PSA now at 7.9. Biopsy showed 1 sample was Gleason 8. Starting ADT and radiation soon. Have had low testosterone (<150 ng/ml) most of my life. Non-existent libido, depression and tired most of the time. Recent studies have shown that aggressive prostate cancer more common in people with low testosterone. Does anyone know what effect a low starting testosterone level will have on the progression of the cancer. I told the urologist I want Orgovyx tablets which should bring the PSA and testosterone down rapidly after starting it.
Effect of low endogenous testosterone - Advanced Prostate...
Effect of low endogenous testosterone

Get yourself a GOOD Medical oncologist (M O)......ask for one here,,,
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 04/25/2023 11:20 PM DST
Most people who start ADT with already low T find the side effects to be less than those with normal levels.
That makes perfect sense to me... Thanks. I've been trying to get Orgovyx tablets but maybe the side effects wouldn't be that different from Eligard injections.
I feel like I've been on ADT therapy for over a decade. No libido. Low energy. Brain fog. Now I'm beginning to realize it is all about my low testosterone. A few years ago I took some shots of testosterone to bring up my levels. That caused my PSA to immediately increase from 2.5 to 11. It dropped back after stopping.
it’s a tough question even for medical professionals. Even after a double bypass in November 2002, PCa in 2003 at age 55, my T was steady at 800. After Lupron in the spring of 2004 and subsequent chemotherapy with ADT trial my MO wanted me to be less than 5. I did that. When in stopped Lupron in 2010, my at never cane back, He had me start testosterone in 2011. If I don’t take testosterone today, my T is at 53. With Androgel (for ten years, T ranged from 509 to 750, depending on when I administered and was tested.....
from what you write, your at may never come back depending on how long you are on ADT and, age...... as T drops as we age.
Best wishes.

Thanks for thoughtful reply. My testosterone has never been above 150 my entire life! How were your hot flashes with Lupron? BTW recent studies have shown that people with low endogenous testosterone are much more likely to have aggressive PCa. Go figure.
so, older and newer studies come to oppossite conclusions????
I just dealt with the hot flashes. Took no medicine. They eventually subsided with time. Besides they me something to share and talk about with post menstrual women.
Again, I never concerned myself with any side effect. Once one realizes that they have a terrible disease, the rest is easy. I have always been a realist...... good luck.