I have been on lupron and xtandi since April 2021… I was sexually active before diagnosis of stage four advanced…even though I can still get erections adt has put a downer on my sex life… Does Viagra or Cialis help in this department and does it cause any unwanted side effects…
Cialis or viagra: I have been on lupron... - Advanced Prostate...
Cialis or viagra

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra will give you erections if your mind is into it. Unfortunately, ADT lowers libido. Trimix doesn't require libido to work.
Sll I can say is.... "Use it or lose it " good luck!
My urologist put me on a maintenance dose of Sildenafil (generic viagra) - 40 mg/day, every day. When I will be having sex or at least am hopeful I can bump up the dosage to up to 100 mg. While my erection isn’t what it was before it’s good enough for sex, though an actual orgasm is sometimes difficult to attain. The only side effect I’ve noticed is persistent heartburn. Annoying but manageable, usually at night when I lay down. I take a Pepcid Complete at bedtime which seems to do the trick. While I can physically have sex my libido isn’t what it was. I can’t say I regularly have a burning desire to have sex, which may be the result of my dismal marriage, but that’s an entirely different conversation.
40 mg sildenafil, acetaminophen and something for heartburn (Rite-Aid acid reducer plus antacid) work well for me. Take them all at once an empty stomach an hour before. A headache is really off-putting. A teaspoon full of geletinzed maca powder and powdered coffee with a bit of stevia -or your favorite sweetener- a day help with libido. It takes a week or so to kick in.
F Flick................. (for laughs play it backwards).....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Monday 11/22/2021 10:07 PM EST - President JFK assassinated in 1963
5mg cialis on alternate days works for me. Viagra gave me bad headach