Hi All, following a PSA of 4.2 and biopsy I was diagnosed as Gleason 3+4 T2cN0 (0/15) R0. I had an RP in Dec 2018 and was undetectable for 18 months before PSA slowly began to climb. In 2024 my PSA hit 0.2 and I had a PSMA that identified a small tumour by a clip from surgery in the prostate bed.
May/June 2024 was given 33 sessions 71.6Gy to tumour, 66Gy to prostate bed, excluded lymph glands, and no ADT. PSA immediately before Salvage Radiotherapy was .22 then 3 months after SRT (Aug 5th) PSA had dropped to 0.1 which was promising. A second PSA taken Oct 28th, 6 months after SRT, shows I have stalled at 0.1
I am assuming this is my post SRT nadir so have requested an appointment with my radio oncologist in the UK to discuss the results and implications although I realise it is still early days.
I can’t find much on time to nadir for SRT rather than for RT as the primary treatment. Is there a typical time to nadir for SRT and like RT can there be a PSA bounce.
On the assumption that 0.1 is my nadir, would reoccurrence be considered when and if my PSA reaches 0.3
Lastly when I see my RO are there any further questions you would recommend I ask.
Many thanks for any input