preventing PC from coming back - Advanced Prostate...

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preventing PC from coming back

20 Replies

I have been in remission for 4 yrs and still a little weak from the Lupron Shot which I decided not take anymore because of all the side effects. I did one 6 month shot which was enough for me. I had 1 tissue out of 12 tissues on my biopsy that was positive, so I caught the cancer the earliest I could have, also received radiation treatments 40 of them . but I know cancer can sometimes come back and with a vengeance. so I have started a prevention regiment by eating veggies, taking lycopene supplements, taking "Wheat Grass" which is the highest in nutrients among any foods that is possible. taking Black Seed Oil with green tea. I put some cinnamon to hide the taste. Black Seed Oil has a lot of health benefits, stops tumors from growing both benign and malignant. please read on google about all its benefits and taking precautions while using other meds . Dr. Berg also talks about Intermittent fasting and prolong fasting , how it is one of the best things to do for cancer prevention and having cancer. I do intermittent fasting starting at 8pm till 12 noon next day, which is about 16 hrs of not eating. There is a video on youtube from Dr. Eric Berg about cancer prevention and dealing with cancer. I tried to upload here on this posting but it comes up as a error, so I say go to youtube and put " Dr. Eric Berg/ cancer prevention" and watch the video ,

oh yea I buy the Wheat Grass from Dr. Eric Berg, he also has a video on Wheat Grass.

God Bless

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20 Replies
LearnAll profile image

Bobbysacred...You are eating right kind of stuff. But I did not see Cruciferous veggies like Cauliflower ,Cabbage, Brocolli, Radishes, Mustard Greens....which have Sulforaohanes and has been found in research that they kill prostate cancer cells. Other good stuff are Garlic and Onions.

in reply to LearnAll

I do eat Cruciferous veggies too and alot.Thank you for mentioning it. I eat them plus a whole avocado, I take a garlic capsule and garlic extract tablet everyday.

Hey Bobby, I ve been undetectable over five years myself . Both of us waiting and wondering what comes next? Live for the day . I salute you .. no one knows for sure .. I do like all of the natural stuff that you’re doing . Only one six month shot of Lupron is amazing . ? I did it and another for 18 miserable months . I’m still taking a defunct adt drug that is working for me to halt adrenal production of t. Just enjoying daily Happiness loving life music and whatever you love about this world is the best medicine ..we all walk on rice paper “ grasshopper” after treatments .. some men have gone decades undetectable after some pretty knarly pc s ... if the pc doesn’t get us , something else will . Like the heart .. I’m thrashed from no t but I’m lucky to still be here .. A hormonal cancers doesnt go away easily .. 2-3 million pc cells can hide from all scans .they’re experts .. so follow your our pathway to healing yourself . Keep on truckin!

in reply to

Thank you LuLu700, I haven't been here much because I try to stay busy too with life and I do play music for profession. this year was the worst for musicians.

in reply to

Great to stay busy ..Yah, the many musicians have lost income and many lost their lifes to covid . Hope is on the horizon .

Drnelight profile image

Hello...have you considered requesting some blood tests such as a hormone panel which shows male and female hormones and pituitary and thyroid hormones? Have you considered running tests which measure your cortisol status AM and PM. Have you considered requesting a panel which measures your zinc status? I am not so sure you want to do any fasting regardless of who recommends it because fasting liberates free fatty acids from adipose tissue which fan the flames of inflammation. In conventional Urology they don’t always consider ordering any tests outside of the standard of care so maybe you can convince your PCP to order for you. IGF-1 and Prolactin in advanced Prostate cancer must be monitored and targeted for treatment to bring down otherwise things can get wildly out of control. I hope this helps.

in reply to Drnelight

my oncologist has set up some blood test for my next 6 month visit. its for my testosterone , I will speak to him about the test you mentioned too. Thank y ou.

addicted2cycling profile image

Congratulations and wishing you many more clear years ahead.

Just curious as to what the Gleason Score was on the 1 of 12 cores that necessitated Lupron and Radiation???

in reply to addicted2cycling

my gleason score was 7 I guess under 6 is considered low grade, mine was at the beginning of being high.

Magnus1964 profile image

Lifestyle changes can keep that beast at bay. You doing great. One thing, keep your vitamin D3 level up.

in reply to Magnus1964

yes I take 2 tabs of vit D3 at 2000 a tab every day, plus vit C, and zinc, also for the covid virus, even though I got my 2 shots. I can't eat tomatoes they give me heart burn so I take lycopene tabs too.

addicted2cycling profile image
addicted2cycling in reply to

D3/K2 in liquid drops under tongue is better absorbed and more beneficial than D3 by itself.

bobbysacredword wrote >>> "my gleason score was 7 I guess under 6 is considered low grade, mine was at the beginning of being high."

Making sure you have a CLEAR UNDERSTANDING of your GLEASON Score numbers is paramount. If you are 3+4 with very little % of 4 and being only 1 core, your metastasizing risk is very small.

garyi profile image

Good list of actions, Bobby.

I wonder if skipping b-fast for a few hours counts as intermittent fasting. ;-)

"I do intermittent fasting starting at 8pm till 12 noon next day, which is about 16 hrs of not eating."

in reply to garyi

I think any time away from eating is good especially grains, and sugars. which I don't eat. but we do have to eat so eating the right foods is important. keep my diabetes at a good A1C , like mine last week was 5.5. I plan on getting it to 5.1 that would mean my insulin resistance has gone down. it might take me the next 6 months to reach and then I will get my A1C again. we all know that sugar also feeds cancer like testosterone does for PC. so staying away from sugar and high carb foods is helpful to keep the cancer from coming back.Thank you Gari and everybody here because we are here to learn from each others journey. I have learned so much being a member about PC. and all the new procedures , medicines and just being able to talk to others about PC is great as a PC survivor and still at work to stay healthy to keep the cancer out of my body. God Bless


j-o-h-n profile image

Greetings Bob, Cancer never goes away.... I once asked my M.O. what type of diet is helpful for Pca.... His reply was eat a normal meal but in moderation.... I am not challenging what you eat but just pointing out what my MO said. He's a top M.O. BTW give us more of your Bio...

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 04/09/2021 7:57 PM DST

in reply to j-o-h-n

Many top Western docs don’t think holistically about diet .

MrG68 profile image
MrG68 in reply to j-o-h-n

This is actually true. You always have cancer - 24/7. It’s an expected part of your design. Your body just deals with it. There’s only one thing that can kill cancer cells discriminately, that’s your immune system. When people say they are ‘cured’, it’s not an accurate statement because you can’t eradicate the cancers in your body totally. That doesn’t mean you cant try to support your immune system to attempt for it to work optimally.

Thank you John for your comment, I feel when I talk to any doctor , specialized or a MD they know a lot about what they are taught in their medical training, but when I talk to them how I eat to stay healthy most of them just say " that might help" Like your doctor was really vague about

food , just eat normal. To me that is his personal opinion because he probably didn't study food nutrients only medicines and medical technologies , like radiation and medical procedures, which I believe works but to add food nutrients to the regiment is serious for the bodies health, I am also a diabetic which we have to learn about eating the right foods to keep our disease a bay, last week I got my A1C back and it was 5.5 by choosing the right foods to eat I am actually getting rid of my insulin resistance. which means I can reverse my diabetes to almost normal but I have stay on my regiment to keep it reversed. diabetes has no cure, just changing my lifestyle, and enjoy foods that keep me healthy. When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I thought just don't eat a lot of sugar would work but when I went to diabetic training we were taught about carbs too and how they turn to sugar too. To me that meant giving up a lot of foods that I love but it was a slow process to give up foods that I have always eaten. I did a lot research about foods last year because I was pretty much stuck at home because of the pandemic so I went on the internet and read so much about diabetes and foods, before my A1C was always around 6.5 which is not bad but I knew the higher the number is the progression of the disease keeps moving forward faster, so I did change my lifestyle and my doctor asked me how was I able to bring down my A1C, I said that a low carb diet and no sugar made it happen. So really I can't eat a normal meal of what I use to when I was younger. I say also as a PC patient with a psa of .3 for the last 3 years I feel I am doing what I feel is right for my body.

God Bless

in reply to

Oh yah! Bravo!

j-o-h-n profile image

Keep up the good work bobby, I didn't realize you were diabetic and must keep an eye on everything you eat. My Mom was diabetic so I know the strict rules you must follow to keep from further complications. Stay well and thanks for your response.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/21/2021 11:22 PM DST

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