My latest blog post, where I ponder the paradox of having a "can do" attitude while on disability leave. In other news, I completed chemo back in June, finished radiation in July, and continue on Atezolizumab, Lupron, Abiraterone, and Xgeva. I'm finally beginning to see glimpses of improving health as I recover from the chemo and radiation. PSA was last seen at 0.02, up from <0.01 but I could make a good argument the rise is due to the effects of a stent change and radiation. Even if it's a real rise, a PSA of 0.02 doesn't scare me half as much as my NEPCa.
I Can Do an Oil Change: My latest blog... - Advanced Prostate...
I Can Do an Oil Change

- Chemotherapy
- Prostate cancer
- Fractures
- Abiraterone
- Atezolizumab
- Xgeva
- Lupron
- Percutaneous coronary intervention
After reading your latest blog I have a question; when they perform a MRI of your brain do they find anything or just a vast hollow cavern? Good to see you back and in high spirits.

My official statement has been that my first brain MRI found nothing.
I'm expect it saw my brain but no lesions, if that was a serious question.
Just joking Tom. Cheer up, it was refreshing to see you post again.
Fran Fran Fran ... a zinger 😂😂✌️
All my life I have made the mistake of not taking life serious enough. When I sit down and reflect on my 70 years, I consider it a joking matter. Long ago I took the advice of my grandfather who was born in 1890. He told me when you get a job learn something about it that no one else knows, that way they won't fire you for being a clown.
My dad born in 25 passed on to me some wisdom from growing up in the Great Depression . I made the same mistake of taking life as a joke. Until APC . I too found a niche in work. I prefer to remember the great times of life. Can’t say that I didn’t have more fun than the average guy . That’s slowed a bit with APC . Still enjoying things.

Thanks for sticking around and helping us newer guys through our journey. Two years with tubes must be some sort of record and it's inspiring to see you've gotten through it and found some peace with your situation.
Thank you Tom. This is my therapy . I did not find HU until 3 years post dx.It was a year and a half with tubes then stents for six months . Lucky to have escaped that hell . I went pretty loco during that time. I still have my nutty days but less and less with more time between . For me it’s the drug I’m on and no t ... see how long castration holds the pc off? Be well Tom.😎💪

Scott, what was the one most important lesson or advice you received from your dad?
To love and respect nature ! 🌵Thank you Sir , for asking.

Awesome. Thank you.
I did imrt five years ago this month. I’ve been on ssdi the whole time. I can relate . What messed me up was two years with tubes out of my back. I’m permanently altered my friend.

I'm sure I'm permanently altered as well. But my muscles, bones, and joints seem to work well enough (big surprise given all my bone mets) and I'm trying my hardest to keep them that way. What I've lost this year is aerobic capacity and stamina, and it's scary to think I won't get a majority of it back. In a way, death scares me less.
I lost muscle bone joints and cognivity . I’m a walking noodle . Death? Is not ours to choose. In the end , we Will all submit. We must fight to be with those we love . At some point death is mercy.. I’m working on my spiritual side. The physical is what it is . Got a nice set of new tits out of the deal . Chopped the boys just to stay on the field . What a ride Tom! 😂😷

Probably why your neighbor's kid is still saying "No, Mom, I swear they're aliens. I really, really swear they're aliens."
The truth Monte is; I often feel alien to this world . But then my wife touches me and I’m not alone anymore .

You're not alone anymore? How many of you are there? Are they all named Scott? Is Lulu really a dog? New meaning to "We Are Not Alone".
If the kid saw when I’m
Frying and sweating he definitely Will know I’m not a normal guy . Abby normal ..
Hi Tom. I start VMAT radiation in a couple of weeks time. I was wondering if you would share your experience going through radiation with us, so we could gain a little insight into what it was like for you. 😎DD.
My radiation was targeted to my bladder, so your experience may vary. I've previously had radiation to a spinal met, and that experience was slightly different from my more recent one.
The first step they call a "simulation", which is a CT scan they use to plan how to deliver the radiation to get the most radiation on the tumor and limit collateral damage. They'll also tattoo reference dots on you top help align your body for the actual treatment. These hurt a bit as they stick a needle in you. One of my marks is less than an inch from my junk and that hurt a lot. They also wanted my bladder to be full so that added some discomfort to the experience.
The actual treatment days are quick and easy. It takes just a moment for the to position you pn the table, then a quick scan to make sure all the internal bits are in the right place. They usually would move the table slightly to get the alignment perfect, and then the radiation dose is given. The whole process takes less than 10 minutes and is completely painless.
When I had radiation to the spine I think my stomach was affected and I'd develop nausea on the car ride home. There were no such problems this time. I drove myself to all treatments except the first one.
The short term side effects are delayed about 1-3 weeks from the radiation dose. I started developing bladder pain before treatment was done. Urination became painful and frequent and my bladder felt full with only a few ounces in it. There were some drugs that helped, and it was not nearly as bad as chemo.
I also developed a bit of rectal pain and bowel issues. These all seemed to peak about 2 weeks after the last treatment, and by three weeks were easing considerably. Fatigue is now my most serious and lasting effect and that could be the radiation, the chemo, or ongoing immunotherapy.
It really wasn't that bad, but coming after chemo it was yet another kick while I was already down. But my urinary stent is bothering me less than ever, so in the long run this may be a resounding success.
Best of luck to you!
Tom will you ever be able to drop that stent ? I had them also . Was a fine day when they removed the final one . But hey , it saved my life . Fatigue is a SOB . Good luck brother ✌️

My urologist was saying we could discuss losing the stent at our next appointment in October. It seems to be much less bothersome as I recover from radiation which I'm assuming is a great sign.
Thanks Tom, that was a well put together account and most helpful. Our situation is similar, as I had my 9th (and hopefully last) chemo shot last week, I have bladder tumours and a Ureteral stent. I pray that you can get that stent out soon which will make you feel much better. 👍😎DD.
🥳👏🏼Good job getting through it ! I had the stents also. Hang In there 💪
Tom, for what it’s worth I read your blog every time you post and I greatly admire your persistence in the face of the significant obstacles that you’ve had to deal with. Like you, I think of APC as the Sword of Damocles; we never know what is going to happen. All you can do is keep on keeping on. From a fellow software engineer and Massachusetts native (and wife).
Are you eating some olive oil with your salads? You could always blend with a small amount of low THC high CBD cannabis oil, and oh what an oil change can make!
If only I had a Psa of 0.02.
Its not a lot to worry about, and I suggest Don't Wurrie, Be Happee.
Put another good CD on and sit back and enjoy the music.
Patrick Turner.
Bravo Patrick!
Tom, I would die for a .02 I enjoy your blog and its time to bring that 97 Mustang to Vt My wife always wanted a 65 back in the day. Stay strong. Bob
It's all about:
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/15/2020 11:48 AM DST
Anyone but that guy.
Video unavailable. Do you really want to hurt me?
One of his best😂

Years ago I heard this song I thought had to be sung by a very sexy female. Turns out it was some dude named Michael Jackson.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/15/2020 6:00 PM DST
Little Michael Jackson with rocking robin and abc was the start of the twisted genius . At the end he asked his stupid doctor to let him sleep for three days ? Insane man ???

Guess the doctor couldn't count. Years ago when we went to our yearly coast visit wife made me detour all the way to Neverland Ranch. Mourners had left all sorts of flowers and etc. at the gate. Wife stole a flower. It's probably in a drawer somewhere. While she read all the notes and etc. I fixed the power windows on the car. We all have our priorities. Many years later she passed away on the same day and month as "Michael". That still creeps me out. We are not alone.
Boy George was a phenom ... had some great hits . Thanks
When you become filthy rich.... all you have to do is keep the oil and change the car......
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/15/2020 12:31 PM DST
Yeah, but doing my own oil changes is the filthy half of my get filthy rich plan. Just need to figure out the rich half and I'll be all set.
In software for 30 years and you still haven't figured out how to cook the books? My Oh My...a llitle rounding error here and there.....penny breakage.... and etc..
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 08/15/2020 6:26 PM DST
It’s business
At least you have a plan ! 😂