ADT has blown up my diabetes pros and cons of using metformin to control blood sugar…
metformin: ADT has blown up my diabetes... - Advanced Prostate...

imho ….. my experience
I’ve been diagnosed as medication induced diabetes. This caused by my adt meds , Lupron Xtandi.
I take metformin and glimepride to help control my high bg. Additionally I have to eat a very carb restricted keto diet. At my age , 77 , men are no longer given insulin for treatment. ( not by Kaiser SOC anyway ).
In my body, the amount of metformin I take has its limits. I can’t simply take more to lower my bg. In the neighborhood of about 1000mg total I reach a limit. Above that, even 250 mg more causes me to experience spontaneous explosive uncontrollable diarrhea. You can’t imagine the horror “ that “ causes. It can destroy home furniture and carpet and be unspeakable in public.
So I’ve addd on glimepride to try to help as well. Once again, I can only add a certain amount before the diarrhea starts up again. Unfortunately, both drugs aren’t enough to bring my bg down low enough , so I have to keto diet additionally. The best daily nadir I can get is 95-115 , late in the afternoon. When I wake up in the morning my bg is max at 165-175. Unmedicated my bg runs well over 450.
Exercise is necessary to contribute to lowering one’s bg as well. I’m mobility limited , also due to ADT, I don’t get enough exercise.
Good for what ails you
I take Metformin. 500mg a day. No diarrhoea or other obvious side effects. No diabetes either so far. Good luck
More details. My thyroid went way down when I started ADT so we increased my Synthroid and it's now normal. I'm diabetic too, this is no crisis.
I’ve been taking Metformin for the past 8-9 years, part of Snuffy Myers protocol. I’m not diabetic. No issues, I’m on 2000 mg daily. I’m be been able to maintain normal BMI despite being on long term ADT. Snuffy used it to combat metabolic syndrome and as a cancer treatment. All my current doctors including Dr. Sartor are fine with me taking it.
Tons of informine regarding Metformin in our history file. Just search......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 07/14/2023 12:47 PM DST
ADT? Do take Prednisone?
If you have diabetes, you should be on Metformin already. Its the first line treatment.
That being said, test your Creatinine. >60, its ok to take the max 1000mg x 2 per day.
Metforim is also used by some to battle prostate cancer
I have been on Metformin for about 3.5 years. As I read about it, I discovered things about it that were troublesome--plus it stopped working for me. In March I got my doctor to change meds. I changed to Ozempic and Jardiance, dropping Metformin. Those were $110 each (1 month for Jardiance and 6 weeks weeks for Ozempic). When I went to renew the meds, I found that Jardiance had increased to $188/month and Ozempic has increased to $284--and that's my portion after my insurance covers some of it. I'm discontinuing those two and going back to Metformn for several months, and then we'll look at other options.
I have been going through PC routine since June 2022, I have diabetes 2 since March 2020 was on Metformin 1000 a day, but blood sugar is 88 so put on 1500, they are still worried so put me on Sitagliptin/Metformin hydrochloride 50mg1000mg one twice a day with food, I have not started this mixture, my diabetes 2 expert🙄 gave me some mixture last November setting off severe anal fissures, immediately referring back to original metformin 1500. Seeing another specialist next month, but not looking forward to starting these, I have a very high medication reaction so have to be VERY careful. Ironically weight is falling off below 15 1/2 stone, with a bearable new diet, strong feeling Liver trouble is caused by something else, cholesterol not too bad, getting a FULL body and skull MRI on Monday 🤞
Same thing happened to me. Metformin wasn't doing it for me so Doc put me on Ozempic. Lost 20 lbs and cut Metformin in half