I was diagnosed with Stage 4 (Gleason 8-9) last August and was immediately put on Lupron, then Zytig/Pred after 3 months. PSA was only 1.2 but actually more like 2.4 since I was on Finestride. Testosterone was 650. Now after 1 year, I'm at 0.02 PSA and <5 Testosterone, both immeasurable.
Prior PET scans revealed that I have 4 rib/shoulder bone lesions which are quite small in volume. The prostate was recently treated with 25 days of EBR.
I have a PSMA PET scan coming up next week. The previous scan looked like things improved by shrinking the cancer in all locations and in fact one spot was completely eliminated.
Just wondering if anyone on the same drugs have found that ADT alone can help eradicate and possibly cure the cancer if in small volume in bones/lymph nodes, etc? Also, if folks have used the recently FDA approved PSMA PET scan for analysis.
Thank you.