Quercetin inhibits prostate cancer by... - Advanced Prostate...
Quercetin inhibits prostate cancer by attenuating cell survival and inhibiting anti-apoptotic pathways

I’d love TA to comment on this subject ?
You are asking someone with an irrational animosity toward supplements to comment on a supplement. Gee I wonder what kind of answer you expect. 😜
BTW, here's a post by one of our brothers whose doctor recommended taking Quercetin:
TA is not a “supplement hater” in my opinion. He simply addresses the proven science on the efficacy or potential dangers if such studies exist. Then we are all free to make our own decisions armed with any additional information if it exists. I have you used unproven methods after I study all the available information out there and know the potential risks and benefits. I believe the vast majority who participate in the site do so to gather all the available information do they too can make informed decisions. Would you prefer to make decisions on your own health without all of the available information? If so please explain why. And more importantly please don’t discourage others from providing resources that all of us can use.
That's your opinion. I am sticking to mine. It is well founded based on his prior posts. He demands clinical trials of supplements. Not economically practical. He is on record as coming very close to condemning the supplement industry outright and rarely misses a chance to lecture us on the subject.
Brutha my only opinion is that I like to hear all sides. How can you disagree with that opinion? You sound strong minded enough to be able to make your own decisions. Why would you fear hearing other sides? Attempted Censorship of opinions differing from your own is short sighted my friend and a disservice to the others on this site. I urge you to please stop that effort
Your hero TA is the one who wants to censor/condemn any positive discussion of supplements. I'm not censoring anyone or anything. I'm calling out someone who does just that.
You got it all wrong fast Eddie. TA is not my hero anymore than you are. I’m Just capable of taking different information and using it to make my own informed decision. You seem to fear information that doesn’t fit your own narrative. No need to reply. I’m Guessing we will never see eye yo eye on this subject.
Looks good. But this study has not been done “in Vivo”. There is no sample size or dose stated. Unless I missed it this work is too early to take action on. Here r conclusions. Rick
The goal for the study was to determine any existing anti-cancer properties of quercetin that merited results beneficial to a clinical setting. In conclusion, these results show the effect of quercetin on cancer cell signaling and could potentially serve as a mechanistic view of cell death. Our findings suggest quercetin induces cell death in malignant cells, without affecting normal prostate cells, and simultaneously decreases cell survival in PCa cells of different genetic makeup. Moreover, the effect of quercetin on cell viability and programmed cell death was highest in highly aggressive and AR-negative PC-3 cell followed by cells with mutated AR (DU-145) and LNCaP, which is AR-positive and less aggressive suggesting that quercetin is effective in AR responsive as well as CRPC condition. Quercetin capabilities to target PCa cell with varied AR status were accomplished by modulating ROS production and interfering with MAPK, Akt, and NF-κB signaling pathways. In addition to these, many influencing factors that exist in the tumor microenvironment such as ROS and survival molecules play an intricate role in PCa development, progression, and ability to metastasize. Thus, our work highlights the potential of quercetin as a chemo-preventive agent as well as a neo-adjuvant or adjuvant to improve efficacy of conventional therapeutics This should be followed by further investigation in an in vivo model to determine doses of quercetin required and favorable for optimal chemoprevention and therapeutic effects.
My personal opinion:
I have not found any clinical study on clinicaltrials.gov that proves quercetin has a positive effect on prostate cancer.
As with many claims made by supplement sellers, the studies cited nonetheless have never progressed beyond the test tube stage or a few tests on mice or rats.
Quercetin is present in many vegetables and fruits (e.g. onions). If all foods that are said to prevent cancer actually would do so, then I should not actually have metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer today. 😏
Clinical trials of supplements are not economically feasible. They can cost millions. Who would have the incentive and the money to do that? Supplements aren't patent protected; no one company has a monopoly like big Pharma loves. Get real. Be grateful that there are researchers willing to study supplements.
Quercetin is insoluble in water. It has better solubility in oil. Nano versions are also reportedly more bioavailable.
"...Maximum apoptosis (early and late phase) was observed in LNCaP (30.64%), followed by PC-3 (27.9%) cells and DU-145 (27.2%) after a 72-h treatment with quercetin (40μM)..."
Acute administration of 2,000mg quercetin aglycone increases circulating quercetin to a concentration of 4.76+/-2.56μM at one hour.