And another ER visit and hospital stay - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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And another ER visit and hospital stay

Pancake_Lefse profile image
38 Replies

Jeff went back in for chemo and his blood pressure had plummeted and he was running 102 + fever.

They nixed chemo and sent him immediately to the ER.

He was discharged yesterday, although we didn’t really get a lot of answers. His sodium is too low and he was advised to eat more salt. They almost didn’t discharge for this reason, but elected to go ahead and do so with the intentions to closely monitor him via blood work.

His hemoglobin had dropped overnight from 7.6 to 6.9. While in the hospital he received 2 blood transfusions.

His leg weakness and mobility is significantly worse. We are at a loss. There doesn’t appear to be anything left to target in regards to radiation and no one can seem to tell us what’s causing this.

Jeff’s mobility is so profoundly compromised that merely getting in/out of the car and walking the shortest distances is a great struggle. It was heartbreaking leaving the hospital yesterday as the attendant had to literally get Jeff in and situated. He was grossly embarrassed and frustrated to the point of tears.

We are in another holding pattern as we still don’t know if his current treatment regimen is working.

In March they will recheck his PSA values and he’ll have another PET scan. We’ll know then if his cancer is progressing or not.

Unfortunately his last PSA was still trending up and had risen to 210.

I’m the meantime, Jeff lost another dog. We had to say goodbye to their 13.7 year old lab, CJ Girl. She lived a long life full of happiness and love, nonetheless the loss is devastating

This journey is already hard enough … so much sadness and fear.

~ Stephanie


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Pancake_Lefse profile image
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38 Replies
j-o-h-n profile image

Wow when it rains, it pours...... I'm sorry but I don't know medically what to say to you two. I fully understand that Jeff feels less of a man when they have to help him get into an automobile. I've been using a cane for the last 4 months and feel the same way when I'm walking down the streets that I used to jog on...Just tell him that he has many brothers here who know exactly what he's going through and that we share our caring for him and for you. I don't know if the weather in your area will permit you two to get out a bit and just hug each other. Please remember that it may not seem like it but God is on your sides....Take care and please try to laugh....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 02/20/2022 2:35 PM EST

Karmaji profile image
Karmaji in reply to j-o-h-n

John how r u doing...walking with a cane avoids loneliness...

In India it is a protection against stray insult to dog lovers

wish you cheerful day

in reply to j-o-h-n

Bless you j-o-h-n , very beautiful sentiments .🙏😔

Best of luck with Jeff's future treatments. Really sorry about your dogs passing. I have a kennel where I keep 4 to 6 dogs. Also keep 2 in our home. It hurts when you lose one.

Tall_Allen profile image

I'm sure the loss of his beloved dog hit him hard. I'm sorry to hear it.

Kaliber profile image

Jeeeesh Stephanie …. Seems like when it rains it pours ( looks like I stole this from j-o-h-n yayahahahaya ) sometimes, doesn’t it. I thought I might share some common experience with you and Jeff related to limited mobility and what I do about it.

I too am “ profoundly “ compromised.. what you describe about Jeff sounds like a mirror image of me. He doesn’t have to be embarrassed or too frustrated because it’s a problem that can be dealt with to a pretty good resolution.. tell him to cheer up and not feel so trashed because there is a decent fix for that. Of all the things happening or can happen to us ( he and I sound fairly parallel right now ) …the mobility issue is reasonably fixable.

I have lost most of my mobility as well … it just kinda crept up on us over time … I’ve been mobility impaired for the last year maybe year and a half. It’s a combination of horrible adt side effects and cancer in literally every joint in my body. I can’t get up to walk to the bathroom without turning red face and gasping for air , paved with serious body pains. I can only shuffle my feet slowly to get out to the driveway to get into my truck , I have a metal stool I have to stand on to get into the cab , then I huff and gasp for air for several minutes and wait for the wave of body discomforts to pass before proceeding.

Jumping out of my bed to get to the bathroom is laughable ( nobody is laughing though ).

So some of my fixes are like this : inside the house I have several 6 - 8 wheeled office chairs ( I prefer those inside over a mobility cart to get some exercise in my legs ) . I keep one next to my couch, in my office, in my bathroom , in the garage.

I keep wide mouth orange juice jugs next to my bed and my living room couch. That fixes the having to pee problem …nicely.

If I need to get around the house , I grab the closest office chair and whizz around anywhere everywhere quickly and effortlessly pushing with my legs and feet.

So then there is what to do about going to a store or the zoo or etc. ! For things like shopping , outdoors hike and bike trail recreation, or places like the zoo …. I have bought a etrike and bumper carrier that allows me great freedom , this even tho I can’t walk properly. I can drive the trike up the couple of miles to the corner shopping center …food markets, fast food, drug stores …. live humans milling around yayahahahaya I drive up at 18mph in the bike lanes then switch down to .5 mph for shopping inside stores. Its perfect at the zoo or parks and hike and bike trails.

Every day I ride my golds gym stationary bike 2 or 3 miles , do some upper body weights and walk on my treadmill a quarter of a mile on a good day ( this exercise does Not translate to improving my mobility tho , just say’in ) . That keeps me flexible and motile even if it doesn’t make me walk better or lessen the discomforts.

I’m just saying that Jeff doesn’t have to be too embarrassed and frustrated about his mobility because it isn’t the end of the world and he can still have a respectable QOL and get out and do fun interesting things. Where there’s a will, there’s a way you guys. Cheer up , it’s all good.

Love ya both ❤️❤️❤️

Outdoors mobility … goes 18 mph for 3 hours … switches down to mobility cart speed
Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to Kaliber

Wow! Thank you sooo much for this!!!

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Pancake_Lefse


Karmaji profile image
Karmaji in reply to Kaliber

what a beautiful mind you inspiration for all of us alone or in company...

and lot of affection from us to you

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to Karmaji

Thanks for the nice thoughts … i dunno if I’d go that far but I have a lot of empathy for the brothers and sisters here that are suffering like many of us do. I get “ that “ for sure.


HopingForTheBest1 profile image
HopingForTheBest1 in reply to Kaliber

It's good to see these helpful posts about mobility issues, as I have been recently experiencing heaviness in my legs and difficulty walking. I probably knew in the back of my mind that this is yet another side effect of treatment. When I have told my doctors about this I get no responses, even that it is treatment related.

I am having cancer rehab twice a week ( I hope to continue for a long time until insurance runs out, as it does help.

From these posts it sounds like I may need to expect my mobility to worsen. For now I will keep walking and pushing as best I can.

Wishing you all the best.

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to HopingForTheBest1

It’s my understanding that these mobility issues on the level I experience only happens to less than 12% of adt people , so I wouldn’t worry about it too much. It started becoming more pronounced about a year and a half into my treatment. I’m 38 months in now. One thought is that these issues develop because I’m especially sensitive to being T deprived but the treatment has kept my PSA at less than 0.1 since the beginning ( it was 1400-1600 at the beginning ). My medical guys aren’t too concerned, seems like ( easy for them to say ) and think I should try to stick with it as long as I can stand it. I do have skeleton wide joint Mets which is a big factor but I’m sure if I quit adt, at least some of my mobility would probably recover … but my cancer would explode back to life. Danged if you do , danged if you don’t yayahahaha yayahahaha.


in reply to Kaliber

You are one tuff hombre ? Amigo mio! Luv ya man! ❤️😔

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Thank you brother Scott … you too buddy, you’ve been hanging in there a lot longer than I have. It just seems like I have to pay a much higher price than others here. Im still ticking, that’s the bottom line … all that matters yayahahahaya . It does start to wear on you , a lot, after a bit tho .

Love ya back buddy … you’re the kewlest , compadre.


in reply to Kaliber

We do have a handful of members that run like SirDockam but that’s a handful out of 10000 God bless them . He’s suffers now . We are all at different points with this thing we carry inside . When I see someone saying that they feel great . .? I’m happy for them .I’m sick every freakin day . “ Just Happy to be here “ Minnie pearl.. The Rest of us suffer untold ! I admire you and others than deal with and withstand daily pain and brutal suffering much more than I do now . I’m not good with pain . I think mark Twain said “ life would be much happier if we started at eighty and then regressed to childhood” like Ben buttons . Thats how it should be . The life we lived pain and pc free was something .. more fun than not for me … Enjoy the day brother as you always do . ❤️❤️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Ryte on …ryte on … big guy. Hopefully most guys on here don’t have to endure the mess we do … does seem like there is a bunch of us tho doesn’t it. You’ve gone on along pretty well, a long time …. I’m hoping I can have some of that luck as well. Thanks for the nice thoughts brother. Love you and the crew buddy … Salud my amigo.


in reply to Kaliber

I think to myself , self ? How long can Humpty Dumpty ( me) make it after the great fall? Yet life or death is beyond my pay grade . I just say “ God’s will be done” ! I’m just a flea on the dogs back . Lucky to be a free man comparatively to other countries right now . yesterday I was born tomorrow I’ll be gone. Today 7 in fresh Az powder snow .. I’m thankful for this snow ❄️

Kaliber profile image
Kaliber in reply to

Love ya brother 💪💪💪❤️❤️❤️

in reply to Kaliber

Right Back at you Broham! ❤️😎

Aodh profile image

I’m sorry to hear that you’re both suffering so much currently. I do hope that you’ll get some clarity soon. I will keep you in my thoughts.


tallguy2 profile image

Sorry to hear this. It is SO frustrating when multiple things go wrong at the same time. Praying your care team comes through for you.

allie2020 profile image


I am so sorry Jeff is having such a rough time. Losing his beloved lab CJ has to be devastating. 13.7 years is a very long life for a lab but it doesn't make it any easier. I ran across this quote from a NY Times writer who was suffering with prostate cancer and also lost his beloved dog. Possibly it will provide Jeff a touch of comfort.

"Good dogs – and most dogs are good dogs – are canine candles that briefly blaze and shine, illuminating our lives."

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to allie2020

Love this. Thank you.

Yadifan profile image

I'm so sorry! Too much sadness! Labs are just the sweetest dogs! Hoping something turns around for him soon. He's lucky to have you by his side through all of these hardships and trials. BTW...great picture of you both.

Costarica1961 profile image

Hang in there we all know what your going through. Uncertainty is my new middle name. Just try not get too high or too low., just deal with it as it comes, some days will better than others. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

This is very hard to hear, especially since I am about to have only my second chemo treatment next week using Cabazitaxl/Carboplatin combo. What chemo was Jeff on, and after how many treatments did he experience these horrible side effects?

Wishing you all the best.

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to HopingForTheBest1

His mobility/leg weakness has been an issue since diagnosis, Dec 2020, it’s what made him go to the ER to be checked out. It’s just getting progressively worse.

As for the BP crash, fever, and low sodium, it’s not clear that this was attributed to Jeff’s cancer or his treatment regimen. Although we never got a diagnosis, they treated for infection with IV antibiotics. He seems to have responded.

That being said, Jeff is on 6 month injections Eligard.

Docetaxel(Taxotere) and Zytiga with prednisone have failed him.

He has currently had 4 chemo infusions of carboplatin/cabazitaxel (Jevtana).

ArabianNights profile image

Hi Stephanie. My heart breaks for you and Jeff and the family. You’ve all been through so much.

My dad had fevers as well and low sodium. They kept him in the ER for these two reasons for a while. Antibiotics didn’t help his fevers and the best thing to prevent them was naproxen. Tylenol did not help. The naproxen helped control pain as well. Fevers are exhausting for the body, so taking naproxen twice a day helped avoid the spikes and keep my dad in a better condition for the time we had with him. You can also get naproxen in liquid form which is easier if Jeff has difficulty swallowing.

For the low sodium, my dad actually took salt tablets (you can get them at the pharmacy). He took them 3 times a day. Yes, it’s technically just salt in a pill and you could just eat it instead, but we found this easier to ensure he was getting what he needed.

Lavender22 profile image

While it is good to hear from you about Jeff, I'm sorry that you are going through another rough juncture. My mom had a lot of trouble with low blood pressure and dehydration, obviously with another illness. We surprised by how problematic the BP was. I hope the doctors get him back on an even keel soon.

NickJoy profile image

Thinking of you all. Take care of yourself too. I hope everything improves soon.

Spyder54 profile image

Jeff, Man, so sorry. We needed some good news from you, not more bad news! How much can a man endure? The brain issues, the mobility issues, mans closest friend issues.I used to think I was tough. I know nothing.

All I can say is continue to make good decisions. A little of this and that may be enough to improve your QOL.

Press on Regardless,


Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to Spyder54

Thanks Mike ❤️❤️❤️

cancerfox profile image

This may be appropriate.

Winston Churchill Quote
in reply to cancerfox

A great saying! Thanks!

Dear Stephanie and teamgallagher, This is heart breaking. He is So young and hit so hard . How is the new pup? He needs you all so much . All I can say is that he is not alone . Your team loves Chris . I pray for mercy and miracles ! Love always wins the day . Stay strong all ya’all . 🙏❤️😔

Pancake_Lefse profile image
Pancake_Lefse in reply to

Jeff is loving his little Maggie, who thankfully is THRIVING! She’s the funniest Bulldog. We all love her ❤️❤️❤️

Maggie! Getting so big! ❤️
in reply to Pancake_Lefse

I’m so happy that a funny Maggie cheers him right up ! I see she’s a stick lover! 😂My thoughts are for the kids and you to be strong as you all witness his suffering . It’s a lot .. one day at time .. brutal honesty sucks so does sugar coating suffering . Thanks for the Maggie pic . Please Tell Jeff that I’m pulling for him ! ❤️🙏😔

timotur profile image

RIP to your beloved lab CJ. Best wishes to Jeff and I hope he can regain some mobility.

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