I was glad that I had a few weeks preparation before I had the Pacemaker to practice things like dressing and how often I use my left arm. I knew I could not raise my left arm higher than my shoulder for 6 weeks afterwards so knew that yoga and Tai Chi would be shelved for the 6 weeks.
As I arrived in the recovery room I was loudly and clearly reminded about not raising my arm. Got it. But I hadn’t fully appreciated about not lifting anything heavy or leaning on my left elbow.
Here are some adaptations I’ve made. I pretty much wear anything, especially if it’s loose, remembering to put my left arm in first and also take it out first; I open my roll on deodorant to put under my right armpit, then it’s flowing alright for the left side, I get in the left hand side of the bed not leaning but get out on the right so I can lean heavily and hutch myself over. Before going in I took anything heavy I might want to use down from shelves I would not be able to reach with both hands for. On the kitchen cupboards I put signs saying REACH WITH THE RIGHT as I’d noticed that if you open the cupboard with your right hand you reach with the left.
I think I’d have struggled more if I’d been left handed but have been OK most of the time and now have only 10 days of restrictions left.
It has been hard to explain to friends who had expectations that a Pacemaker was going to help my arrhythmia but most people now understand that it’s a back up for if I need more drugs to slow my heart rate. I repeat to myself that it’s a back up.
I hope this may help others at some point.
All best wishes to this helpful community