Is a PSA increase from .13 to .20 a concern? I'm on Eligard and Zytiga & Prednisone + Xgeva.
PSA +: Is a PSA increase from .13 to... - Advanced Prostate...
Hi Tommy - I have heard that PSA doubling time how fast it doubles is more important than its level although obviously the lower the better ? - It looks like you are on a very good triplet therapy and I think I maybe not far behind you - I think I will be looking for Chemo next - I hope this helps
Is he on triplet? Didn't see chemo.
No Chemo here. Started with Eligard, Zytiga, Prednisone, and Xgeva, and have been on that treatment for a little more than 4 1/2 years. I went to Fox Chase for a second opinion, as I was contemplating the estradiol patch, and was advised to "Stay The Course, as I've responded Very Well to treatment. I was looking for an alternative because the side effects of 4 + years of ZERO testosterone are horrible

Thanks. I guess I think of Xgeva as a bone treatment rather than PCa, whereas triplet includes chemo, but maybe that's being picky.
Discuss switching to 0.5 mg/day dexamethasone.
Is Dex to replace Prednisone?
How long between those PSA measurements? What was the level before the 0.13, and time gap?
Is your ALP on the rise as well?
I do every 3 months I was .11 in March then .17 in June, .13 in September . now .20. I'm probably worried over nothing
I try to have discussions, but they play by the book and have blinders to anything outside the box. I do a ton of research and when I discuss articles written in The Lancet, or other well respected publications, they frown and say your psa is good, and THAT'S what we watch. I tried to discuss adding the estradiol patch to negate the bone loss and shitty feelings of having no "Man Juice" and they brushed it off as fools gold, even though the Lancet papers highly regarded the treatment as effective.

It's frustrating my doctors don't care what PubMed and other scientific research has found they care about their procedure only
The Canadian system at play. I live there too. Once in a while you get lucky and find an oncologist who knows what else is available as treatment, but one such person told me that he has to keep to approved Canadian standards otherwise things would not work out well him. I fired my first urologist after he told me that medicine is the same everywhere in the world. The bond of trust was immediately broken as it is not even the same in every province, much less for the whole planet.
Make sure they shake the vial before they test it.....if they taste it.. see the manager...
(What else do you expect me to post?..........I don't know shit)
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 12/06/2023 11:48 AM EST