk about it as their posts get taken down and they are banned from talking for a set time or thrown off the site completely.
Elli I think you need to see that this post has not been taken down. Time to allow that good changes happen?
It hasn’t been taken down YET no 🤣 my post lasted a good 3 days before either admin or someone who’s easily offended picked it up. I’ll reserve my judgement till then.
If indeed it isn’t taken down then that is obviously a good thing and positive changes are obviously welcome. Maybe all the discussion about censorship has finally drawn some much needed attention to how things are governed on here. Maybe not!
Had all six jabs, the original four plus boosters and the latest. No effect on Afib for me whatsoever. Just a sore arm.
All the jabs I've had, be they against covid, 'flu, polio, pneumonia, shingles or TB have had no effect on my AF.
Thanks everyone for your responses and comments, much appreciated.
Yes, and I agree with secondary - jab worsened everything for me and took 3 weeks for my system to normalise. I am not having anymore.
Did whoever was giving the jab ask you if you were feeling well prior to administering?
Hope you feel better soon.
Feel for you Delwynnie - I do hope it settles soon. After any vaccine or during any virus/infection my normal heart rate increases (I always assume it’s part of the body’s reaction to defending and healing itself) so maybe the same is applying here, but it’s just worse as you’re already in elevated heart rate and AF?
No harm checking if you should increase the control meds in the meantime? Good luck, Do let us know how you get on. Jx
Thank you Jane - I’m going to give the arrhythmia nurse a call today. I think I should have thought twice about having the vaccine whilst in AF…I was so focussed on getting it as was really quite poorly when I got covid 2 years ago so didn’t want to repeat that…the current strain is spreading like wildfire at work at the moment. Thank you! X
No one mentions dosage which is same regardless of body weight, so could have greater possible side effects on someone smaller than average size male that dosage is aimed at.
I have just replied on another post about covid so have just copied and pasted on to you. I do hope you feel better soon. In my opinion if you are 140 resting rate I think I would call 111.
The last two covid jabs I had gave me 5ish weeks each time of afib/tachycardia and as I’ve just had a pacemaker snd my heart took a while to adjust to it, I don’t want to chance another session after the jab
I’m a bit concerned keep reading that covid is on the increase again and I did have a bad time when I caught covid even though then I had had 3 jabs and I was indecisive should I shouldn’t I but decided against
All the best
Pat x
Thanks Pat - I’m going to give the Arhythmia Nurses a call for some advice. I have a loop recorder so they can see what’s happening. X
That more or less describes my experience - first bouts of AF to register on my blood pressure monitoring was 6 days after the vax - I have had 5-6 weeks of eposides of AF, palpitations, heartrate and blood pressure very erratic - up and down - now seems to be settling down - I hope so. I saw GP who was sceptical of course but I have a ECG and Holter monitoring booked for Dec 1st - hopefully won't need it - but I have reported this under the yellow card scheme.
Should add - had no problems with previous vaxes and am 12 months post open heart surgery and I monitor my BP and HR fairly closely - so it was obvious to me when it started. Also it was not the first thing I thought of to blame for th esudden, noticable and scary change.

Hello, it is not unknown that many can experience some minor side effects following any vaccine, as the body is processing and absorbing the introduction of the medication into the body. Most symptoms are short-lived and disappear within 24 hours, however, if you are concerned, please follow the the NHS guidelines
I've been trying to get medics to believe me on this exact issue for now 2 year! Not ONE would respond. I was diagnosed with AF a fortnight before having 2 vaccine shots -a fortnight later I was going through the most frightening symptoms I've ever experienced. I couldn't turn my head sideways without the shortness of breath and uneven heart rate starting, couldn't walk more than 2 metres withoout similar symptoms, slept about 16 hours a day, concentration and focus shot to pieces. I asked my pharmacist if this was 'normal' with people on the exact same medication I had been prescribed (Apixaban 2.5mg twice daily and Bisoprolol 2.5mg twice daily) and he thankfully admitted "No". He said it only takes usually a short time for people to adjust to both. My frightening symptoms dragged on for about 12 months, and even now, 2 years later, the tiredness still drags me down. I'm now over 70 but don't believe it's my age causing this tiredness - 4 hours after getting out of bed I can still go back and sleep another 2 or even 3. My memory was also severely affected - couldn't focus properly or concentrate - even things happening a few minutes before often forgotten. At least that has improved somewhat, for which I am extremely thankful. Very angry at what has been FORCED on us, especially without ANY trials beforehand. A campaign based on absolute FEAR and 'misinformation'! I thankfully was led to Drs Malone, McCullough and colleagues (via YouTube) and found the true science about this poison, and of course, MUCH more. Thank God for these men, the true heroes of this 'scamdemic'. I also of course will NEVER have booster shots and quickly learned we cannot trust our doctors or health systems as we once were able. Total tragedy. I was especially blown away by the fact that not only was I not believed by them, not only was I left totally alone by them to handle these issues MYSELF, but I became some sort of 'marked' individual - with doctors informing others I had to consult, that I objected to the vaccines. Absolutely SHAMEFUL. If you want sensible heart/AF advice, please go onto YouTube and search for the marvellous videos by Dr Sanjay Gupta - consultant Cardiologist from York, U.K. You will receive MUCH alleviation of anxieties, fears, and very, very sound medical advice. He also provides online consultations - the fee for which is less than those asked by cardiologists in my own country (Australia) and yield far more accurate information and advice.
Thanks for your response. Sorry to hear you’ve had such an awful time and hope you’re now starting to see improvements.
I am really sorry to hear what problems you have had "afterwards". I believe every word you say. I lost a cousin in perfect health after two AZ vacc.

Yes, some of the stories are horrific. I found a lot of truth about them on Brighteon and Rumble platforms instead of YouTube, as censorship became truly criminal on these vital life issues. Shows how much certain organisations and people want it all covered up. Regardless, truth is the truth and it will never be made a lie unless we're stupid - and thank God I've never been stupid! I decided I'd rather take my chances with Covid - put my care in His hands instead. So sorry you lost your cousin, Nesko - but believe me, there is a day of accountability coming - and nobody can escape that.

P.S. Wanted to add that, whoever 'BobD' is, if he's connected to Health Unlocked, I'd lodge complaint if he's causing the opinions of people to be deleted or whatever. The Constitutional right of freedom of speech still lives and governs free countries today (even though many are of course trying to so tragically eradicate it). Adams Madison Jefferson said he had freedom of speech inserted in the 1st amendment of the American Constitution because "all the other rights are dependent on that right - if a govt can silence criticism it has a license to commit any atrocity." You have absolute right to your opinion, and to express it, as everyone does.
Agree, in every aspect! I do not know for sure, but I would not blame BobD. He is an very active and very positive member, rewarded by NHS for all he has done for AF community. Maybe the admins are the ones (in one occasion, one of them wrote "We reserve the right to delete the posts if ..."). The censorship is everywhere, and the reason is clear - the truth is not welcome, especially not for those ones who have sinned, lol!

Amen, Nesko!
P.S. I would ask your doctor if an alternative can perhaps prescribed for the Sotalol as it isn't suitable for all people. I fought against it, in fact, as it has a Black Box warning against it advised by the FDA in America: which is a serious warning. If you have respiratory issues, COPD etc Sotalol may not be suitable. Just an after-thought.
I seem to be one of the few that can tolerate Sotalol and it has generally worked well (other than the odd minor blip, the last long episode I had was in May and then a couple of days in July) I was on flecainide and bisoprolol but they stopped working for me. Very fortunate to not have respiratory issues. Thanks again.
Some people do experience things like this. It depends on the person and on the vaccination given. Having said that I have never had a problem with the Covid Vaccine and the first two I had I was enjoying NSR after a cardioversion but had no problems.
Probably no connection, and just an anecdotal experience, but......I had the 3 jabs at the same time-COVID, Flu and RSV. 4 days later I was in CHF and AF. Just sayin'.
Delwynnie asked an important question. I'm grateful for BobD. Let's be respectful and keep this fact- and experience-based. We have a much better chance at continuing these important conversations.
My cardiologist gave me a deferral from a 3rd shot long ago. Since my 2nd Pfizer I've since needed a second ablation. At my ablation this summer, no doctor or nurse so much as questioned the idea that my problems returned because of the shots.
I have an immune system cancer, had Covid once and recovered fine. I keep my vitamin D topped up and am doing well.
Just so you know, my comments weren't intended to be 'disrespectful' to whoever "BobD" is and 'Nesko' was simply giving me a general warning against censorship, not specifically him - as you can see in the posts Nesko later let me know he is apparently a post-er on this channel. I was addressing the right to our Constitutional rights to freedom of opinion and speech, which we all have, and if my posts are censored I take objection to that for this reason. Nothing personal intended, just so this is understood.
No comment 🤐🤐🤐
My researching multitudinous articles and opinions by medical specialists/doctors/nurse practioners is that that spike protein can keep building up over time in your capillaries and such, putting more strain on your heart. My nephew was 42 and fine. After the second jab he died while relaxing on his front porch from a heart attack. Look at all the foot ballers, other athletes who died suddenly or have had a heart associated issue while exerting themselves.
I would never put that stuff in my body. If you want to ameliorate / reverse the "potential" damage from this stuff, take Nattokinase. I know that it will mean cutting back on any prescription blood thinners, but it also helps the body rid itself of the pesky and dangerous spike protein
I've had the first three shots, not the latest one. Within hours of having the first one, I got the strongest AFib attack I'd ever had. After the second one an even stronger one. After the third one I went into permanent afib that lasted until I had an ablation. Since then, I haven't had any afib events. I'm frightened to have the newest vaccine but I probably will.
Gosh, sorry to hear that. I didn’t respond to the previous vaccines/boosters but wasn’t in AF like this time so think that made a difference for me personally. Hope you’re feeling much improved now…good luck if you decide to have the next booster.
I recommend getting a second opinion before you do. Clearly t he vaccines are affecting your heart directly, imo.
Interested to know if you’ve actually had covid and if so how that effected you?
Consider not doing it. It doesn't really help you. Covid is just another bad flu. Take D3 5000IU daily/every other day and zinc. Both are cheap. Also consider buying and taking acidopholous or a combined multi-bacteria gut health probiotic. We find that if we take some weekly, we almost never get any flus, etc...
Never had any problems with either. I am getting a Covid shot this afternoon, not expecting anything than the usual aches and pains tomorrow. Flu Shot was not even felt, and nothing from it.
Hi Delwynnie
My first ever experience of Afib was a few days after a joint covid and flu vax. I’ve mentioned this many times on this forum and never been censored. The cause could just as likely been over exercising. I’ll never know, but further boosters have not made things any worse. I have the boosters to protect others, in particular my daughter who has MS and very complex needs.
Thanks Rainfern. That’s the one thing we can all be of certain of I think - we’re unlikely to ever know the reasons! My arrhythmia nurse confirmed that the vaccine can make some people feel worse as the heart needs to work harder as is the nature of AFib, it’s different for everyone. She reassured me it was the right thing to do and as always, the advice is to go to hospital if you feel unwell…in hindsight, I think I should have so lesson learned. Good luck on your journey with AFib x
Sorry, but it appears you're truly over-reacting! I haven't tried to 'stop' anyone from speaking but instead clearly advised and confirmed I stand for freedom of speech. There is no 'paranoia' - and Delwynnie and I were sharing our respective knowledge and views on this subject. Please don't try to control what other people wish to say - you need to realise you're doing exactly what you're now accusing others of doing! And I also didn't send my comments to you personally. Thank you.
Please also yourself read Delwynnie's post - you'lll note in the very first sentence it's clearly asking if anyone has had a negative reaction to the vaccines. And I among several others simply responded with our experience! I stand by what I related - it's the absolute truth and it certainly won't be getting changed to suit anyone else's mere opinions.
It wasn't a matter of me 'taking things personally' - and 'passions' weren't 'mounting'! That's what was annoying - you have judged the conversation according to your own perception instead of ensuring you had all the facts! I had already had advice from another commenter about 'BobD' to let me know of his helpfulness and whatever, which I had acknowledged in the comments before you sent a message to me, with no problem at all. If you were a member of HU 'comment police' I could understand your 'correcting' intrusion into my private conversation, but that wasn't the case and you simply misjudged my intentions, which I did not appreciate, nor your telling me what I should or shouldn't say. I hadn't even addressed my comments to you. You didn't 'stress me out' - your 'instructing' me was simply out of place. As that was so, I felt obliged to let HU know. As far as I'm aware I breached no HU regulations. However, if my freedom of speech is to be suppressed by HU, especially when all others appear to give their opinions freely, I won't be commenting with them again. I also would suggest, if you want to 'protect the thread' that you contact HU directly, as, as I see it, it isn't up to any commenter to instruct others on this channel. In other words, it is your own comment that has caused someone to 'press the report button'! However, storm in a teacup, and all forgiven. I won't be reading your other mentioned comment. I think everything has now been covered.