Stable PSA for four years: Someone on... - Advanced Prostate...

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Stable PSA for four years

elvismlv123 profile image
29 Replies

Someone on this site said he is taking two natural compounds and his PSA has remained stable fo 4 years One of the compounds is Elliac sounds like and the other I forgot. does anyone know who posted this?

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elvismlv123 profile image
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29 Replies
mrssnappy profile image

I think so too, just read that thread on Non-Invasive Therapies from 2 days ago. Essiac tincture together with CBD oil.

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to mrssnappy

Thank you. I immediately forgot the post and then part of it surfaced but not the whole story. I think its worth checking out.

elvismlv123 profile image

Thank you for letting me know. Ill contact him.

Hi elvismlv123,

Yes, that was me.

If you click on my avatar picture you’ll be able to read my bio and some posts I started about my own cancer journey and complementary supplements.

I've been taking Essiac tincture together with CBD oil for almost 4 years.

When I stopped ADT in early 2017 due to severe side effects my oncologist predicted my PSA would keep rising and my mets would continue to spread.

However, almost 4 years later my PSA is virtually the same as when I was diagnosed in December 2016 and my 2020 PSMA PET CT scan showed a reduction in distant metastases compared to my 2016 PSMA PET CT scan.

I'm the first to admit that there's no scientific peer reviewed evidence showing Essiac or CBD oil to be effective, but I've been taking them for almost 4 years and am very happy with my results so far.

Best wishes for 2021 to all.


elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to

Hi Dave,I know you are a trial study of one person but as for me thats good enough. Maybe it will be two me included.LOL. I believe in these anomalies and anecdotal findings. After all what has medical authentic discoveries gotten us so far? I respond well to AT but right now all I take is finasteride 5mg once per day an I know for a fact it lowers my DHT and DHEA.My PSA is 4 but maybe last year it was 3.3. I think Im good til about 5 given my age. I would like to know exactly what,how much and dosage schedule you are taking and do you have any side effects? Thanks,Dom

in reply to elvismlv123

Hi elvismlv123

I take about one fifth of the Essiac tincture squeeze dropper twice a day and about one third of the CBD oil squeeze dropper twice a day.

I haven't had any significant side effects.

A couple of times in the last few years I had a minor ache in my lower back and had a few days break from the Essiac and CBD oil.

That seemed to sort it out.

I have regular blood tests and everything seems to be fine including kidney functions.

I am not telling anyone else what they should do, we are all grownups here capable of making our own decisions. I'm just reporting on what I'm doing and what my results are.


Purple-Bike profile image
Purple-Bike in reply to

Hi Dave,Can you message me the details of how to get the Essaic tincture and CBD oil?


in reply to Purple-Bike

Ok. Message sent.

Dave, can you share the actual products? I searched the web and there are several varieties to choose from.


in reply to

I'll message you the details.

Mascouche profile image
Mascouche in reply to

Would you mind messaging me the info as well? I also happen not to be able to tolerate ADT. Lupron had just made me non-functional but taking Casodex 150mg has landed me in the hospital two days ago because it made me lose overt 20lbs in a month and half (and I was thin to begin with) and I was short of breath with can be a deadly effect from Casodex. So no more ADT for me, perhaps ever but at the very least for several weeks as I need to get back to the shape I was before I began to take Casodex.

I already take Cannabis oil and I also happen to have a bottle of Essiac Tea powder that I have bought a few months back but have yet to open because I was trying out other avenues and I did not wish to add that one to the mix just yet at the time.

Is Essiac Tincture the same thing as Essiac tea?

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to Mascouche

I took Casodex 150 mg for 13 months in 2004. No issues at all. But with 3x ADT who could tell?

Mascouche profile image
Mascouche in reply to elvismlv123

At 50mg I had no issue with Casodex. At 100mg I started losing weight but did not notice fast enough and my mind was getting clouded. Had some shortness of breath here and there but not enough to put 2 and 2 together. But once I upped it to 150mg, every symptom got worse and I was sleeping about 16 hours a day and was spending the other hours totally depressed and crying that I'd prefer to be dead than this way. Not a pretty sight and totally out of character for me. It messed me up good. I almost forgot to mention... It was also making me use wrong words and forget whatever I was trying to do minutes before. I knew it could cause Alzheimer in the long term but in my case it did not so very long at all before all kinds of side effects came up.

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to Mascouche

I was 65 at the time and I read that Casodex was being taken off the shelves in Canada. I was worried about blood clots. My dr said it was ok. He said as long as you are active physically there would be no problem. I was on Zoladex one shot per month and 5mg of finasteride daily.I was on Casodex for 18 months. It helped to keep my PSA extremely low like .005.

Mjex profile image

I, for one, took Essiac for more than a year and it was not effective in stopping my PSA from rising or for distant metastasis. I am using a variety of supplements now that seem effective.

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to Mjex

can you share with us?

Mjex profile image
Mjex in reply to elvismlv123

Most of the supplements I take are from recommendations on this list. So, 120 mg melatonin; Mebandezole; Pepcid; atorvastatin; claritin; berberine; Acetyl-l-Carnintine; baking soda and lemon juice; Modified Citrus Protein; Neem; and alpha lipoic acid; a variety of supplements high in anti-oxidants; and tea. I do have a slowly rising PSA but so far in 18 months I have gone from barely detectable to 0.488. I am going to add Vitamin D3. You can search any of the supplements I listed and get recommendations for quantities. Happy New Year

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to Mjex

For you that is .325 rise per year but I am .25 per year.The number I got goes back to 2004. This slow rise is ok.....The running number may be ok but the averages tell more. Also we dont want to see sharp rises.

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to Mjex

Thank You for your list. My PSA during ADT in 2004 dropped to .005 but 16 years later is 4.1. It went up .25 per year on average. I have a prostate and I got older so PSA would rise anyway.

j-o-h-n profile image

From google:

Cancer Treatment

Some lab experiments have tentatively shown essiac tea may decrease proliferation of some cancer cells. However, other experiments have indicated some of the herbs in essiac tea can help cancer grow.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 12/29/2020 7:08 PM EST

elvismlv123 profile image

Sadly we dont expect everything( or maybe anything) that works for one will work for the other. We cannot throw our hands up and say what good will this do ME!!!!Experimentation doesnt always produce a thing. We have many,many bad actors. But if something..anything that helps you it brings another's chances to a much higher level of possible success.

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to elvismlv123

The history of treating diseases has been finding a medicine that will cure a specific disease caused by a specific microbe. Each medicine or vaccine was specific. It wasnt thought that people were different with different types of the same disease. They knew that some people were immune.Now we have many different cancers and a microbe hasnt been found that causes it. Within the same named cancer there are different types too and they change within the person over time.Its much more complex than smallpox or polio or many other diseases we have cured. So the fact that a herbal remedy doesnt help me with my PCa can be understood.If you are hormone sensitive its more likely to work. If you are not hormone sensitive there are herbals that might work.Some treat male hormones but not female ones.A herbal remedy with trace amounts of DES was more effective I think because it reduced all hormones.Many men with advanced PCa successfully took this kind of herbal and did very well with itor a very long time. f. But it was specific for PCa not any cancer. It was Dr Sophie Chen's PCSpes in 2003.

Hi everyone

Just in case anyone gets the wrong idea from this post's title, I thought it best to mention that my PSA has often jumped up and down.

I didn't start this thread so I wasn't involved in its title.

However I still stand behind my previous statements that my latest PSA is virtually the same as when I was first diagnosed in December 2016.

My PSA was 12 back then.

Here are my last 8 PSA results, oldest first...

14, 13, 10, 9.6, 8.7, 10, 16, 13

So in December 2016 it was 12 and four years later in December 2020 it was 13.

If anyone wants to read the post I started on this forum about my cancer journey here's a link...

Happy New Year everyone.


elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to

I read the story behind the discovery of essiac (its not unlike PCSPES)and results using this herbal compound. We know its not born of science so no doctor will believe in it or attest to its ability to knock back cancer. We have to truly understand that we are not neophytes at this and we know we are not naive enough to think a herbal remedy may be an absolute cure for cancer. However we cannot dismiss them and say they are worthless as the medical community does. They can have a dramatic benefit for many people.

in reply to elvismlv123

If anyone is interested in Essiac here are two posts I started about it. They caused some very interesting discussions on this site.

Why did these nine doctors petition the government eighty four years ago?


A Complementary Therapy that might actually help?

bluesnjazz profile image

Here's the essence of Essiac: There is no evidence it is beneficial to health. In a number of studies Essiac either showed no action against cancer cells,[2][3][4] or actually increased the rate of cancer growth.[5] The Essiac variation, "Flor Essence" in particular has shown evidence of being harmful, with laboratory tests demonstrating that it increased the growth of breast cancer cells.[2]

elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to bluesnjazz

Thank You. I was researching Dr Lorraine Day's bio on BC. I went to Wikipedia and found that most, if not all, alternative medicine treatments do not work against cancer. This cannot be true!!!! Essiac is included in the group of failed treatments. But to be fair this has to weighed against all the failed Rx treatments and what standard we are using to define failure. There cannot be evidence if no one really does an appropriate trial.There is no money or interest in finding an alternative treatment cure for cancer. It cannot be that nothing,nothing works. It is counter to common sense. Prostasol worked for me and so has PCSpes. This is not the 40 mile per gallon carburetor which may not be true. These treatments are not to be discounted. They have evidence in people who lived very well for many years using them.

in reply to elvismlv123

With regards to Essiac, you might also be interested in this PUB MED case report. It's about a terminal pancreatic cancer patient who had to stop his chemo due to treatment intolerance and started taking two supplements instead.

Unresectable Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Eight Years Later:

I know that article is about pancreatic cancer and not prostate cancer, but if there's anything that "might" be able to help with that truly dreadful disease then it just might be worth trying for advanced prostate cancer too.

One of the supplements that patient took was Essiac which is an old herbal remedy that's been around for almost a hundred years.

I'm the first to admit that there's no scientific evidence to show that Essiac is effective, but I've been taking Essiac together with CBD oil for almost 4 years and am very happy with my results so far.

When I stopped ADT in early 2017 due to severe side effects my oncologist predicted my PSA would keep rising and my mets would continue to spread.

Almost 4 years later my PSA is almost the same as when I was diagnosed December 2016 and my 2020 PSMA PET CT scan was better than my December 2016 PSMA PET CT scan.

Best wishes


elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to

Thank you. Anecdotal results dont mean a thing unless the anecdote happens to be you. (There are many ways to skin a cat .I love cats so I am not serious.about harming a cat that is) There is evidence...its just not what the medical community likes. Too many people dying using the approved medical protocols they believe might work. But these protocols are not easy to do....they themselves may kill you. The question is...Is this the risk we take when alternative medicine is used? In the very extreme maybe...but rare. It happens to be a gambling question. Some people can survive chemo but others cannot.So is this the ultimate test to see if we are qualified to beat cancer?

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