I answered one post on this, but want to put this out to others --- anyone familiar with Boswellia powder or extract, and what amount to use and where to get it, preferably most economical but not compromising quality? Husband 's PC is currently resistant to docetaxel and enzalutamide. Bone mets increasing. Looking at options, in addition to his "standard" treatments. Scan taken two days ago, getting several consults. Thanks!!!!
Boswellia? Other things for CRPC? - Advanced Prostate...
Boswellia? Other things for CRPC?

I take Boswella daily along with a number of others .. 500mg daily , I also take the other usual PCa supplements like BroccoMax, curcunim , saffron ( raw and processed ) , stuff like that. Under the circumstances might consider adding the Pectasol-C modified citrus pectin. You take 6 of those , three times a day. Maybe Nal will see this and explain the benefits from an Israeli clinical test.
Naturally always check First with your medical care team before Taking or changing any supplements .
Peace ✌️
See you really are an ace.......yep second of two black ones together with two black eights... fifth card not wild...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 04/24/2020 9:36 PM DST
Uh....... huh ...... uh ...... beachwood 4-5789 ....♠️
Gonna flush you out......You got that straight?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/25/2020 3:23 PM DST
🚽 yayahahahaya
Must be a royal flush..........
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/25/2020 4:54 PM DST
More like an out of breath red face from adt ..🥵🥵
OOOhhhh so that's why my face turns red....and all the while I thought it was when I was thinking about sex...... Thanks..🥵🥵
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 04/25/2020 5:13 PM DST
See pjoshea13 posts on Boswellic acid.
Resistance could possibly be due to having a genetic mutation. Suggest you ask the doctor about getting tested.
Thanks! This is already in the plans, thanks. A problem happened -- at our hospital they tried to get a biopsy sample to send for genetic testing, and Barry's bone was so hard they couldn't get it...... this is one reason we're looking to have it done elsewhere. Hoping to find this out too...
There are 2 types of tests. One needs tissue, usually through Foundation Medicine, and is very comprehensive. The other is a saliva test, which can be obtained from color.com. I initially had the saliva test as there was also insufficient biopsy tissue. Then after my prostate removal I also had the tissue test. Both concluded I had BRCA2+ mutation, and as a result of precision medicine I was put on Olaparib PARP. Very effective for me.
Thanks. MO is still committed to getting the Foundation One test done, needs to be done at another facility though. Everyone thought the biopsy process would be routine, but Barry's bone hardness made it, well, harder. They may have to take sample from other part of his skeletal system --- plenty of bone mets to choose from. As I may have mentioned, he's being treated relatively locally with consults from Sloan Kettering and elsewhere.
I'm also interested in seeing if he has the BFCA mutation or neuro-endocrine issues, to see if a PARP inhibitor might work. Glad to see the Olaparib PARP worked for you. Really glad you're on this conversation with me, by the way.
Do not hope to get different results from the same old "treatments". You have to try something new to get better outcomes. Please allow me to sugest Fenbendazol _ mycancerstory.rocks and fenbendazol.org . I am 83 with 24 years experience on PC and have a large experience on several alternative treatments and still alive
and well. Just be careful with Vitamin E (it has to be Succinate). Good luck and do not give up
Could you expand on your comment regarding Vitamin E.
There are several studies on Vit.E succinate:
Any one taking Boswellia? I've been using it for about a week. There are several studies showing effective anti inflammatory and some anti-cancer effects.
"Boswellia is an herbal extract taken from the bark of the boswellia tree. It is also known as frankincense. The resin (sticky substance found in trees and plants) is used to make an extract.
Boswellia resin is used in Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine. You can take boswellia in different ways, including taking it orally (by mouth) in a capsule, pill, or tablet, or using it as an oil that you can put on your body."
I take Boswella extract to help me deal with what my MO calls “radiation colitis.” I can’t recall where I read that it might work for that. No idea if it actually works, because the condition may be mostly controlled by my minimizing dairy products and high meat fat foods. Not complaining, because my PSA remains undetectable.