My husband Martin was diagnosed in 2019 with prostate cancer. Gleason score 7 (3+4) Biopsy showed 12 out of 16 cores. In June 2019 he had Robotic surgery. We were told everything went very well. His PSA dropped to <0.05. This lasted until September 2020 when his PSA started to increase 0.46. And continued to rise. Went to the UK for a PSMA scan as none available in ireland. Scan showed 1 pelvic lymph node involved. Martin had radiotherapy in October 2020 to lymph nodes in the pelvic area. He was also put on ADT for 6 months. PSA dropped to <0.05 and stayed undetectable until August 2021 when it rose to 0.13. We were told not to worry. Bloods in Feb 2022 showed PSA was 8.63 and 7 days later 11. Ct scan showed numerous bone mets in ribs, hips and spine.(approx 10) He was put back on ADT and given 6 docetaxel sessions. (One every Every 3 weeks) he tolerated it very well. He was also put on daralutamide.
By 7th March 2022 his PSA had dropped to 0.97 in August 22 it was <0.05 and continued to stay at that level until todays results. 17May 2023. It is now 0.80 and scans show 2 small areas of concern on his liver. He is having an MRI next week to clarify if they are PC mets but the MO thinks they are. His bone mets were unchanged. My question is. What are the treatments available now? The MO mentioned more chemo and PSMA?? We are in shock right now. He is doing very well. No pain etc.
Any advice will be much appreciated.