Paul Very Sick In Hospital: Hi everyone... - Advanced Prostate...

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Paul Very Sick In Hospital

MelaniePaul profile image
37 Replies

Hi everyone.

Paul has been in hospital since Tuesday morning. We were due in to get his bloods done anyway but we also went in because Paul had developed a very sore throat over the weekend and a very high temperature in the night from Monday to Tuesday. He was 39.1 degrees when we arrived in the day ward. They gave him a bed and lots of fluids immediately. He had 2 liters of fluids and still only went to the bathroom once in six hours! That just shows you how dehydrated he must have been! They are now trying to find out whether what he has is a virus or a bacterial infection. They say it looks like it could be pneumonia and they are treating it as such with antibiotics.

I don't like the look of him at all. He is very quiet, not very responsive, and he has a huge problem with balance and is dizzy quite a lot when he tries to stand up. That's why they are doing a CT of his head today as well.

Has anyone here had pneumonia while on Chemo? Would you like to share your experiences? We are so scared that he won't make it or that the cancer has really spread into the brain or something. I am charing off to the hospital now and would be so grateful for any posts later.

Paul has been such a fighter so far. It would be so terrible if this infection took him away from us now.

Best wishes


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MelaniePaul profile image
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37 Replies
Tjc1 profile image

So sorry to hear Mel. Hope that it as nothing to do with his cancer and they can quicky find out what it is. Prayers for both you and Paul.


YostConner profile image


All good thoughts to you and Paul today.


erjlg3 profile image

Hoping, wishing and praying that the medicines get Paul feeling better asap. Sending good vibes and healing hugs.

Most sincere Mel,


MontyB profile image

Hoping he will have a speedy recovery from this. Please encourage him to continue to be strong and keep fighting the good fight. He can beat this.

Take Care,


CaregiverWife profile image

Prayers and hugs for Paul and you Mel. ❤️

Tall_Allen profile image

Chemo suppresses the immune system, leaving one open to all sorts of infections. There is a symptom called "febrile neutropenia" that can be fatal if untreated, so it's good he's in hospital. Febrile means fever, and neutropenia is a loss of certain white blood cells needed to fight infection. Fortunately, there is a cure (Neulasta, Leukine, Neupogen or similar) - he should get it immediately.

Apollo123 profile image

Hope he improves soon. You are in our thoughts and prayers. 👍

snoraste profile image

Wishing him a quick recovery.

Dan59 profile image

Mel, It is good you got him right to the hospital. Did they mention giving him something to boost his white blood cells. I am hoping for the best for both of you, sending good thoughts.


dockam profile image

Oh my - my sincerest thoughts and prayers to you both in this fight. Best to you both

Chiquis profile image

Thinking and praying for the two of you. Be strong you are not alone. A hug to you🙏💛

LF27 profile image

Thoughts and prayers to you both. Hope Paul is feeling better soon.

BigM62 profile image

I had pnuemonia around chemo round 7 or 8. I had severe nuetropenia - so i wasnt even coughing since my body wasnt fighting. I just had a high fever and my wife took me to ER. Chest xray showed pnuemonia. They started me on antibiotics and shot of blood count booster and i felt alot better in 24 hours. I ended up staying for 4 days until my blood count was back up - it took FOUR shots!! But after that i just coughed for a few weeks. My next chemo round pushed a week. But then i resumed.

Scruffybut1 profile image

So saddened by the current downturn Mel. We were and are fighting and praying with you. Paul was doing so well with your love and care. We hope he David

Olivia007 profile image

He will get better he will be in my prayers hang in there it’s hets worse before it will get better

Kshiprakapoor profile image

He is a fighter he will be good soon.. God bless and keep encouraging him.. Positivity wins! You are already doing right treatment. Don't worry.

dmt1121 profile image

If he has not had Neulasta injections after his chemo treatments, I would suggest you seek this with his MO. I might also suggest changing his MO, as the Neulasta should be standard procedure to boost his WBC after each chemo treatment.

I pray he recovers and returns to good health. Good luck.

Nicnatno profile image

So sorry to hear about Paul. It's good that he is under good care and will pull through this. Prayers always,


Kamilekamile profile image

He will be better soon!

Keep on fighting and praying.


ronnie1943 profile image

Yes, my husband Sam also landed in the hospital, He had nerostomey tubes and developed an infection, high fever, chills etc. Very low white blood count. Put on fluids,antibiotic and given a needle to bring up blood count, it took as I remember four or more days of shots to bring up blood count. He was on chemo at the time.

Prayers and best wishes!!! Take care!!

Hugs, Lynn Pa. 💗

DFZ4835 profile image

Paul will fight his best and we need to pray our best for him. My prayers are with you and your family.


DSEE profile image

My husband was hospitalized for 8 days while on chemo.

He became septic.

The doctors and nurses will watch him carefully and pull him out of this!


I know it is hard to see your husband like that!

EricE profile image

Holding you in my thoughts. I'm a relative rookie to the group but I have had experiences with dehydration that I can share. I've been severely dehydrated and it is scary. I found I couldn't get warm, ended up shivering under a blanket and passing out. Could barely walk into the hospital. Hopefully, when they get his liquids and electrolytes back in order he'll come around. Good luck today.

Brbnbrn profile image

Blessings on you both. With the help of God and modern medicine, Paul will beat this setback. Prayers for you two continue!❤

lincolnj8 profile image

Thoughts and prayers to you both

ChuckBandChar profile image

I don’t have anything to add other than to say I hope they discover what it is and he feels better. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Paul.

Beermaker profile image

I can't add any new ideas to the good advice already given above. But I can send all my best wishes and prayers to you and Paul. I know you both will keep fighting!

Shoot..... I’m praying that hes out of the hospital ASAP. ......infections are an enemy for sure. You are in our prayers......

gods blessings on you both...

Gary94 profile image

Thoughts and prayers area with you both. I receive a neulasta injection after each chemo episode and I developed signs of what I thought was pneumonia. They did a chest x-ray and prescribed anti-biotics. Doing much better now. I’ve had pneumonia before so I was some what concerned.

sidnw profile image

Could this be what my Dr. says is contagious...flu virus ..told me at least a 6 wk. period. I have been so sick with this for 5 wks. and meds and more meds...hope Paul is back to himself soon.

Shyrlene W.

sidnw profile image

Hope Mel is back home very soon!

leswell profile image

Dear Mel and Paul,

You feel very close in heart and mind this weekend. By now, we trust your doctors have followed Tall Allen’s sage advice and that Neulasta is helping boost the white blood cells. May the antibiotic triumph over your pneumonia, Paul.

What an example you two have been to all of what a father/daughter relationship can be. Your togetherness is enviable—especially now. Les and I have often overheard, “You can’t have one without the other.” Certainly such is difficult to imagine when it comes to you two.

More later. For now, we trust you are encouraged by all across this country and elsewhere who love and pray for you.

Les and Jan

MelaniePaul profile image

Hi everyone.

Thank you so much for all your messages, advice, prayers and good thoughts.

Paul is still in hospital. Paul tested positive for Influenca A virus but also has a chest infection which, according to the doctors, is quite common when the immune system is compromised.

Paul is on antibiotics for the chest infection and on an antiviral tablet twice a day; I think it is called Tamiflew.

The flew and the infection seem to be somewhat under control. His temperature is back to normal and he is feeling a little stronger in himself.

His balance and speech were really bad on Wednesday and on Thursday, so they did a CT of the brain and it came back all clear. Today was the first day that we had a little walk along the hospital corridor; his balance has certainly improved.

Now what really worries me at the moment is his confusion. He is clearly not himself. Yesterday he asked me how my trip to Italy was and today he asked me if I had had an operation and got my tumor removed. Neither was I or were we in Italy nor did I have a tumor ever. He is just saying these things and sometimes he is aware that he is saying things that don't make sense but sometimes not. It is really scary.

He is sleeping an awful lot. Today I brought him in a newspaper but he didn't read it because, every time he tried, he fell asleep or drifted off into a world of his own.

This evening he got sick after his food. Only a little bit but the retching was very strong.

I am so much hoping that confusion and retching are only side-effects of the infections/the virus.

We have never heard of this medicine to boost the white blood cells. I will definitely enquire about it.

Best wishes to everyone!


CaregiverWife profile image
CaregiverWife in reply to MelaniePaul

Thoughts and prayers continue for you and Paul.

leswell profile image

Difficult day here, too. Huge inguinal hernia, blocked colon, appt. with surgeon’s nurse April 24th and him May 4th. Hoping to make it until then. Sleeping a lot. Vivid hallucination this a.m. Don’t be burdened by us. Holding hands with good people. Jan

paulofaus profile image

Sorry for your current challenge Mel, like everyone here, I'm trying to send you both positive thoughts.

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