Is high dose b 12 safe: Palliative care... - Advanced Prostate...

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Is high dose b 12 safe

Bigpike profile image
20 Replies

Palliative care Doctor suggested products from Millennium to counteract bran fog, extremely high dose b 12, other ingredients riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin. Any feedback?

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Bigpike profile image
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20 Replies
Tall_Allen profile image

If you're in palliative care, why is this an issue?

Bigpike profile image
Bigpike in reply to Tall_Allen

I have loss of focus at times. I write professionally and have increased challenges with focus, don't want to shoot myself in foot if take the stuff.

spw1 profile image
spw1 in reply to Tall_Allen

Your question seems unkind. He explained it was to counteract brain fog and asked a very specific question about a product. What has palliative care got anything to do with it?

Tall_Allen profile image
Tall_Allen in reply to spw1

It wasn't unkind - that is just your meddlesome interpretation. He answered my question yesterday without your help. I was genuinely asking.

spw1 profile image
spw1 in reply to Tall_Allen

Glad to hear it was not meant unkindly. 🙏

tango65 profile image

Some info:

My B12 was low about a year ago; it was checked due to my tiredness and mild anemia. My doctor put me on a sublingual B Complex with B12 (sold at walmart for about 4 dollars). It's a liquid that you put under the tongue. My B12 skyrocketed to above normal range, and I cut back now.... waiting to check it again.

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to

Hey meanders!

Yep! I have been using the Now brand for several years. Before I used Twin Lab which isn't on the shelf any longer--. Sublingual tablets, letting them dissolve slowly and lo and behold, CBC results are at the top of the range. Maybe $6 for 90 tablets? LE has a new B12 which has two types of B12. The new type is supposed to help with cognitive functions.


noahware profile image

This case study may be a rare example, and may not be of concern to you or apply to you, but here it is to consider..."This case report illustrates the importance of the effects of supplements containing large amounts of folic acid [and B12] on the metabolism of prostate cancer cells directly and/or B vitamin interference with docetaxel efficacy. Physicians caring for patients with prostate cancer undergoing watchful waiting, hormone therapy, and/or chemotherapy should consider the possible acceleration of tumor growth and/or metastasis and the development of drug resistance associated with supplement ingestion."


Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to noahware

Hey noahware!

A very interesting link! I am sending it to some doctors.

It may be the folate fortification of wheat products that is more responsible.

From the link you supplied.

"Patient's perspective

"I was alarmed to see a steady increase in my PSA while undergoing chemotherapy. I had been taking a dietary supplement containing large amounts of vitamin B12 and folate. When I learned of the relationship of large amounts of folate to increasing PSA, I immediately stopped taking the supplement. My wife and I searched the Internet to find foods that were low in natural folate, and avoided those foods high in folate. When I found out the government had mandated the addition of folic acid to basically all products containing flour and grains since 1998 I was surprised and dismayed. We quickly learned to read the food content labels on packaging, and found that many foods contained folic acid. Avoiding folic acid supplemented foods meant that nearly all baked goods, cereals, crackers, pasta, egg noodles, stuffing mix, white rice, bagels, flour tortillas, sandwiches, burger rolls, dinner rolls, doughnuts, pizza, pies and cakes were off limits. My wife, who loves to bake, found organic flour that was not supplemented, and used that exclusively to make bread, cookies, pies, cakes, pizza dough, etc. Happily, doing something as simple as reducing FA intake, allowed the chemotherapy to rapidly reduce my PSA to the lowest level in years."


pjoshea13 profile image
pjoshea13 in reply to noahware

That's exactly what I found 15 years ago with B12 shots. Being on the edge of deficiency is protective,

Having said that, deficiency can be dangerous & symptoms cannot easily be reversed.

A balance is called for.

Bigpike asked "Is high dose B12 safe" & I say NO!


Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to pjoshea13

Hey pjoshea13!

I posted the "Patient's perspective" from the link posted by noahware in response to him. It may well be governments' benevolent intentions to safeguard populations from dietary deficiencies that fortifying foods with folate is the cause. The "Patient" and his wife did their own study with only one subject--"The Patient". He had an interesting conclusion.

I agree with you. "They" who have imparted generational wisdom to us by centuries of observation in trite sayings designed to engage one's attention have passed one on that is appropriate to this subject--"There can be too much of a good thing! "

Synergy of other foods and supplements could be protective and prevent this from occurring. There is unfortunately not much study done on synergy in diet and supplements, therefore, ignorance outweighs knowledge in this area. Most studies have a tunnel vision approach to the drug, supplement, treatment food or even quality of the food in question.


marlins1 profile image

B12 is a water soluble vitamin, so any excess will just be peed out.

EdBar profile image

Dr. Sartor advised me to avoid B12 supplements, he said “prostate cancer loves it”. B12 was one of two supplements he strongly recommended avoiding, the other was vitamin E.


Currumpaw profile image

Hey Bigpike!

I clicked on the links you supplied. What slick advertising! $75! Plus shipping maybe?

Do you have any recent B12 results from a CBC? There should be D results too.

I have been using NOW brand 5,000 mcg sublingually letting it slowly dissolve. My B12 is near the top of the range. LifeExtension has a new B12 supplement with a second type of B12 added to the traditional B12. It is supposed to enhance brain and neuron functions.

For $75 you can buy the B12, a B complex, the PQQ and CoQ10 that is advertised as being part of the products formulation which might be --a proprietary formula--meaning the amounts, percentages, of the ingredients are SECRET!

Does your palliative care doc sell these products?

Caveat emptor!


Bigpike profile image
Bigpike in reply to Currumpaw

Palliative Doc does not sell.

Currumpaw profile image
Currumpaw in reply to Bigpike

Hey Bigpike!

I'd buy from the well known companies. LifeExtension has supported research with over 120 million dollars I believe. LE is well regarded as a supplement company and has been in business since the 1970's.

My best to you,


MateoBeach profile image

I think you can try this without worrying and will soon see if it helps with the brain fog. Yes PC cells need B12, among many other nutrients to divide effectively. But so do any other normal replicating cells in your body such as blood cells. Making yourself deficient in required nutrition is not an effective path to slowing cancer. You need to maintain the health and integrity of your whole body that supports your life.If it doesn’t help you can move on to something else: Try an estradiol patch 0.10 mg changed twice weekly. Worked wonders for my energy, attitude and mental clarity for me while on ADT.

V10fanatic profile image

My wife's Neurologist put her on Cerefolin NAC after her stroke to help with cognitive issues. Supposedly, it is formulated to absorb better.

j-o-h-n profile image

After being off B12 dated 11/25/2018 based on info here on H.U. my neurologist has me on B12 again which I started this past Sunday 04/18/2021 (1000 mcg daily).


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 04/22/2021 11:19 PM DST

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