I feel kinda funny about sharing as with the advanced staging of PCa there's so much bad news, I thought I would share some good...
Now being around one year ago which began the discovery of Stage IV progression, the finding of mets inadvertently during an attempted Appendectomy, subsequent second successful attempt at Appendectomy and Hemi Colectomy, which removed tumors from my Peritoneal, Appendix and a small part of my Colon, followed by systemic therapy of continual ADT and addition of 6 Docetaxel infusions that ended in June...
My blood work and MRI are all very positive! PSA undetectable (<0.05ng), Acid Phosphatase 0.5, Testosterone @5... Also, MRI fails to find any suspicious areas including those that were previously indicated, ie, had avidity near Bladder neck/Prostate bed... all gone!
So, I find myself in a weird place, that I have relief where there's been nothing but concern and anxiety. We all know too well that feeling and the associated anxiety of the "next" test, or the follow up to a treatment and waiting to see if it had an impact. I'm hopeful that my abdomen and flank pain, which I insisted be further explored by my team and resulted in my drop back to Urology with my oncologists, resulted in the diagnosis of suspected Appendicitis that actually discovered my mets. My PSADT was <3 months at the time, and the spread which was found didn't show much on my PSMA scan, this may just have been a stroke of luck found upon the initial attempt at the Appendectomy,.. I still have some flank discomfort and soreness as in the midst of all this or maybe also coincidence, a kidney stone that is stuck but being treated that has been a source of pain in the same area. Who knows what was causing that flank pain, but it may have been very fortunate in my situation. Cancer in the Peritoneal usually goes asymptomatic until very well developed and not treatable. For a PCa patient with secondary spread to the Peritoneal and or Appendix, there are so few cases, there is no ability to prognosticate or predict a path forward. Anyways...
Just a crazy and wild ride so far... I am a believer in hit it early and hit it hard!!! And although this is just the first follow up, I'm very happy that the results look good and my body seems to have responded well! I want to go party and shout at the top of my lungs... YEAH!!!!!! While fist pumping the air!
Just thought to share, appreciate everyone here and all the encouragement and support I've received.
Best Regards