I have had incontinence since my RP. My doctor recommends Botox treatment. Any one have experience with this.
incontinence : I have had incontinence... - Advanced Prostate...

I know a man who gets Botox every 4 months for bladder spasms. But he never had incontinence- just frequency and urgency. In his case he tried all the antispasmotic drugs (the latest is Gemtesa) and none of them worked. He gets a lot of relief from Botox.
thanks for quick response. I have tried Gemtesa and other treatments with no success. I am a little leary of Botox as 7 % of patients end up with worse urinary problems like blockage requiring self cath . My penile clamp is best friend Ed
Have you tried a condom cath and collection bag strapped to your upped calf ? No meds at all, pee all you want, anywhere you want. Just a thought !
Some of us don’t have enough peenee left to use a condom cath ( me for one ) but if you do, this can be a happy solution that is noninvasive.
I was going to suggest balancing a GIANT sponge between his legs, but I'm sure he would think I'm kidding.
I prefer yellow cause it blends in.....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I had a condom catheter for about six weeks while undergoing multiple surgeries and sedation. It takes a while to ‘relearn’ how to control peeing. They warned me that might be the case and it was. FYI.
A condom cath would be extremely useful for me , and when they worked, they were a blessing. Sadly , I have too much shrivel, most of the time, to keep one stuck on. Rotflol. It’s pretty distressing when you are in the middle of a local supermarket isle ….. thinking your condom cath is handling everything and that warm feeling starts running down your leg + big wet spot on your clothes. Rotflol. “ awkward “ . 😁😁😁 yuck ….
Just say’in
Brother Kal have you forgotten about my clamp for us guys ADT'd to shrivility. 😜😜😜
I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this issue. My husband had a terrible time with it as well, which was very challenging since he still runs his company. Last February he got an artificial urinary sphincter, and is SO happy he did! It was an outpatient procedure where they implanted the sphincter. After 6 weeks they activated it and he hasn’t leaked once since. Game changer. While he initially tried to avoid the procedure, he gave in because the incontinence was really interfering with his life. He said he now feels “normal”.
He had it done with a very experienced surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!
i live with incontinence - very unhappily - with hand-shower and change of diaper 4 or 5 times a day. Was offered insured AUS surgery in Europe, but surgeon did only 10 or so per year, so I declined and am still pondering. I would be very skeptical of Botox because its ostensible purpose would be to put restrictive pressure on the urethra. How long would that successfully last and, more importantly, isn’t there a risk of eventual obstruction. Wouldn't that be much worse?
I would like to find a solution, too.
Just curious....Have you tried Kegel pelvic exersizes ?
Unfortunate what your doctor said about the AUS. I like mine very much. I’m not telling you to get one, but I do hope he gave you more of an explanation than that.
Clamps and catheters…some are happy with them, I know. Personally I don’t understand it and don’t want to.
What is the level of your incontinence? It would be helpful.
ProAct Device (adjustable continence therapy) is another option. It’s not perfect but has helped me. Not perfect but much improved. They did that instead of Botox for me. Had prostate removed, then 38 radiation treatments - degraded over time. Device kind of replaces prostate with two bags than can be inflated and deflated.
Botox helped me for a year in controlling spasms but then it became less effective. Eventually had to self cath a few times and started to suffer from urinary retention. That was the least of my issues because I started to get clots in bladder that sent me to the ER multiple times for blockages. Relief came in the form of a supra pubic catheter plus a leg bag or overnight bag. NO more urgency, I don't have leakage - and I have my urologist change the SP Catheter every 4-6 weeks. No pads, and I can go swimming in a pool , with a bit longer bathing suit the bag is hidden. And Medicare pays the cost for the supplies. It is a quick same day procedure in the hospital to have the urologist put it in. And, if you change your mind later on, the hole will close up in a matter of minutes after the cath is removed. While it sounds odd to say, it is a real pleasure vs what I was dealing with. I did my second set of HBOT treatments with the SP catheter and any large clots would pass though - no more ER visits.