re: Cancer in general. Know your enemy. - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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re: Cancer in general. Know your enemy.

Lifer69 profile image
29 Replies


The prednisone, zytiga and the once a month belly shot of Firmigon caused me to not eat or sleep. I got a medical cannabis card and bought six vines of Rick Simpson Oil (RSO). It restored my sleep and gave back my appetite. I heard cannabis oil is effective against cancer but there is no reliable study showing proof.

No one here can give medical advice unless they are an MD and even then only with the AMA permission and the blessing of the CDC.

Everything changed for me with the use of the RSO, it just made the anti cancer drug tolerable, your head is still all foggy but not nearly as bad as sleep deprivation.

I would have you research Dr. Otto Warburg. In 1931 he was awarded the Nobel peace prize for the discovery of the mechanism of cancer. Cancer only grows in a low oxygen environment using fermented sugar as it fuel. Get rid of sugar in all your foods, eat close to source(garden) as possible and exercise to keep oxygen moving in your. I go to the ocean and smell the ozone coming off of the surf. Ozone are singlets and triplets of oxygen so it’s very effective taken into the lungs. Go a jog, a bike ride, a walk just do it like it’s good for you cuz it is!

You’ll do well Marine. See you on the other side.

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Lifer69 profile image
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29 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

"fermented sugar as it fuel. . " Be careful about using Dr. Google as your source of info - it leads you to draw erroneous conclusions. Prostate cancer, in fact, prefers lipids to sugars, which is why it doesn't show up on on fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET scan until almost the end of its progression. Deprive it of fat and it will metabolize whatever is there, including cannibalizing healthy cells.

Also, sugar is not fermented in the body, It is stored as glycogen by the liver and used to provide energy as we live.

"Ozone are singlets and triplets of oxygen so it’s very effective taken into the lungs. " Ozone, 03, is a poisonous gas, and it doesn't come from the ocean. You can smell it coming off of old appliances.

Lifer69 profile image
Lifer69 in reply to Tall_Allen

I’m not forming conclusions just reading from his work.

I didn’t spell check so the word ‘effective’ should have been ‘irritating.

The ocean on any windy day will produce ozone and ions in the air, it is in such low concentration that it doesn’t irritate the lungs.

There is another point I didn’t mention. Cancer can only exist in an acidic low oxygen environment. Change the blood Ph and you change the oxygen uptake rate.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Lifer69

"Change the blood Ph and you change the oxygen uptake rate." More pseudoscience. To understand the misinformation you are repeating, you may be interested in reading this:

Lifer69 profile image
Lifer69 in reply to Tall_Allen

Maybe YOU should read his Nobel work and correct his mistakes.

No one here can give medical advice unless they are a PhD in medicine. Even then, my doctor never heard of Otto Warburg let along his work and he is as old man me.

The medical profession are the drug pushers now for big pharma and they know it. They gave me a few years of quality life but could only poison me in hopes of getting better. Some people never get the wake up call and the cancer kills them before they spiritually ready.

Use this time wisely.

jfoesq profile image
jfoesq in reply to Lifer69

It’s nice to know you are doing better. But- Tall_Allen wasn’t giving you medical ADVICE. He never ADVISED you on what you should or should not do, medically speaking. He was just informing you of what SCIENCE says about some of your statements. I thank him for that and think you should too.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Lifer69

He didn't make a mistake, generally speaking. Prostate cancer is unique in that it preferentially digests,fats, not sugars - although what Warburg said was generally true of cancers. But each cancer is different. But even so, you or your source, drew erroneous conclusions from it. He never said that you can slow the cancer by reducing your sugar intake. He also did not say that sugars are fermented. That is not how biochemistry works. I do have a degree in that.

Your beliefs will kill you. It been shown that people who don't use traditional medicine are twice as likely to die:

Jeremiad53 profile image
Jeremiad53 in reply to Tall_Allen

100 out of 100 will die, so likely to die a a strange thing to say. Now if you gave statistics for length of life after diagnosis, that would be relevant.

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to Jeremiad53

Read the link. As of 5 years of follow-up, those who used alternative medicines were 2.5 times as likely to be dead.

Jack54 profile image
Jack54 in reply to Tall_Allen

My oldest and youngest daughter’s married brothers. Their father had Stage 4 Metastatic Prostate Cancer. He mainly used alternative medicines and survived only 2.5 years after diagnosis. He passed away a year and a half ago. I believe that had he done SOC he would still be here today. He initially began SOC. Then some of his so called friends talked him into doing alternative medicine. I tried to talk to him but to no avail. I’m not against alternative medicine, I just don’t believe in “Alternative Medicines Only “.

Lrv44221 profile image
Lrv44221 in reply to Lifer69

You are so correct. change the Ph and you change the uptake rate.

Benkaymel profile image

Good luck to you! My appetite is fine but I do have sleep problems. Cannabis is illegal in the UK so the best I could try is straight CBD oil. I think most of us know all about the "Warburg effect" but cutting down on sugar in your diet, unfortunately, doesn't stop cancer cells from getting the glucose they want - they will just take it from existing stores in healthy cells (although I do now eat largely plant-based foods). However, I agree entirely that regular vigorous exercise is vital to pump oxygen around the body as cancer wants a low-oxygen environment - this is probably the most important thing for us with PCa to do.

Sailing-Todd profile image
Sailing-Todd in reply to Benkaymel

Did you find the CBD oil any good? If so, which one did you use? Not needed now but maybe in the future.

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Sailing-Todd

I bought this one - Vitality CBD Lemon 600mg CBD Oral Drops 30ml, but I've only tried it once or twice so the jury's out on effectiveness. However, since starting on Xtandi a couple of weeks ago, I seem to be a bit more restless at night so just last night I started taking a couple of vials under the tongue before bed. Not sure it made any difference but will keep on with it for a while and see. There are more concentrated versions you can upgrade to as well.

gsun profile image
gsun in reply to Sailing-Todd

I tried it for a few months. Did nothing for my sleep. Then went to a mix of CBD and THC oil. It was better but stopped working after a while. Each of us are different so YMMV.

Kaliber profile image

I think that it’s well established that cannabis helps many people with sleep, pain management , nausea , anxiety, appetite … and mood lifting. I dunno about associating it much with treatment of aPCa tho. It didn’t seem to slow down or stop anything in my life and taken into consideration with my group of friends , one could wonder if long term heavy cannabis use might even assist / promote cancer …. This since so many of my friends have caught cancer while using huge amounts of bud. Just say’in. Only IMHO , no medical stats or research behind this at all, just my gut feeling from deep personal experience.

Many guys here on the group like me, live in recreational cannabis states and can buy it in their corner stores …. like pipe tobacco or a pack of cigarettes.


CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

I'm jealous lol. My jar full is looking kind of narfy. And I'm another anecdotal lifelong cannabis fiend who got Prostate cancer but none the less probably more glad now than ever that I have it in my life. Helps with a lot of what ails one on this PC path. For example I just started chemo again and cannabis helps to dampen to a degree most of the SE's.

a little coconut grease for the gears on my work bench
Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

cannabis is a wonder drug for many issues guys like us have ….. thank goodness we have it. You need cannabis grease for the gears in your head. Yayahahahaya

The hammer will make quick work of all the cannabis seen in that photo . She has serious lower back pain with some disc compression. Cannabis helps her out immensely.

I can’t use it anymore because of Kaiser, just had a 3 page ( front and back ) urine and blood DAP test last Tuesday. added in a huge list of mostly unheard of opiates and did three levels of tests , one extremely sensitive and even included secondary metabolites. Trying to the max. Its a long story but my GP would dearly love to catch me “ hot “ and tries hard …. Problem is tho, I’m clean as a pin and she’ll never succeed. She is newly minted and just doesn’t get a “ support and comfort “ palliative diagnosis . Super conservative Indian doctor, she hates opioids. To be fair tho , despite all the finagling going on …. I am well provisioned with adequate pain management meds to keep me comfortable. Still ….. kripes yayahahahaya


CAMPSOUPS profile image
CAMPSOUPS in reply to Kaliber

Eeeew boy. Something you said a few months ago made me think they/she were going to back off and work with you on it. Crap man seems stricter now.

Well thanks for letting me know the pain relief regime your using is working. I know you have quite the experience working with it/tweaking it.

Hammer should be bowing to you lol though ha. No seriously that's great for her to have it available/useable.

Its quite the medicine. From malaise, to pain, to mood, appetite and never get that hate to say "drugged out" symptom. Always relieves the given symptom(s) but doesn't elicit a drug sickness feeling. Unless of course one over does it on some potent wax/oil/vape.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to CAMPSOUPS

Yea I thought everything was sorted out and we moved on. Then she sprang this test on me. Prolly thought I’d think we were done and go home and partake again. Sneaky .

I’ve shown hammer all the tricks of processing, mixing - matching etc. she’ll be able to move forward “ long “ after I’m gone. She is very intelligent and capable.

The answer to the drugged out issue is to “ stay “ too stoned to notice yayahahahaya yayahahahaya.


London441 profile image

I enjoyed coffee, cannabis and a clean diet for many years and got Pca anyway. I have no family history of cancer of any time and got it anyway. I have been a athlete my entire life and got it anyway.

I have kept the diet and exercise. Cannabis and opiates make me insane. I doff my cap to those who are helped by cannabis and I’m especially happy for you that’s it’s legal, powerful and easily available nowadays. A number of my friends did substantial jail time for possession in the past.

However, It is also my opinion that the modern day characterization of cannabis as benign is absurd. But it’s none of my business what people use.

Opioids are particularly dangerous for too many and stop working after a time. Habitual use causes wicked constipation and are deadly for those susceptible. The statistics on this are too well known. I am not surprised that any doctor would be disparaging of them. If I am in pain at end of life I’ll be first in line for a Fentanyl patch, other than that no thanks.

Opiate induced respiratory arrest and suicide from the consequences of addiction are EXTREMELY common. Yet others seem to use them effectively and responsibly. Again none of my biz.

I quit every drug but my beloved coffee, but I sleep so much better without it that I’ve quit that too. It’s not the caffeine but the diuretic effect.

Conversely, many older guys I know with our disease drink it all day long and sleep like a house cat.

We can’t give medical advice on here but instead many promote information that support their views, essentially presenting them as fact. I always laugh when advice is given with the disclaimer that it isn’t.

I have no use for a sugar free diet, even if I do keep it low. The ‘cancer loves sugar’ theory is hyperbole and not true for prostate cancer. Rick Simpson oil and cannabis in general I avoid completely. I have my reasons. My only concern is for the many who are here searching for answers, who will try anything and get into trouble. Caveat emptor to them. God bless us all.

Mrtroxely profile image

Great to find what works for us👍Canibis smoke without fire.

Cooolone profile image

Nobody KNOWS what causes Cancer... We have observation, association, etc. But we don't KNOW! And is the primary reason we also don't have a CURE for it!

The approved SOC path, works for many, but not all. It shouldn't be the "only" way and deviant paths chosen on a personal level should be accepted as well, whether it be as viewed by others or by the medical community as well. Ultimately, it is "OUR" life, our bodies and should be our choice! Just because there's scientific papers establishing a statistical representation of an observed effect, does not mean it is the "only" way... Our CANCER is heterogeneous, it is as individual as the individual, lol, but hey, let's take this boxed and gift wrapped process of applied medicine and this is what you can expect! You're the devil of you deviated!!!

Amazingly simplistic and as irresponsible and repulsive as it would be to be told by a doctor the same thing, ie, you don't know what you're talking about... I would bolt that doctor. Steve Jobs made his own decisions... And paid the price, but nobody stopped him! Another illustration on health care being different based upon affluence, or ability to "pay" for whatever it is you want to do, as opposed to having to fight insurance for an individual path!

Good or bad, it's all good, as long as it's our choice! Friend, family, internet, doctor... We can talk, discuss and educate each other, but in the end, wrong or right, we alone bear the burden of our decisions, nobody can save me from myself, nor should it be their position, or within their power to do so! What was that story, of that medical scientist that fighting all established medicine wound up injecting himself to prove something worked! Hmmmmm... Forget the main part of what it was (lovely brain fog).

So we forget and dismiss the simple side of human frailty, of our own limitations, convictions, biases and more, when we deep dove down the rabbit hole of what is or should be acceptable. Google has made us all dumb, not smart, because too many research in a relaxed state, accept what is pushed in front of themselves without looking more deeply and actually studying the science. Yes, that's true... But in almost all of the wildest myths, there has been found truth! Just a few short years ago, Accu-Puncture was suedo science and not accepted by mainstream Western medicine, this despite being a regular part of Eastern Medicine for a few thousand years! Point being rejection by Western Medicine doesn't mean it has no value or that it's not effective.

Bottom line is "ALL" information is useful, and for some, helpful, whether it be used to reinforce an idea or opinion or used in order to reject one. But limiting or eliminating information is at its core, the problem! I always wonder what the world would be today if Alexandria hadn't burned, or if Cortez's crew didn't burn all of Mexico's Codex's... All that history, all that information... Lol

RSO, has helped Patients, whether or not it can be scientifically proven, it's mechanism of action identified, inner working exposed... Does it matter? If the usefulness is within the eye of the beholder, so be it!

I'm finding more and more, that Cancer, will do what it does, what it wants to do, regardless of our efforts! We are 50 years post declaration of war on Cancer by the then POTUS, and we aren't any closer to a "cure"... There is no cure, regardless of what you read, anywhere! But we do have those who outlast their cancer and die with it, more than from it... That's what's they say, and especially for one of the slowest progressing cancers, ie, Prostate Cancer. Not so much for others that have different statistical velocities.

It's all good, we do what we do, and will do! To each their own! Have fun, have at it, enjoy the ride! But no matter what...

Keep on Truckin'



MateoBeach profile image

You are not asking for any input from others and seem to resent any alternate views. So I will not offer any.

DonV profile image
DonV in reply to MateoBeach

I miss seeing your treatment views on this site. We all know the SOC regimen and most of us follow it but it is important to hear how others are augmenting their treatment with different strategies. I recall several lively discussions on this site several years ago with you, Nalakrats & others on the biochemistry & advantages or disadvantages of exercise, supplements, BAT, surging treatments, etc.

You had an alternative PMSA treatment to the LU- 177 treatment available here in Australia recently and it would be of interest for people in this forum to hear the results. I look forward to hearing from you.

MateoBeach profile image
MateoBeach in reply to DonV

Thank you for your kind comments DonV. I only write a new post/thread when I feel I have a perspective to offer that could be valuable to many and/or expand the options in ways that are not being adequately covered. And avoid engaging with fixed (passionately defended) viewpoints. So I more often add my perspectives fairly far along in threads rather than new posts. Part of that is because what I am doing for my own PC is not the SOC protocols.

And, as you ask, I am doing really well with it so far. (Remember the one about the man who is falling from a 50 story building and says as he passes the 10th floor, “So far so good!” I am 15 years post diagnosis and primary treatments, and 13 years post BCR. I am still HSPC and oligometastatic to lymph nodes only. I had SBRT to the visible nodes (twice). Only did very short 4 month adjuvant ADT. Then two doses of the Lu-PSMA-J591 one year ago. I remain on long-cycle modified BAT ( 3 months of very high testosterone injections alternating with one month castrate on ADT with Orgovyx orally.) My PSA has come down progressively over the past year by 90% to 0.030 most recently. I also have a non SOC regimen of supplements and auxiliary medications targeting the Hallmarks of Cancer as well as the Hallmarks of Aging. So far so good. My best wishes for you. Paul

Lrv44221 profile image

Yes, I agree with your post, Cancer only exists in a low oxygen environment

That is not a pseudoscience, but a fact.

It's helpful to put oxygen in your body with exercise, any way you feel able

I have also thought going in a hyperbaric Oxygen chamber might be advantages.

We all post our thoughts and I wish some people would not insult us with what we have read.......

Alternate views are important. What we all think and say is important.

:) :) :)

Benkaymel profile image
Benkaymel in reply to Lrv44221

I don't think anyone on this forum has ever disagreed that exercise is good for us with PCa - certainly not me and it's not an insult when someone does disagree about something. Everyone can express their views openly and honestly - I hope so anyway.

London441 profile image

Excellent plan.

There is of course no hard data on which is more important (diet or exercise) but I can also testify I’d far rather work out hard with a bad diet than be sedentary with a great one.

Of course both is better, but I’m betting my life on the exercise. Definitely allows for more flexibility on the diet!

However, just as inactivity makes me feel terrible, with age I find unhealthy food makes me feel terrible too, so I avoid it.

Sadly, most of us know people who invest a lot of time, effort and money into pristine diet and supplements who are essentially couch potatoes. God bless them all. I don’t understand it and don’t want to understand it.

Jeremiad53 profile image

There is too much to read so I didn't dig into it. Thank you for replying, I would just think that the first half of the sentence would read, "Five year survival rates are double for those using traditional medicine" as opposed to alternative medicines.

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