Had prostatectomy 6 years ago. Radiation treatment twice. Been on lupron 3 + years. PSA #s low but rising rapidly. Were 0.01, 9 months ago, 0.77 a month ago, 2.1 couple days ago. Starting Abirateron with prednisone when I wake tonight so I can have coffie with toast in the morning. Been dealing with hypertention, 178/103, Started lisinopril 2 weeks ago. Now #s just under 140/90. Hoping for the best.
Starting Abiraterone with CRPC - Advanced Prostate...
Starting Abiraterone with CRPC

Forgot to mention I'm 70.
The prednisone dose for abiraterone in men with mCRPC is 10 mg. I hope that will control any hypertension that abiraterone can cause.
Tall_Allen- I have only been taking 5mg of Prednisone while on Abiraterone for a long time. From your post, it seems as though I should be taking 10mg ? Is that right? I know you are good at providing scientific studies supporting your views. Do you have a site for the amount of prednisone?
It was tested and approved at 5 mg for mHSPC and 10 mg for mCRPC. That is the standard-of-care because those were the doses tested.
I followed up with my MO about the question of 5mg v. 10mg of daily Prednisone and I believe she said the latest studies show that 5mg is fine (at least for some of us). I have been taking 5mg for many years and all my labs are fine.
Did she provide a link to the studies using 5 mg in men who are mCRPC? I haven't seen them, and would like to.
Sorry- She did not. However- I googled the question after speaking with her and saw at least 2 articles that indicated 5 mg was appropriate depending upon whether the cancer was resistant and also, I think, whether it was high risk.
Abiraterone plus Prednisone in Metastatic, Castration-Sensitive Prostate Cancer - PubMed and also in LATITUDE
Hit the gym if you aren't already
had radical laparoscopic prostatectomy in June 2022. I am fortunate my PSA values since, have been non detectable so I've had no further treatment.However, I do have ED and stress incontinence. Can't tell you much more. Best of luck. BTW I am 77 years old.
I was G9...chose radiation alone....hitting all lymph nodes in the pelvis. I find most RO's are wedded to lupron from years of.....everyone...prostatectomy to radiation gets lupron...as a "guard" against ANY possible micro metastices. Until PSMA Scans came along.....99% of men were treated more or less same when it came to systemic therapy. Many assumptions were made and studies affirming its absolute need. It was insurance for the patient and the Dr. Odds are osd...and each person responds differently. Research....research....research. Nothing better than a COMPLETELY informed inquisitive patient. ASK!! Always.
Your journey is almost identical to mine. Prostatectomy in 2016, two complete rounds of radiation and intermittent treatment with Lupron. My cancer has metastasized to lymph nodes. In January this year my PSA started rising again (while on Lupron). We immediately started me on Abiraterone and Prednisone. My blood test in 2 weeks will show whether my liver can handle the treatment and whether my PSA keeps rising. I am hopeful that this new treatment will be an efficient defense that will buy me a bit more time. So far my BP has stayed in the low/acceptable range (130/70) and the only noticeable side effect is stronger hot flashes (including night sweats - a first for me).
At 64 I am still hopeful that new treatments will be developed and that we both will be OK. Good luck.