I had prostate surgery 09/2018. Followed by Lupron and full pelvis radiation. 11/19.Gleason 7 & 8 by different path. Stopped Lupron 11/18. PSA stable at .006. Low Free testosterone. My problem is fatigue and lack of strength in spite of working out. I am considering testosterone supplementation to a low level, while monitoring PSA. The literature supports that this is relatively safe, although to me, it seems illogical. This is a quality of life issue. Has anyone used testosterone at low levels following cancer? Did it help with fatigue?
testosterone, following cancer, trea... - Advanced Prostate...
testosterone, following cancer, treatment with stable PSA

You may as well supplement up to normal level, not low level.
How is your health otherwise. I had low free testosterone but ultimately found weakness and fatigue were due to statin I was taking.
Stopped it and feel great. Free testosterone remains well below low end of normal range.
Be aware free testosterone is typically a calculated value. However it can be measured directly if ordered that way. Also be aware values in our age group (I’m 82) have not been well researched. Most ranges are for men younger than us.
SHBG in our age group comes into play here as well.
Bio available testosterone is another test that can be ordered Again must be measured and not calculated value.
How long were you on Lupron? Your dates don’t seem correct.
Almost 65 in 2015 diagnosed 5+5 and began with castration and thus NO CHANCE for "T" to naturally return. Received treatment then in 2016 began Cypionate injections that brought *T* to 1,600ng/dL following injection and down to 450/600 range before next injection 2 weeks later. Surfed the WAVE of very high/medium low *T* level and stopped entirely when recurrence in 2018 until the G6/G7 was treated then began *T* injections again so back to surfing.
MUSCLE MASS continued to decline even with *T* injections so overall athletic abilities followed suit but QoL was great. PSA would rise and *T* injections would be stopped with PSA then declining so *T* restarted -- now a substantially new altered WAVE where *T* returns to <2ng/dL so life is crap regarding my endurance 100+ mile bicycle rides not being able to be done BUT regular daily existence is still positive.
Advice is to be careful as you proceed and should you decide to *T* experiment -- do so UNDER informed Medical guidance.
I have been on TRT for over 14 months. I FEEL GREAT. Mental clarity, building muscle back, more stamina, and at 73 I am getting married on Saturday. She is VERY happy with the new me.
Getting Married this Saturday and your 73 years old? Better get a Prenuptial agreement FAST.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 8/2/2023 7:23 PM DST
won't your psa rise, or are you doing BAT?
PSA will only rise if you have a recurrence of prostate cancer. TRT will give you back strength, libido, and overall feeling good. A urologist can prescribe testosterone only if your PSA is super low or undetectable.
I have been on Lupron/Zytiga for about 2 years. Fatigue is also a problem for me. I keep in shape but haven't thought about adding "T". Seems to defeat the purpose of the drugs. Currently my T is off the scale on the low end.
I am 85, you are doing good, you should be happy with the energy you have. As far as I know you want to keep testosterone low, what does your Dr. say ? I just got off my drugs a week ago and will stay off unless PSA goes over 4. Good Luck
I've been taking Provigil for about 2 years and it really helps with fatigue and brain fog.
Had PCa in prostate only in 2014 Gl.7. It was treated only with EBRT. Went on TRT to stay around 800-1000. Nine years later (2 mths ago) and I had a single pelvic node detected with PSMA. Had 28 x Rad. and now on Orgovyx and Abi. Did the higher T have anything to do with this...who knows? It looks like I'll never be "allowed" back on TRT again. Since I am told my PCa is now considered "high risk" I don't think any Doc would prescribe TRT again. So, to help with your question; If you're going to do it, I agree with TA that you may as well do enough to get a result. I hope at some point I can because I did feel great........ Luck to you!