Hopefully an encouraging share!
Self-directed T and uPSA results in today. This past April my T was down to 350, today 422; no supplements. This past March my uPSA reached a high of 0.037. Today 0.029; no ADT. Overall, my uPSA has been holding very low stable 0.03X range since June 2021, with increasing number of dips back into 0.02X range.
Back in May I upped my fitness game with serious weight lifting, focusing on regaining, building strength. Yesterday I achieved this old (67YO man's PB on legs and today PB on bench, with noticeable new bulk.
Quite interesting is that I have fourth of four doublet immunotherapy treatments for metastatic melanoma next week; no mentionable side effects so far. Mid-treatment imaging indicates 50% reduction in singular liver met.
I am post RP and salvage RT done in 2016, then salvage extended pelvic lymph node surgery in 2018. I did one year on Bicalutamide, 150mg daily, that ended April 2019. To date, no ADT nor chemo.
Grateful beyond words! All the best to all of us!