Why did these nine doctors petition t... - Advanced Prostate...

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Why did these nine doctors petition the government eighty four years ago?

19 Replies

Why did these nine doctors petition the government eighty four years ago?

They were local doctors who had seen first hand the good results that Rene Caisse was getting at her cancer clinic.

Rene Caisse was only allowed to treat patients in her clinic who had a written doctor's diagnosis of cancer, and she had to treat them for free.


Here's a 1977 Canadian magazine article co-authored by investigative journalist Carroll Allen .....


In hindsight Rene Caisse might have been her own worst enemy.

Her stubborn refusal to reveal the ingredients probably gave authorities the ammunition to shut her down.

Who knows what might have happened If she had revealed the ingredients eighty years ago?

I welcome comments about the petition and the magazine article.

Kind regards


19 Replies
pjoshea13 profile image


You will no doubt get some very negative responses, so I will respond as gently as possible.

Essiac tea will not harm you. By all means try it. But here is the type of coverage it has had in reputable sites:

"Essiac was developed in the 1920s by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, and promoted as an alternative cancer treatment. It contains four botanicals: burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and rhubarb. Laboratory studies have shown that Essiac has antioxidant and cytotoxic properties. But results of its antiproliferative effects are conflicting: Essiac prevented growth of prostate cancer cells, but stimulated growth of breast cancer cells. In a study of breast cancer patients, Essiac did not improve quality of life or mood. Despite unsubstantiated claims, Essiac remains a popular anticancer therapy."

(Sloan Kettering)


National Cancer Institute:


Susan G. Komen:



in reply to pjoshea13


Thank you for your response.

My Bio describes how I’ve been using Essiac tincture and CBD oil for over 3 years, and I’ve been very pleased with the results so far.

Essiac's ingredients are listed on the bottle, so I’ve known them for ages.

I see my Oncologist every three months and he admits that he can’t explain why I’m doing so well, but he always finishes by saying “Just keep on doing what you’re doing.”

Over the years I’ve read everything I could find about Essiac.

From reputable sites, and from other sites too.

I always like to hear “both sides of a story” and then make up my own mind.

I suspected that I might have already read the articles that you suggested, but clicked on your links anyway, just in case I’d missed something.

I had previously read all three, but it was good to be reminded that the cancer.gov linked article mentions that the Canadian Royal Cancer Commission found little evidence that Essiac was effective.

The 1977 Canadian Homemakers Magazine article about Essiac that I linked to earlier gives much more detail about that Cancer Commission.

Here are just a few extracts from its coverage of that Cancer Commission.....

-Start of quotes from the magazine article-

Rene rented a ballroom to seat the 387 patients who appeared to support her.

Of those, only 49 were selected by the Commission to be heard.

One by one, Rene’s patients were questioned.

“If it hadn’t been for Essiac and Nurse Caisse, I’d have been buried long ago” was a frequent statement.

“My doctor had given me up”, many assured the Commission.

Again and again, the commissioners questioned the accuracy of the diagnoses the patients offered.

Dr Guyatt testified that “I am satisfied that the patients I saw at Bracebridge were definitely receiving benefit.”

Stating that he had considerable clinical experience, he felt the diagnosed cases of cancer were bona fide.

And after the Commission’s findings were released...

"Mrs Annie Bonar, who had been faced with amputation of her arm after a year of radium and x-ray treatments, was livid that her cure was laid at radium’s door.


Rene was quoted in the newspaper as saying, on hearing the results..

“The Commission would not consider any recovery due to Essiac unless there had been no other treatment previously taken. I have been obliged to treat so many cases sent to me by doctors after everything in medical science had been used ineffectively. I have not been allowed to take a cancer case without a doctor’s diagnosis, and in the majority of cases, a doctor will not give me a diagnosis unless he considers the patient beyond the help of medical science.”

-End of quotes from the article.-

So it looks to me like the Commission decided that Rene’s patients were either misdiagnosed and didn’t have cancer in the first place, or that their recoveries were entirely due to their earlier medical treatment.

I have read all the articles that you suggested, so I am hoping that you will take the time to read the magazine article that I have suggested in return.

The article was published in a 1977 edition of Homemakers Magazine.

That magazine existed between 1966 to 2011.

It’s a photocopy of an old article in a magazine that was around for more than 50 years.

(It even looks old, with yellowed pages and dog-eared corners.)

Here’s another link to that article ...


Best wishes to you and everyone else.

Kind regards


JRPnSD profile image
JRPnSD in reply to

Strange her use of the masculine version of Rene (my middle name) versus the feminine version Renee (my mother's name). As to the use of the tea, the strongest endorsement seems to be that it has not been found to be toxic.

in reply to JRPnSD

In the article you'll see an endorsement from Dr Charles Brusch who was President Kennedy's personal physician.

My own family doctor told me that after seeing my results he would use it himself if he ever gets cancer.

However, I know that he couldn't recommend it to patients because it's not an approved treatment and he'd lose his medical licence.

Kind regards


lancer82801 profile image
lancer82801 in reply to

Dave Interesting article. Where are you getting the Essiac and how do you arrive at a dose to use?

in reply to lancer82801

Have just sent you a message about it.

Pcnmyy profile image
Pcnmyy in reply to

Hello Dave, thank you for the article and your insights. I would appreciate your sending me where to get a good quality Essiac and what dose to use per day. Stay safe.

in reply to Pcnmyy

Thank you for reading the article. I'll message you

Fishing1952 profile image
Fishing1952 in reply to

Could you possibly send me your info on Essiac dosage, where purchased ect thank you

DaveNes profile image
DaveNes in reply to

Very interesting article. So much good to keep it secret.

in reply to DaveNes

Thanks for taking the time to read the article.


j-o-h-n profile image

Essiac = Caisse backwards...... Does not work to improve signature signing....e.g. nine doctors.... (Does work when spit shining your shoes)

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Thursday 07/09/2020 5:43 PM DST

I'm pretty sure J-o-h-n was joking with his "improve signature signing - eg. nine doctors."

A few years after Dr Guyatt signed the petition he testified at the Cancer Commission on Rene's behalf, so I believe his signature was genuine.

Patrick suggested earlier that I would no doubt get some very negative responses.

However, so far I haven't received any negative responses that are specific to the 1936 petition or to the 1977 Homemakers Magazine article.

In the meantime, I urge anyone with an interest in alternatives to please read this fully documented case report published in the World Journal of Oncology in 2016.

It's about a patient properly diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer who stopped his conventional treatment due to treatment intolerance and switched to a couple of alternatives.

Several years later he was well and scans showed no sign of the cancer.

Not surprisingly the doctors who wrote the article give credit for his recovery to his earlier conventional treatment.

However they were open minded enough to admit they couldn't completely discount the possibility that the alternatives might've helped.

They even went so far as to suggest it might be interesting to do a clinical trial of chemo followed by long term use of the alternatives.

Unresectable Pancreatic Andenocarcinoma: Eight Years Later.


Kind regards


jmurgia profile image
jmurgia in reply to

Thanks for posting. I have some essiac tea in the cupboard. I'll have some later. I've been using alternative medicine for PCa for 18 years.


elvismlv123 profile image
elvismlv123 in reply to

Clearly there are remedies to stop cancer beyond the purview of the medical community.Essiac is one. But like all is dicey. There is no panacea. All those testimonials are not for nothing( my best slang). Neither were those for laetrile. Nor maybe Baking Soda and Lemon juice. Some have survived forever on Lupron. We cannot believe there is only or any one herbal remedy that will stop PCa. It doesnt hurt to pile in everything that has the slightest reputation for stopping cancer. My dad had lung cancer and I was involved directly into his care. He lived ten years beyond his terminal date. He took several treatments of chemo and Drs would say the chemo saved him and none of what I did helped him at all. Read the "Anatomy of an Illness" and see what I mean. Also look up Lloyd Ney and Lupron.

Fash01 profile image
Fash01 in reply to

Hi Dave. My name is Dick I am new here and just recently diagnosed with a Gleason 9 with cancer contained within the PG. I had PSMA scan done last week at UCLA confirmed no spread. I had a focal laser ablation of my tumor done in December but according to scan I still have cancer cells in prostate. I am very concerned about quality of life as I am only 64.

I have been supplementing so far with IP6 inositol and beta glucan and would really appreciate where you buy and what brand of essiac you use. Your dosage would be helpful too.

My email address is: wowlaulau50@gmail.com .

in reply to Fash01

Just messaged you

Fishing1952 profile image

I am new to site ,I sent you questions about Essiac,but noticed it was in post 2 months ago ,will try here ,your dosage,where purchased,and any other info ,Thanks

in reply to Fishing1952


Here's the Essiac tincture I use




(from their web site)

Adults: 6 - 10 drops under the tongue 2 times per day, maximum of 6 times per day


(from their web site)

Essiac Tincture is a blend of the following herbs: Burdock, Sheep sorrel, Slippery elm (inner bark), Rhubarb Root

I'm the first to admit there's no scientific evidence showing it to be effective, but I certainly believe it's helped me.

I have no financial interest in it whatsoever.

It's relatively cheap so I think it's definitely worth a try.

Best wishes


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