My dad just took the PSA test and it increased from 0.29 to 1.16 and ALP of 134.2 U/L (40 - 129) after 2 months finishing chemo. He did this test for himself since his doctor askes him take the test after 3 months from chemo. With the above result, we think he need a treatment.
-My dad had taken Casodex and achieved PSA nadir of 0.162 after 10 months of 1st line ADT. He stopped using Casodex when the PSA increased to 0.3. Could he recharge Casodex?
-Based on our understanding from Healthunlocked, the next treatment can be Zytiga. My dad’s doctor said he only took next treatment when imagines showed that there’s progress in his status. I read somewhere imagines are only clear when PSA is greater than a certain value (e.g. 2). Is it correct? Moreover, PSMA scanner is not available in my country (Vietnam), PET/CT is also quite limited. Should my dad wait for few more tests to take next treatment or he should take the next treatment immediately? If his doctor still has no advice on next treatment (i.e. wait for imagines of status progress), should he take Zytiga without a doctor’s prescription?
Looking forward to receiving your advice and experience sharing.
Thank you in advance,