Dad was diagnosed in 2016 stage 4, bones and lymphnodes. We dont have a gleason score because his diagnoses was found through a hip xray after a fall and they biopsied his hip.
He has had lupron, xgeva, bicalutamide and now he is on Xtandi. Dads last bone scan psa were July 8th. His bone scan showed stable osseous metastatic disease and his psa was 1.1 which is low for him. He is 90 and fiesty and mobile with a walker, lives with my mother who is 89, super mobile and runs errands probably 4 days a week, she likes to get out.
Last spring dad started having headaches, we thought it was from the Xtandi but they got worse. I asked his MO to add a head CT to his July 8th bone scan, his MO said "if you're worried about prostate cancer to the brain, its less than 1% its not a concern and his disease is stable. I said, "he normally doesnt have headaches and they are getting worse, somethings' not right." That day started out awesome, dad was in a great mood and his bone scan was good and his psa was great and I get a call from the MO in the waiting room after his head CT and they tell me he has a 5.2 cm dural mass and yes thats centimeter NOT mm He said, "I'm sorry to tell you this but he has a large mass, I also still dont think it is from his prostate cancer." Things moved quickly from there, dexamethasone was called in and we picked it up on our way home. I was in complete shock. He had an MRI 2 days later and a referral to a neurosurgeon, they had a tumor board meeting with 8 neuros, only 1 of 8 thought it was from his cancer. They cant do surgery, he's 90. They did whole brain radiation the next week, 10 rounds. The radiology reports go back and forth, more likely a meningioma with direct leptomeningeal enhancement but could be from prostate cancer. They told us that they wanted to shrink or stop the tumor from growing and slow down the lepto enhancement to stop the headaches. They dont want to put him through lumbar puncture because it can take 3 to get a diagnoses and that would not change treatment. So far, if it was from the cancer, he has outlived it as they said could be 4 weeks to 4 months and its been 6 months. His last MRI showed stable tumor, unchanged in size but more lepto enhancement which the report states is either disease progression OR inflammatory changes post radiation, ugh. Dad is doing well. His appetite is good, he gets around good he only has a headache maybe 2 times a month. He wants to still get his normal xtandi and lupron doses and live one day at a time, he does not want hospice.
I have no idea what this next visit will look like with his MO, he is due for a bonescan and psa draw to see if the xtandi is still keeping the bone mets at bay. I do know that if they mention hospice, dad will say no. The confusing thing is that his neurosurgeon blatently said, its not mets because they usually dont look like one large mass that only has lepto enhancement around the area, he thinks its a large atypical meningioma that is causing the lepto inflammation, in that case he said dad could live another 2.5 years is the average for those cases. The more I read about lepto it progresses fast and it seems he is getting better with time not worse.