Still exploring sleep options for sleep deprived tired hubby. Am exploring CBN/CBD oil Head and Heal and also exploring as back up if these don't work Camino THC/ CBD gummies. Any other suggestions appreciated. Also unsure of drug interaction as he is on Orgovyx, Zytega, Cylais, Flomax, prednisone. Any input appreciated.
Sleep Supplements: Still exploring... - Advanced Prostate...
Sleep Supplements

This is what I use, I do a 1/4 at first, then another 1/4 if needed
QoL on
Looks good but they have shipping limitations, it seems.
Try here:
California is a shippible state. I order gummies $1000 worth at a time for the hammer, I get mine from Moonwlkr. You can google them , take great care it’s really Moonwlkr and not a wannabe site trying to siphon off their business. Currently we are buying delta-8 gummies … 25mg, ….delta 8-delta9, thcp… 25mg 10mg 1mg respectively. Then hhc 25mg . “ all “ these are hemp derived ( why they are legal ) and VERY effective. They have little sampler packs you can buy to test out several. Just google them or pm me.
Good tip Randy(imho)and on the dosing too. Start out small doses.
Melatonin, 2,4,or 10mg before bed works for me.
I use melatonin nightly, and have Xanax which makes sleep easier as well.
This is a topic that you can discuss with your palliative care doctor or your oncologist as well. There are many prescription sleep aids that your palliative team will be familiar with and prescribe frequently. For guys like us , our palliative care team is extremely helpful.
Its true. Odd or interesting how often I remind myself I'm palliative ever since those first days of the diagnosis 5 years ago. I'll admit sometimes I wonder if the scales in my mind are biased with my palliative dx and tip towards justification sometimes for my stage 4 lifestyle, helpful meds, cannabis and livin life like a teenager a lot of the time lol. But we deserve the help we can get and as you said the care team in palliative mind set can do us a lot of good.
Yea …… I hear that buddy. My palliative care Doctor is kinda “ in my face a lot “ seems like sometimes lately. She’s always try’in to make my life more comfy and ease my horribly screwed life more ….. what’s up with “ all that “ Rotflol. The hammer read your post here and asked if I wrote that, said it sounds just like me . lol Both my oncologist and my palliative specialist are young enough to be my great granddaughters. It feels awkward having your great granddaughters running your life. lol. Buddy , if you “ can “ live like a teenager … you get out there and dive deep into “ all that “ , you ( we’ve ) gotten this miraculous bit of extra bonus time ….. considering our circumstances, we’ve got that “ ticket to ride “ so to speak.
Of course tharze no escaping the “ small stuff lol “ but like Randy, making the most of it, as best as we can …. Is our calling at this juncture of what remains for us.
Love you buddy
Ya right.
Livin like a teenager. Music, music, and more music. The bedroom office cave with MUSIC too of course lol. Little easy to do cosmetic stuff on the car. Lots of dreamin lol. Sit on a stool on a nice evening and rinse off the driveway with a garden hose. All kinds of teenage stuff beyond mentioned.
Yea I think the same with medical staff. I like it though. My mind and body not up to snuff and the young people are sharp as a stick. Quick thinkers that I cant keep up with sometimes. Its a good thing lol. Their on top of stuff arent they.
Yep you know livin while the livins good. My good days since last summer are pretty darn good.
One day my wife asked me to sweep the garage. Haugh? I must be lookin good too lol. Sweep the garage. I dont think so. I know so ha lol..
So being the hack life I bought a new super broom.
good broom lol
Love ya back brother
It definitely sounds like you are doing good buddy. Being up and doing things like yard work says a lot. I’m envious lol. Not yard work maybe Rotflol. Good for you brother, I hope you can hang in there like that ( good condition ) for many more years.
Take a look at the new development of “ blowers “ as seen in the tictok store. Search blowers or watch all the videos. One blower is hand held, tho kinda large and is powered by click in batteries like a drill or saw. They have dramatically more power than most bigger gas blowers. It’s amazing to see them in action. I’ve had my” yard guy “ for over 30 years …. He does the blower work outside, his muffler rusted out 15 years ago . lol
Love you buddy
Sublingual melatonin 3mg , The key for me was the sublingual part, I thought they were chewable's and they really didn't help but I happen to read the directions once and since then they really seem to help. I let one melt under my tongue about 30 minutes before pillow time
I take 1 gummie , 3 pills of Magnesium Glycinate made by Organics ocean and a tablespoon of Manuka Honey . I sleep well .
I used Wyld’s elderberry gummies to get and stay asleep. Most e ery cannabis shop carries them.
I take melatonin 10 mg/night. That usually works. Occasionally I’ve added cannabis sleep gummies - THC, CBD, CBN, and passionflower extract. They worked well too. They make me very relaxed.
I usually don’t have trouble falling asleep. My problem starts when I have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate. I have trouble falling back to sleep.
Physical exercise can do wonders as you'll be tired from it at the end of the day. But as others say, melatonin is the solution with least (basically no) side effects (as little as 0.75 mg [750 mcg] can be effective but you can experiment and change the dose however and whenever up to hundreds of mgs but those levels people take for purportedly anti-cancer effects, 1-5mg is typical for sleep improvement.) Getting an extended release version is optimal.
Aside from the other suggestions, Ambien (zolpidem) has a very short half life of 2 hours so you don't wake up groggy and it doesn't build up in your system creating withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking a single dose at night. It's best for getting to sleep as due to the short half life, some people that don't sleep soundly may still wake up in the middle of the night. They make an extended release version for those people or you can opt for Lunesta which is a very similar drug that is longer acting. Don't drink any alcohol before taking those, especially Ambien. Lots of reports people doing weird stuff sleep walking on Ambien, most commonly if they had a drink or two prior but can sometimes happen without. That's why they say go straight to be after you take it.
Aside from the exercise, I would start with a 3mg extended release Melatonin, maybe try a 5mg if that doesn't work and then consider the prescription drugs if Melatonin doesn't do the trick.
Have you tried sustained release melatonin tablets?
I find they work pretty well.
Sleep aids! I’ve tried everything there is, including the old school barbiturates they don’t make anymore for a reason. But that was 50 years ago and it wasn’t for sleeping😀
Since diagnosis and treatment I’ve had intermittent success with CBD/CBN, Lunesta, repurposed low dose antidepressants and over the counter sleep meds. However in the end no drugs or supplements, plenty of exercise and no late meals works better than anything for me.
Now obviously there are those among us who have ailments and conditions that prohibit movement but they are few compared to those who simply (and somewhat understandably) have given to the fatigue from the aches, injuries, aging and especially the ADT drugs in particular.
The problem is at our age if we hit the chair all the time, then sleep, we lose muscle strength, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance at a highly accelerating rate.
Of course I advocate for strenuous regular exercise, the regulars on here know that. However, much more importantly, ANY at all is supremely better than none. Even walking can work wonders compared to being consistently sedentary-the single worst thing you can do to your health.
Of the aids, the ever popular gummies and other THC/CBD/CBN products are no doubt the safest options, and so readily available nowadays.
Diazepam, opiates etc work beautifully but the tolerance, constipation and habit forming they can induce with regular use is treacherous, and the risk isn’t worth it IMO. But that’s just me.
Having a good palliative care doc is also very helpful as has been said. Great luck to you both!
200 mg gabapentin, prescribed by my primary. works wonders. Used cannabis for years but gaba is better.
I also have nerve issues and have to sleep in a reclined position. To sleep I use thc/cbd gummies works well for me. Start with 1 gummy and it takes about 90 minutes to kick in.
My problem is staying asleep and not falling asleep. Switched to extended release melatonin 10mg. It made a huge difference over the regular melatonin. Side effect of either dosage is sometimes dreams are enhanced. Like going to the movies, tough to explain
Melotonin I start with low dose 2mg. also helps with the cancer. do research it . I take it hour before bed time. Works for me also take magnesium and Apigenin . another one is L- Theanine for relaxing. My doing theResearch suggested anti cancer and well being effects on all. my research showed- CBD in that complete form may not be good for cancer. Go to Ultra Botanica ck out there Ultra Hemp. read watch there videos on the subject - I made the switch do to these concerns.
Fortunately, my husband has no trouble sleeping, but I always have. This is what I use and it has been a life saver. I'm small and I use one gummy.
I find that the fast acting melatonin liquid drops put me right out. When i need to get up to pee which we all do I know all i have to do is take a dropper of this
Also it helps to know the mechanism of action of melatonin
from ChatGPT “How is melatonin produced in the body “
Melatonin is a hormone primarily produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It plays a key role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). Here’s how melatonin is produced in the body:
Melatonin Production Process
1. Tryptophan Uptake:
• The process begins with tryptophan, an essential amino acid obtained from dietary protein.
• Tryptophan is transported to the brain and converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter.
2. Serotonin Conversion:
• In the pineal gland, serotonin is transformed into melatonin through the following enzymatic steps:
1. N-Acetyltransferase (NAT) converts serotonin into N-acetylserotonin.
2. Hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) (also called ASMT) converts N-acetylserotonin into melatonin.
3. Light Sensitivity:
• Melatonin production is regulated by the amount of light perceived by the eyes:
• During darkness: The pineal gland is activated to produce melatonin, which signals the body to prepare for sleep.
• In light: Melatonin production is inhibited by signals from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the brain’s circadian clock located in the hypothalamus.
4. Circadian Rhythm Regulation:
• The SCN receives input about light levels via the retinohypothalamic tract from the eyes.
• This input determines whether the pineal gland should produce melatonin or suppress its production.
Factors Influencing Melatonin Production
1. Light Exposure:
• Blue light (e.g., from screens) can suppress melatonin production, disrupting sleep cycles.
2. Age:
• Melatonin levels decline with age, which may explain sleep difficulties in older adults.
3. Lifestyle and Diet:
• A diet rich in tryptophan (e.g., turkey, eggs, nuts) supports melatonin synthesis.
4. Health Conditions:
• Stress, certain medications, or disorders affecting the hypothalamus or pineal gland can impair melatonin production.
Role of Melatonin in the Body
• Sleep Regulation:
• Helps initiate and maintain sleep by reducing alertness and lowering body temperature.
• Antioxidant Properties:
• Protects cells from oxidative damage.
• Immune Support:
• Plays a role in immune function and inflammation regulation.
Let me know if you’d like additional information on melatonin’s functions or its clinical applications!
I’ve been taking 10mg THC pills for the last 3 years nightly and they give me a great nights sleep. Prior to that I was getting up at 3am every night. Obviously you need to live in a state that sells them or have someone buy for you…only get indica otherwise you will get high and stay awake. In Denver 10 pills are about $5….good luck
I use PS128 probiotic for sleep. If you're going to use THC, make sure you use indica.
What's causing his sleep problems? Is it hot flashes?
I agree with Janebob above, what’s the root causes of his sleep problems? Pain? Mental health? Hot flashes?
I take 120 normally for the cancer effect (and super weird dreams at that dose) but less also works. Here are some items that I have in my summary of items on Melatonin.
Melatonin - Use of Melatonin for Cancer
Melatonin For prevention and treatment of cancer
Melatonin Immunomodulatory actions in radiotherapy
The melatonin immunomodulatory actions in radiotherapy (
Melatonin and Cancer
Increasing Melatonin Levels To Heal From Cancer (
The inhibitory effect of melatonin on human prostate cancer ( March 2021
Role and Therapeutic Potential of Melatonin in Various Type of Cancers ( March 2021
Use of Melatonin in Cancer Treatment: Where Are We? - PMC ( Apr 2022
I recently tried CBN gummies and that seemed to help. But even with plenty of exercise, I regularly wake up between 2:30 and 3:30. A bowl of cheerios seems to help me get back to sleep.
We just got a full length infrared heat mat. Very relaxing. Also take 10mg time-release melatonin.
i have found cannabis indica helpful
I am on Zytiga and lupron and have insomnia, and have virtually tried everything. Gummies, tinctures, herbal sleep pills, tea, etc. The only thing that works for me is a good indica bud. Yea I know we shouldn’t smoke but I only have a couple tokes a night, and have to weigh good sleep vs bad to no sleep, sugar in gummies etc. I also use a CBD tincture a few times a day to help in the battle.
You can buy very affordable top drawer mixed shake and left overs at marijuana stores or Craigslist and grind it / sieve it and decarb it in your oven ( activate it to make it an edible ) and then mix one gram of the powder into a spoon tip of peanut butter, Nutella, jelly etc. ….and you have an affordable way to get the benefits. If you have home grown , boil whole plants …stems, roots, dead flowers etc. and make dark lime green canna butter. It’s easily possible to go from mild to extremely wild with canna butter. A little on toast will do ya for sleeping.
boil whole plants …stems, roots, dead flowers etc. and make dark lime green canna butter.
Boil. Who knew. I guess you did lol. I didnt lol.
Love it.
yayayayaya …..growing marijuana these days is like butchering a pig. Nothing gets away except the squeal. Rotflol.
Yep, during the whole grow cycle, you keep all your trim …..water leaves, stems etc, keep it dry to avoid mold . After the harvest , you combine ALL the trim, stems, leaves, clean roots etc. …. this to make canna butter. You chop it all up roughly and put it into one of those galvanized pots with the large removable strainer interior. Then boil it , usually 6-8 or more hours until it’s nearly mush. At the same time you add butter , the fats in butter absorb the alkaloids.
In the old days the weaker plant parts had little to no alkaloids in them. Modern hybrid marijuana plants are so powerful, even their plant parts contain desirable powerful alkaloids. Every person in the state of California can grow 6 or 8 ( I forget which ) plants in their back yards legally.
Ain't it the truth.
Nowdays stems are even sticky like the buds. They got some useable stuff man lol.
I kinda liked the ritual back in the day where by you have a artistic or interesting cleaning tray. Angle it. Let the seeds roll to the bottom etc. "No stems no seeds that you dont need. Acapulco gold is..... bad ass weed". lol.
We make some edibles. Everything from below mid shelf quality goes into them except cases like recently where there were problems with the upcoming harvest timing and started digging into the "larf" leaves for smokeables ha, ha.
And drum roll. The recent harvest is curing. Have a new tray to collect pollen/kief. Would make good edibles but ha. I'll probably sprinkle it on the top of flower in the my smokable bowl.
I'll let ya know. I might be the first man to go to the moon without a rocket.
Back in the day hash was always making its way around. This will probably be similar.
I've seen some easy ways to make hash on the internet (dont need top quality weed either it seems) that look easy. Might give that a try too.
That Kief looks yummy and I’ll bet the fragrance is heavenly. Yummm. Yummm.
You can buy the standard Kief ( pollen ) press and make hash rounds if you want . It’s a couple interlocking die pieces ….. you fill it with Kief, put it into your vice or channel locks … use a wrench to tighten the screw until it won’t tighten anymore. Unlock the two piece press and pop out the 1” diameter round of hash. Type “ pollen press “ into eBay to see the many different kinds. Type pollen press into YouTube to see them in action.
I used to have a reference library of those little film canisters filled with kief from different grows. Had about 27 different kinds, each a heavenly tour to sniff . They kinda disappeared over time, think the hammer made them magically disappear lol.
Gummies put me to sleep but I still wake up after four hours of sleep. Going to try probiotics soon and see if it helps.
Melatonin: 3 mg regular, 5 mg time release, + theanine 3 mg.
For occasional break-through insomnia -- 1 mg lorazepam (ativan). Wouldn't want to use this on a regular basis.
ADT for 12 years and Ambien for 10. Tried and true
No weird sleep walking episodes?
Just that one time when I woke up in the backyard wearing nothing but a poncho and a cowboy hat and an empty margarita glass beside me lol.
Seriously not ever one of those episodes in 10 yrs. But admittedly I am a rare guy. I was Gleason 9 in 2011 with multiple mets. Ive been told you will live this long and that so many times and here I am PSA undetectable. How lucky and blessed am I.
I messed around with all the typical sleep therapys they thru at me and eventually ended up on Ambien. And, I have a drink every night, along with chocolate, and a bup patch.
How long can it go on..
Marry/sleep with a boring woman...........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
I am a stage four metastatic prostate cancer. Patient currently in remission. I’ve had a lot of problems with sleep, which to have been solved by taking one WANA “Fast Asleep” gummy each night about an hour before I go to sleep. I have also experimented with CAMINO Gummies for sleep as well as those from the brand SLUMBER and I have found that the WANA gummy’s are the best. Good luck to you and your husband.
Tried Melatonin, 2,4,or 6 mg before bed. Did not work for me. Dr then prescribed Zopiclone 7.5mg an hour before bedtime. Works a treat.
ZZZquil pills work very well for me.
combined with a joint…get up to pee and go back to bed and sleep some more