Hello everyone,Does anyone have experience with ending Xofigo infusions early and possible consequences?
I have completed three infusions with fourth scheduled next week blood test (today) permitting.
Since beginning Xofigo I am experiencing increased pain, at times significant. Zero pain prior to Xofigo.
Quality of life has decreased, in part because family and friends are afraid (radiation) to be in my presence for weeks following infusions.
I am currently being treated with Erleada and Trelstar with diminishing effect, PSA having risen from 0.30 to 4.37 March to July this year. PSA has begun to decline somewhat over last 6 weeks, first to 3.97, then 3.20. Will see what it is later today following the blood test.
I have asked about treatment options following Xofigo previously here and thank you for your replies.
I was diagnosed PCa stage 4 eighteen months ago with according to bone scan reports "innumerable" mets.
Will greatly appreciate any thoughts you might share concerning stopping Xofigo at this time.
Thank you.