Zytiga + Prednisone + Lupron have been successfully holding back bone mets since November 2021. Had cystoscope January 2023 to prepare for TURP. Bladder looked completely healthy, no cancer according to urologist. Then when TURP was done February 14, urologist discovered a tumor at bladder neck that came back positive for urothelial (bladder) cancer!
So he decided to wait six weeks for TURP to heal, then do another TURP on April 12 to look at bladder. Four days before the TURP, I had to go to ER for complete blockage of urine. I had a stricture at tip of penis, and ER staff could not get a catheter inserted. So urologist was called in, and she poked wires through the stricture (most painful thing I've experienced in a long time) and fitted me with a cath and Foley. So on April 12, the TURP resulted in finding that my bladder is quite filled with cancer, muscle wall involved! From zero on January 16 to full-fledged muscle invasion on April 12.
I am scheduled to consult with my MO next Wednesday, April 19 about what next steps are. Urologist said probably six weeks chemo then "probably" remove bladder.
I think it's time for a second opinion, and a friend with similar prostate cancer is happy with someone at Duke.
Any suggestions?