was wondering if the ADT or Orgovyx or the radiation is causing trips to the bathroom all night. My poor husband has not had a good night sleep since the radiation. Any tips on how to deal with it.
Good night sleep: was wondering if the... - Advanced Prostate...
Good night sleep

Yes, vape high THC cannabis Sativa. If I don’t I’m up 5x to pee per night. When I vape it’s one or two.
I take saw Palmetto 540mg most days & for me it stops me from getting up twice a night. It might not work for everybody however. Then melatonin 2mg & herbal tea before bed insures sound sleep.
Goggle search daily cialis 5mg; besides being an ED med it relaxes sphincter/bladder muscle so you can urinate better, completely, less trips to bathroom; has other health benefits; not to be taken together with flomax or other nitrate meds, but if you were already taking flomax you wouldn't be going so often; the daily cialis is a better option than flomax, but that would have to be your decision...
Another suggestion is research what is eaten in the evening before bed, some foods are suspect to irritate the bladder; example: I love peanut butter and sometimes I'll have 3-4 Ritz crackers with peanut butter and grape jelly, when I do that I'll have to get up at least 2, if not 3 times (stop water/food at 1900hrs, bed at 2300 hrs), if no peanut butter, then once maybe...I looked up peanut butter and found it has a propensity to irritate the bladder; this is just an example what happens to me; 'your millage may very'...
make a pee bottle from a 1 gallon milk jug by cutting a 3” hole at the top and leave the handle on.
This works great and allows us to get back to sleep quickly!!! And safely!!
I assume he has just had urinary frequency and has not had diarrhoea as well.
I would suggest discuss with urologist - this may be secondary to radiation or it may be a sphincter control problem . You need a clear explanation and maybe investigation (eg checking for residual urine) of the cause to know the best course of action. It could be as simple as changing the pattern of fluid intake or doing some bladder floor exercises OR it may be medication might help.
While I was on Orgovyx- 6 months - I had terrible insomnia. I could fall asleep OK, but would wake a few hours later and could not fall back to sleep.
I wake 3 or 4 times a night to pee. All I can say is that you really do get used to it after a few years. Using a bedside pee bottle helps a lot. You get used to catching 3 or 4 hours sleep a night.
my husband’s nocturia improved from that right after radiation of the prostate. But he does take meds for it and learned to elevate his legs in the afternoon to avoid fluid retention
It was definitely radiation that caused multiple bathroom trips per night for my partner, even with the addition of Flomax in the second week of radiation.
He finished radiation about 6 weeks ago and is 6 months in to a planned 24-month course of Orgovyx. Now he gets up once on some nights and not at all on other nights.
Best of luck. I hope the situation improves after he rings the radiation bell.
For me, the first month or two after radiation was not good - both frequency and nighttime incontinence. It has dramatically improved with time AND reduction of fluid intake after dinner. Just drink less.
Good luck
I had bladder spasms after salvage radiation. I took Tamsulosin for the spasms for a few years but it eventually caused bradycardia. I switched to Myrbetriq and so far doing well. Only get up to pee once each night.
Was on orgovix & erleada (no radiation) 23 months and nocturia that involved having to urinate 3+ times in sleep cycle started about 2 weeks into ADT. After trying several different meds with no effect I just managed it best I could by diet, exercise & fluid intake prior to sleep and could usually reduce to 1 event per night. Now 45 days into ADT vacation and nocturia completely resolved and the quality of sleep is vastly improved. I found that making small changes in diet, meal/drink timing & exercise then documenting/tracking results to see if I could consistently replicate seemed to help and if nothing else, feel I was less passive victim of ADT side effects.
I bought a urinal online. Keep it close by. It's shaped so you can use it lying down without sitting up. Didn't take long to train myself to use it without totally waking up. Really improved my qol. Also no liquids after 7 pm and time release melatonin. Orgovyx really messes with your internal clock.
.25 to .50 of Xanax works for me, don't do it all the time, not good for you long term I think. Also use Melatonin on occasion, other times I just get up a lot, been going on so long I'm used to it.
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for posting this as I’m recently in same predicament having just completed radiation (7) weeks- along with 2.5 months Orgovyx and prior to both full bladder control and zero to once a night pee. Now up to 3-4-5 times. Hoping it all goes away after completing Orgovyx as I feel like sleep is broken up into 1-2 hour sessions.
Hopefully you get answers that remedy the situation sooner rather than after treatment. Let us know results please as you incorporate strategies.
Look into sleep apnea too. Once I got on a cpap I went from 5-6 times per night duwn to 2. Was life changing for me at the time.
Also I do take daily cialis and flomax. They weren't enough for me cause I was not sleeping well due to apnea.
Moot point if you have no apnea but wanted to mention
From my post of 2 days ago:
Mayo Clinic
Myrbetriq Granules
Description: Mirabegron (Oral Route) is used alone or together with other medicines (eg, solifenacin succinate) to treat the symptoms of an overactive bladder (OAB), such as incontinence (loss of bladder control), a strong need to urinate right away, or a frequent need to urinate. It is also used to treat neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO). Mirabegron works on the muscles of the bladder to increase the amount of urine your bladder can hold and prevent them from causing incontinence.
This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.
This product is available in the following dosage forms:
Powder for Suspension, Extended Release
Tablet, Extended Release
Good Luck Good Health and Good Humor.
magnesium glycinate before bed.
I have "good" and "bad" nights for trips to the bathroom. When I take part of a cannabis gummy a couple of hours before going to bed and I typically do not have to get up during the night.
Good luck.
It just takes time. How many times was he getting up before the therapy? I have gone from 5 to 2 trips. I sometimes get 1 and occasionally 0. Really need to watch diet and fluid.
Orgovyx had no impact to nighttime trips to the bathroom. But radiation to my prostate significantly restricted my urethra, meaning it was much harder and took much longer to drain the bladder. After the second day of radiation, my RO prescribed two doses of Tamsulosin each evening. Since completing RT just over 3 months ago, I’ve worked myself down to 1 capsule every third day. Bottom line, I feel like I’m getting back to my pre RT condition. I get up 1 to 3 times each night like I have most of my life, depending on how much water I’ve drunk before bedtime.
I self-cath just before bed every night. Has reduced my orgoyvx/radiation exacerbated nightly bathroom visits by at least 50% if not more. By 50%, I mean I have zero bathroom visits 50% or more nights. The other nights one maybe 2 visits which was my normal prior to Orgovyx/radiation. All my docs say no downside to this nightly self-cathing, but I emphasize vigorously washing hands immediately before to prevent UTIs among other possible infections.