At this point I am only getting Lupron injections every four months. Zytiga and Prednisone stopped two months ago. PSA un changed at 1.06 for the last 4 months, testosterone down from 100 last month to 17 yesterday. Kindly asking, what will be the point of starting on Xtandi and get exposed to its nasty side effects? I've asked the Oncologist to wait until the numbers drastically change, he is in agreement. Actually he proposed it last month and I wanted to start right away, it didn't happen because if the interactions Xtandi - Biktarby that I take. PCP would have to change medication because of it. My HIV has been undetectable for at least 5 years.
Stable PSA, deep fall testosterone la... - Advanced Prostate...
Stable PSA, deep fall testosterone lab results.

Looks like youre hurting yourself worrying about side effects. (according to your bio)
Everything we take has side effects. Pick your poison, and help yourself.
What SEs do you have with Zytiga??

I am not sure if it was Zytiga or Prednisone, but I put on 30 pounds weight in less than two months. I had unbearable muscle cramps, spasms and feet twitching, fatigue so bad that made me fall asleep at work. I am still trying to loose the extra weight and the scale has not moved. I walk (because de oncologist said I cannot longer run because if my weakened bones) at least an hour a day, I now wear a compression shirt to work to disguise my man boobs. I am depressed, I am anxious. By the way, I live alone, I was never married, I don't have children. Could all of this explain my medication side effects paranoia?
Do not worry about what the side effects does, man boobs are in and walking is better than running in your case. Tall Allen is giving good advice.
Walking is good, but try to add some type of weight bearing exercise to it, and eat less if you can. The Lupron is much more the driver of your fat gain than Zytiga.
You are much better off with docetaxel next, but you may be better off waiting until your cancer shows more activity either on PSA doubling time or radiographic progression.
How do you know the side effects of a medication you haven't taken yet? Every person is different; your focus should be on the best treatment to give the best chance of survival. Better treatments are out there. Be hopeful, not fearful.
IT was on Zytiga and prednison for two years that ended in 2020 and I haven’t had to do anything else since then as my PSA is undetectable at 0.014. I would just wait and watch the numbers and I would also get a second opinion if your oncologist wants to start you on something else.