When getting Eligard shots after prostatectomy and radiation it was holding PSA level down. It also turned my thoughts angry and disgruntled. Doctor Larock from Mattapoisett is treating me with Flutamide and Bicalutimide 1 pill day each. Thanks Jesus I can write this and feel pretty good for 75. Eligard & myself= disaster.
Eligard for me= poison: When getting... - Advanced Prostate...
Eligard for me= poison

are you taking them instead of or along with Lupron?
Only bicalutamide and finasteride for a few years. Eligard is not part of my treatment. I take only finasteride and bicalutamide one each every day, nothing else but those two pills for cancer treatment. Eligard was turning me into a dislikable, nasty man. It was a low time in my treatment but thanks God I am passed that angry time.
Interesting ... This may account for the Behavior of the Troll that follows me around.
Is your PSA undetectable?
This is interesting. My husband has been taking Eligard/Lupron shots for three years now - both before and after radiation. (He has a prostatectomy in 2005). Hot flashes, loss of strength and muscle and irritability have all made his life miserable. He goes back to Mayo in Oct, we’ll see what comes of that.
I’m on Eligard and Nubeqa. Testosterone near zero. Some emotional side effects in that I get teary eyed more easily versus before I was very reserved. Predictable given no testosterone. But definitely no anger issues. I’m probably more mellow and compassionate than before, actually. I’m thinking that low T May affect different people different ways.
From my experience and what I read here, your reaction is not typical. Anyone considering Lupron should go ahead with it. It could save your life, or at least prolong it.
Hello Steve people have different reactions to drugs. Typical is a word. I believe many people are OK with Eligard but for me I would rather have my heart stopped than to harbor the thoughts and feelings that it caused in me. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE PEOPLE who are dealing with long term cancer. I hope we can all live cancer free
You are wrong. A lot of us really suffer a lot from Eligard. These side effects are very well documented. There is some misinformation being pumped out by the pharmaceutical industry to downplay and or deny these side effects occur. It is pure BS. Here is a link to a very good, unbiased factual description of side effects.
I'm speaking from my experience. Anyone beside you who is considering Lupron should consider it. It can prolong and save your life.
Maintaining exercise & good diet keep my SE's to a minimum. I have "warm" flashes vs. "hot"! I have male pattern baldness & low T reverses that to some extent.
I am in touch with my "feminine" side and am more affectionate with my wife & not thinking about having sex with her all of the time, when we touch. 😘😍
Most want a way around ADT. Unfortunately it works. All the drugs have issues. Bicalutimide is great until it starts feeding the cancer so there’s that. Estrogen patches may help some but they can be hard to obtain.
Many will claim that some LHRH drugs are tolerated much more easily than others, but testosterone suppression is still what it is.
I did not have much of an issue with ADT, to which I mostly credit cardiovascular and strength training exercise, admittedly in quantities most would find untenable. I’m glad I didn’t refuse it outright based on the negative testimonials and horror stories I had heard.
A wife texts her husband “What does IDK stand for?”. “I Don’t Know.” He replied.
A short time later she replied: “OMG! Nobody does!”
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Friday 07/14/2023 2:51 PM DST
As I just wrote on another thread: My life on ADT was essentially sitting in my home office all day and crying like a small child. I quit ADT half way through my 24 month sentence because I simply couldn't stand it any longer. I told my MO that I desperately want to die, and that he shouldn't be surprised to learn that a self-inflicted gunshot wound finally got me.
I definitely also felt more irritable and impatient with situations while under the influence of Eligard. Whether it was a direct effect of the drug or just because I felt lousy most of the time because of no T I'm not sure. 🦊
Eligard made me angry too. That combined with the depression made it a horrific experience. I hated the person I became, and hated every moment of my life. The drug seemed to chemically neutralize any capacity to feel that life was worth living.
ADT is a technology that is over 80 years old. Perhaps it's time to develop something that is less barbaric.
I agree. It's easy to forget painful experiences and healthunlocked and our participation awakens the need to enlighten patients that there is a bigger price to pay (emotionally) than the proclaimed benefits of some psyche damaging drugs like Eligard. IMHO patients who need prostate therapy should be required to read these posts before taking Eligard. Certainly they should try it but be aware life shouldn't be a living nightmare. GOD BLESS US ALL. Be ready in case you start hating life. It's that powerful.you