City of Hope performed genome testing from my biopsy from almost 2 yrs ago. Showed Low tumor mutation burden. It says I am not a good candidate for immmune therapy, So I guess provenge would be ineffective. However, found online OS is higher with a low tumor mutation. Not to be confused with low burden prostate cancer. I am high volume stage 4 metastatic. Diagnosed with PSA over 800 with innumerable bone mets Anyone who can provide a better understanding or how to treat much appreciated.
Low tumor mutation burden: City of Hope... - Advanced Prostate...
Low tumor mutation burden

Have you looked at the AMG 509 immunotherapy trial?
Another member on this site has had some pretty amazing results.
Read Unknown58,s posts about it.

Thank you, yes AMG 509 looks promising.
Low mutational burden only means that checkpoint inhibitors (like Keytruda) won't work well. It does not mean that Provenge won't work well, as far as I know. If you have contrary information, please post it.
Yes, it's better to have low mutational burden than high mutational burden.
From my biopsy report: Increased TMB may be associated with sensitivity to immunotherapy agents including anti-PD-L1 therapy. The TMB of this specimen is below levels that would predict increased sensitivity to these therapy.....Tall Allen...Thank you
That doesn't address Provenge. It's really badly written, and I can see why you'd reach the wrong conclusion.
Thanks TA...I believe you have posted using provenge in conjunction with radium 223 to increase survival and possibly other scenarios using provenge. Something I would consider suggest to oncologist. I had a slight blip up on last PSA test. trying to prep a plan when eventually resistance sets in. Thanks again
Agree this does not imply that Provenge would not be beneficial for you. I would certainly pursue that and consult about combining it with Ra223 (Xofigo) which provides synergy from the combination.