I have stage four prostate cancer and have been taking Zytiga, Prednisone, and Lupron for 5 and 1/2 years. My PSA is 0.049 and my testosterone is -7. Have any of you had an increase in your glucose level? In my last four blood tests, my glucose has gone from 115 to a little over 200. Could Prednisone cause it? Thank you, Dany
Glucose: I have stage four prostate... - Advanced Prostate...

High blood sugar is one of the side effects of Zytiga.
The prednisone taken with Zytiga is the culprit.
My PharmD and I worked together on a fix.
I’m already DM2
13 units of Humulin N injected 1 hour before taking Prednisone worked.
I follows the Prednisone peak time.
Kept my A1C at 6.5!!
Beware insulin and Zytiga lowers your Potassium, so I am also taking 20meq potassium daily
The dominos keep falling.
On the good side my PSA dropped like a rock to <0.1 and lymph node went from 24 SUV to 6 SUV PSMA in under 6 months.
yes ADT can cause stubborn high glucose readings. I’m on Lupron Xtandi Zometa and one of my health condition page entries is “ drug induced diabetes “. I have to work on it almost daily and take my bg reading every morning ( my daily peak ) .
My current bg is running about 160 for a 7 day average , my diabetes coach nurse thinks if I can keep my daily average under 200 …. that for my age ( 76 ) and Comorbidities , that I would be doing OK. Insulin is not an option as it’s not prescribed for patients 75 and over. It’s too dangerous of a drug in that age range they claim. I take both Metformin and glimepride and manage with those along with diet.
Thank you, I have an appointment with a internist later this month.
Ive been a strict keto person for long periods in my life and I think it worked well for me then. I was younger tho. Now if I fast for about 14 hours , my bg drops to 140 or a little over at its lowest. …. then fasting longer, my bg starts to rise. My body no longer follows the rules it used to. The glucose in my urine is over 500+ all the time now too. I’m pretty sure that if I dropped ADT , my body would return mostly to normal operation, … my cancer drugs disrupting normal operation. Mostly I have to worry about keeping my bg low ….below 200 to avoid blindness and additional neuropathy in my lower body below my knees. My weight unimportant at this point, I was losing 17 lbs a week when DXed, and it jumped to and froze at 325 almost instantly when I started ADT. Even with a successful keto diet , it would take more time to return back to 235 than my current life expectancy is , and to what point … so I’ll be slim and trim again ? I do a lot of starving when my bg rises , but my weight is frozen at 325 and never changes more than a couple pounds down, never goes up above 325. I’ve reached the limit of what I can do with medications for bg , so I only have controlling my food intake remaining. Things get a little scary when we run out of options for sure yayahahahaya.
It kinda boils down to doing the best possible …. Optimizing my variables … within the limits caused by age, medications and disease. This hoping it’s good enough to retain my eye sight and avoid amputations below my knees …until I’m claimed by the aPCa. It’s not a happy thing , but of all the “ stuff “ going on, it’s manageable right now and not high on my list of difficulties. Yayahahahaya. “ things “ are pretty good on this front .
Thank you
Yep, I hear what you're saying. It's like you push one side down and the other side pops up. You take some medication for something, and something else materializes. I've experimented a lot with different diets and fasting and enemas - you name it. Done week water fasts, bone broth fasts, intermittent fasts, fasts on different diets all kinds of other stuff. Monitored ketones and blood sugar daily for around 2 years.
The thing that got my sugar down the most was if I did one meal a day or if I fasted for a week. Keto worked, but a little too well. I had issues with that, but blood sugar wasn't one of them.
Problem is though, everyone has different responses and are taking different treatments.
One thing I never got into the weeds with was researching bloodletting. It was on my list, but I tend to go off on tangents and end up down rabbit holes. Maybe of some value. The reason it looked interesting was because I thought it shouldn't really interfere with other stuff.
One of the effects was actually blood glucose reduction. Not sure if it's any help but maybe some benefit.
Edit: and by the way, I was gutted for you when I read about that tequila! Man did that suck. Done something similar myself but try not to think about it too much. It just brought back memories... 😒
Bloodletting? Does monthly PSA, CMP, CBC qualify?
Leeches sounds like a plan👍along with metformin. Yeah, that's the ticket
Yep, when you mention leeches it does make you do a double take.
People do bloodletting for haemochromatosis. It's effective at reducing iron in the blood. Apparently, there's also a blood glucose reduction effect. No need for the leeches though... unless you're a leech gatherer and have some spare in the tank.
well …. That’s not something that had crossed my mind . Interesting, I know that was popular in a different century. Fortunately, what I’m doing right now is keeping my bg in a decent range and I don’t need to mess with it at this point.
I better be careful with this thread, I don’t want my wife to read this and get any ideas Yayahahahaya. 😂😂😂😂
So well put. For me too the cancer treatment comes first too. A balancing or risk aversion type of thing. Don't want any immediate side issues or emergencies but things like my teeth which like to crumble I feel will be good enough to last me thru to the end of this. I've noticed for a couple years my glucose and cholesterol numbers are a bit out of whack but the Dr. and I remain silent on that and concentrate on my PC treatment. I'm an old car, no reason for a paint job the engine will be dead before long. Just do enough to keep it running. Recently when my PC was progressing and I was back on chemo my ability to eat went out the window and having those extra pounds in reserve was a benefit to some degree too.
Yes...prednisone will make glucose go up.