Hello again,
starting to take apixaban has meant that I can no longer take my painkillers so my chronic back and neck pain is back with a vengeance. I also have arthritis in my knee which was being kept in check from the pain killers and exercise which I am no longer able to do so now I have a trio of chronic pain! Are ther any long term painkillers that I can take with AF please? Would it make a difference if I could take the painkiller in a different way ie suppository. I ask because I was found to be slightly anaemic and have undergone a gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy and yesterday a CT Colonography and although at present there is no sign of bleeding I do have a small stomach ulcer and a benign polyp - which they say they are going to remove but after the effect on my body from the colon preparation. As it is benign I think I am going to pass on that one. I have had to stop taking iron tablets for the endoscopies and colonography a week before - one was cancelled so I have been off the iron tablets for 3 weeks and in the middle of that a blood test found that I was no longer anaemic. So, all in all i have only taken a months's worth of iron tablets so don't think the anaemia was that bad to be honest. For the last month since the evening after the endoscopy and sigmoidoscopy I have not been able to eat a meal without having a bowel movement and explosive wind and flatus all the time and as a consequence lost 2 stone in weight. Getting an appointment to see my GP is a huge challenge. I have had more emergency appointments than ever and really I am not an emergency but to make a routine appoitment a month from today I have to ring the surgery at 2.30 sharp on a Friday only - if you leave it until 2.40 all the routine appointments are gone and you have to wait until the following Friday to go through the same thing again. To make the phone call you are in a queue at least 8 people long and if the wait is over a certain time you get cut off and go back to the beginning so again quite often by the time you get there the appointments are taken. to take an emergency appointment you get to see practically every GP and locum - of which there are many in the practice and quite often they have not read your history and give you advice and information that contradicts everything you have been told before. I have two lots of tablets which I collected from the pharmacy and when I read the patient information leaflet I found it was either contraindicated with other medicines or conditions I have or was absolutely the wrong thing - for example I was prescribed a laxative when I was complaining about having diarrhea. I keep thinking they are trying to kill me. I know I can change GPs but I will be doing that within the next month anyway as I am moving house but I really would like help here and now. There are no walk in centres here and A&E so far have not helped as everyone I have seen there when going in about 5 times since April with AF episodes have also given contradictory advice! I really am at my wits end with this. Obviously because of the effect apixaban has on stomach ulcers I am also off apixaban now - although the endoscopy unit said I didn't need to come off them and the anticoagulant nurses said it was up to me my GP has decided to take me off them. Really I just feel like taking absolutely nothing and crashing my car into a wall to put an end to this bloomin merry go round at times.