Round 3 of docetaxal in progress as I post. The M.O walks in and tells me my PSA has risen from 2.8 to 4 from the original starting point of 6. She wants me to do a biopsy on my humerus where of 1 Mets along with 3 bonus Mets elsewhere exist according to recent scans 2mos ago. I am currently receiving neulasta lupron zometa, and all the meds associated. I am concerned and have put a call for a quicker appt with a prostate specialist at OHSU DR Bears. Nonetheless I have read there are better results for survival rates if there is a PSA drop while on chemo I have heard your PSA can also fluctuate while on chemo. Does anybody have any insight from personal experience or knowledge along the way. Thankyou in advance. In addittion I have a appt with the radiation onc to discuss zapping with sbrt.
Well I got the news today I didnt wan... - Advanced Prostate...
Well I got the news today I didnt want hear.

Cabazitaxel is indicated if docetaxel doesn't work.
Tall_Allen At what point do you make that decision, on the first PSA increase , are do you wait until the next uptick. Thankyou
I had six rounds of Taxotere and carboplatin last year. My PSA decreased greater than 50% after six cycles. But two months later my PSA was at the level it was before starting chemotherapy. So my response was short-lived. I then went to Heidelberg and have had three rounds of lu177 and ac225. This helped with my lymph node meds, but unfortunately not my bone Mets. So it looks like it’s back to the drawing board to figure out the next treatment.
I thought you were going to get a bigger dose of ac225??
I did. Quite a large increase as a matter of fact. And honestly it might be a bit early to make the call that it failed. But my progressive low back pain is suspicious for progressive disease.
It saddens me to hear your current chemo is not bringing your PSA down. It must be very disheartening for you as I know how we endure treatments in the hope for success. My thoughts and prayers 🙏are with you Costa, regards 😎 DD.
Thankyou you're right disheartening.
I wouldn't get hung up on these small PSA fluctuations during chemotherapy. I would be more focused on imaging to see if there is progression and then possibly switching to Cabazitaxel if there is progression with Docetaxel.

I am just battle fatigued and now multiple treatments not working as I anticipated. My 2nd round PSA dropped 3.2 points now a bounce back. Oh well I will see what the next round brings thanks

Just finished 6 courses of docataxal I have a CT scan on wed the 10th
On the 16th I have an NW Bone scan whole body
Would these be for comparison ?
My PSA is down from 13.5 to 1.63
Would the scan reflect a lowered PSA
The numbers would dictate a good outcome considering the drop in PSA. the studies have proven a longer survival rate compared to the guys that drop to a 50% decrease in PSA. I am only hoping to see your final number. I am glad to see you responded so well, and it's over For now.
What is your treatment history?
I saw that you were diagnosed in Feb 2019, but that's over a year ago.
Typically you would be doing chemotherapy either close to the start of hormone therapy at diagnosis or after you become castrate resistant. Looks like a good PSA response, but again the rest of the history of your PSA would be helpful.
I'm guessing you had scans done at diagnosis and if so, the scans you are getting are for comparison.

Diagnosed November 2019
T2 Gleason 4+5
PSA 13.5
Metastatic ribs minimal shoulder and spine
Undergoing 3 monthly hormone suppressant injections
Just finished 6 docataxal chemo infusions
As a bodybuilder I used intra muscular testosterone they explained contributed to driving ir feeding my cancer
Stopped all use 9 months ago i am hoping this will also help with the results
It looks like you gotten a good response so far to ADT plus chemotherapy. Your PSA could continue going down over time.

Thanks for everything Gregg
Mine did
My doctor warned me my PSA mah juggle while undergoing treatment and it did
After my 3rd Docatexal it balanced and reduced after each session
They will stop it if it continues to climbed
Know this there are many other treatments available to you today don't be discouraged
My PSA was 36.0 the day before Docetaxel #1. Unfortunately it was 56.9 the morning of Docetaxel #2. That's a jump of 20.9 following a docetaxel treatment! Another dynamic in play, of course, in our SEQUENTIAL, jump-through-the-hoops-one-at-a-time, CaP treatment is that the week before Docetaxel #1 I was told to stop abiraterone. So we removed the CYP17 axis inhibition (which was failing, certainly, but often remains efficacious for many cells). So, for the first time since May 2014 I was not also inhibiting my CaP with either enzalutamide (androgen receptor block) or abiraterone. Take away a method of inhibition (as long as it has not turned into an agonist) and, of course, some CaP cells should rejoice!
Recent positive preliminary news on carboplatin ... I wonder if it's possible to get an onc to consider adding to Docetaxel #4?
Hi CostaRica (I am in Oregon also, in Bend). I know how that feels, how much hangs on these changes in markers esp PSA. But during chemo cancer cells may be dying and releasing their contents including some PSA. Stay the course and maybe a retest could show progress before your MO pulls the plug. Dr Beers is excellent to have on your team.
The radiation oncology consult also should be pursued. Try to see Dr. Hung there at OHSU if you can. Top notch. Best of luck to you. - Paul
Thanks Paul that helps to hear a possible reason, and changes my perspective for the better I look forward to consulting with Dr beers I have heard all positive reviews.thankyou going clamming now on the beach in seaside or. If you ever want to clam or crab let me know. Best of wishes to you.
Still seeing for myself. I just finished 6 rounds. I had a blip up after the 4'th infusion, and then back down a point after the 5'th. I'm still waiting to see what the 6'th and final has done.
It's a crazy ride emotionally. Take care of the mental and emotional sides!