My dad forgot to take his second prednisone (5mg afternoon) while on Zytiga lupron and Xgeva can that slightly increase PSA - he was and psa was at .15 then was forgetting and PSA went up to .28 - just wondering if that can effect it? Thanks
Prednisone : My dad forgot to take his... - Advanced Prostate...

He should continue with Prednisone and forget about that.
No it can't/won't.
If the PSA continues to increase is because Zytiga is failing and not because the missing prednisone doses. No taking prednisone may cause hypertension, edema and hypokalemia, but not an increase in the PSA.
Are there a lot of other options for tx -
Yes, there are many options. It is mostly accepted that when an anti-androgen like zytiga fails the best options is chemo.
They should not consider a failure of Zytiga until there is radiologic evidence of disease progression (more mets, enlargement of pre-existent mets etc.)
If he had previous chemo with docetaxel, then the chemo should be with Cabazitaxel.
Other option could be to get treatment with Lu 177 PMSA abroad, if financially possible, in Europe, India , Australia, Israel etc.
It is more outside of the SOC, but Lu 177 PSMA treatment have shown to prolong life in heavy pretreated patients with advanced cancer . It has less side effects than chemo, unless there is diffuse bone marrow infiltration.
Since the failure of Zytiga will indicate the cancer is castration resistant he could request treatment with Provenge which is the only vaccine approved by the FDA to treat cancer and it has been shown it could prolong life.
Prednisone suppresses tumor growth. It slows an overactive immune system so that T-Cells can find and attack cancer cells. It does not matter if he misses a time of dose as long as he takes the daily amount recommended by his oncologist on a regular basis he will be fine. You should also look into Dr. Gundry’s elimination diet for cancer. Removing Lectins from the diet also assists in allowing T-Cells to attack cancer cells. Also explore T-Cell targeted therapies. There are several institutions running clinical studies depending on what side of the country your on. City of Hope in LA appears to have one ongoing at this time. Never loose hope. We all die. The goal is to live as heathy as possible for as long as the Good Lord allows…
I don't have the links handy, but yes, the steroid can help suppress the cancer, but is used concurrently with other drugs, not as a mono therapy. It also helps suppress the side effects of some therapy.
As with many studies these days are finding, multi-drug modalities are more effective... So not using one, in a multi-drug setting, can have an effect, sure!
Best Regards
I was on the same regimen and missing such a low dose prednisone on occasion should not affect his psa
Dr Gundry is not an advocate of an Atkinson diet, a Keto diet, or a Paleo diet. He is an advocate of replacing foods such as grain and corn fed meats with non GMO pasture fed meats, and Lectin contaminated foods with organically grown produce. He and other physicians and researchers have incorporated the restorative power of diet into their practices and believe that they can fight and even reduce the progression of many diseases. They are not recommending low carb diets high in protein but balanced organic diets to help individuals fight their particular disease’s progression.
Can you provide a clinical trial where this diet had success? If not, I'll place this magical diet with the other magical my magic book.

Once again Gundry doesn’t offer a diet, a diet plan, or any other such nonsense. Also he is just one physician albeit a celebrity, there are many others from almost every medical school who advocate similar elimination diets. Eating a food product contaminate with pesticides, heavy metals, bacterial contaminates, or other toxic substances has been repeatedly studied by almost every allied health professional on earth. Research continues to show new ones every day. Finding a diet suitable for your cancer is as important as almost every other aspect of treatment. I refer to Gundry only because he is famous for his scientific contributions to medicine and nutrition in treating patients. Actually his specialty was Cardio Thoracic Surgery not Prostate Cancer however he has influenced many Urologists and Oncologists to take a closer look at their patients diets. After all eating fast food seven days a week is not very conducive to improving your condition.I’ve fought this disease for twenty years and am still learning new ways of improving my condition. The only treatment protocol I’ve seen in all this time offering the potential for treatment with intent to cure is CART-T and it’s not there quite yet!
He promotes a way of a diet low or free of lectins.I'm not sure why you are advertising that it's not a diet.
For sure, we are what we eat... not literally but let's face it: processed "food" has been killing more Americans than some diseases. I followed the advice of Dr. John Day ( ) for about 7 yrs now, because he saved my life. "Eat only food you recognize" was one suggestion, so I stopped eating all kinds of processed crap and dropped 60 lbs in 3 months. My T2Diab. disappeared, hi blood pressure dropped to normal, was able to exercise again and diverticulosis disappeared. Added red yeast rice to diet and hi triglycerides and cholesterol dropped to normal. Sexual prowess went wild, felt like a million bucks and not the green and wrinkled kind either.
Those who deny the benefits of eating healthy need to have their heads shrunk!
Don't forget to remind him......geez, now what was that???
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 02/07/2022 7:41 PM EST
Maybe have Dad take the full daily dose (10mg) all at once? Shouldn't matter whether it's spilt. Ask his MO if it would be okay. Good Luck to you all <3
Sorry I thought the thread read 5 and 5 ? For me it's more and with Xtandi not Zytiga . (was prescribed prednisone prior to my diagnosis)