Just thought I’d update you all on how things have been since Friday.
Area below shoulder quite stiff and sore but nothing paracetemol couldn’t handle. Slept surprisingly well considering had been lying around all day. Difficult to remember not to use shoulder, requires a whole new way of dressing and undressing. Bra has to be fastened from the front, which is something I thought only old people had to do. (I;’m not there yet at 79)
Steered very clear of induction hob so let partner do the cooking - a certain route to domestic conflict. Need to use air fryer and microwave more.
One thing is going to be difficult: hair washing. We don’t have a bath, only showers and not allowed even one of those for a week because cannot get dressing wet. So can shower lower body with hand held attachment and do strip/wet wipe wash for top half. But how to do hair without a)lifting left arm and b) getting dressing wet? the answer is probably going to be the good old fashioned kitchen sink drama of tap and jug and partner who is not used to this type of thing and me trying not to shout at him.
Or drop £20 on a blow dry at the hairdressers.
Getting out of a low chair presents a comical spectacle as cannot use left hand to push myself up. Amazing, isn’t it, how useful your left arm and shoulder actually are. But it’s only for a week, and if I dislodge the wires, would have to go through the whole procedure all over again.
Meanwhile my heart is doing its usual leaping about and the pacemaker is communicating with someone through a modem-type piece of equipment that sits by the side of the bed. It has a rather bright green light which is irritating but will have to get used to it. My question will be - do I have to take it with me on holiday?
Will keep you posted.