I am new, but have been following the posts for a while. I have noticed a lot of questions about whether or not Fenbendazole gets results or not. Most people can't say for sure, because of complications with other treatmentsgoing on at the same time. I have been taking it for 12 weeks now and had a PSA of 8 when I started and a Psa of 5 (lowest in 5 years) when checked last Friday. It has been going up gradully for 5 years and has been averaging around 8. It was 12 eight weeks before starting Fenben. I have not been treated for my Level 2 cancer, which is contained in the gland. I have been taking the usual supplements and made changes (mild) to my diet. Still drink, chew and eat wild game (Venison). I mix the Fenben. with a small amount of smoked Salmon and really chew it up good on an empty stomach. The results of the next Psa on May 4th will be what may really tell the story.
Fenbendazole: I am new, but have been... - Advanced Prostate...

I have just started my Husband on FenBen as of last week, as his PSA numbers were creeping up 1.5, 4.7 (started Caxodex) 3.9 now back up to 4.5
We have a blood test in June and see our OC a few days after for results.
I will let you know if my Husbands PSA has changed.
I am praying it has worked, don't want to start Abi yet.
Have you had PSMA scan , G7 or G6 can get FLA ablation. , Dr. Walser ,UTMB Houston ,TX,
We are in the UK and my Husband is GL9 ! He dosn;t take Fenben anymore, we have moved on to Menbendazole. As of Dec 2020 he also now on Zytiga and pred.plus a few more supplements.PSA got back up to 20, now 4.5, I,m afraid in the UK and the NHS we do things very differently here. So far things are holding, so fingers crossed.Always LU-177 to consider in the future.Hope you are keeping well.
What is his testosterone # How much MBZ dose he take daily or weekly.
Know his T is low, 0.2, 0.4 something like that.Alk Phos, down from 148 to 78, Menbendazole (Vermox )100mg tab, one every day for a month. Then following month one tab Doxycycline 100mgs.
Alternating like hat as part of our Care oncology Clinic protocol (our Oncol dosn't knowabout this, he would frown upon it, be we are trying everything to keep this in check. Whether any of this is helping, we will never know. Could it just be the Zytiga /pred doing this ????
As I said before my Hubbie s stage 4 (in bones) so why not !
Thanks goldenfoot...a lot of people here want to know the outcome of Fenbendazole on PSA ...difficulty is that people are also on many other thinhgs so it becomes really difficult to tell which one is helping.
Why haven't you pursued treatment? PSA is not the disease.
Give us more info about yourself (please). All info is voluntary, thank you....
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 03/31/2020 11:28 PM DST
Thanks for posting and keep posting.
Not sure of your age and general health etc but removal of prostate and SBRT would be on my radar. At some point particularly with PSA at 12 Mets could become detectable outside of prostate.
I have been on Zytiga along with ADT Zolodex for 27 months. Fenbendazole but more likely Mebendazole (OTC in Mexico, I’m in Canada) is on my radar when my PSA goes up from 0.01 to over 1. But I’m not as excited about this as Lu177 which I hope will be approved in US and Canada in 2021 before my PSA starts a fast rise.
Hope PSA goes down to <1 for you! Seems like Fenben can help a bit in some cases but unfortunately no good data out there so the more posts on this the better for this cheap and readily available product.
I am using Fenben as a primary treatment. I have never had any S.O.C. treatment whatsoever since initial dx in 2013 (3+4 PSA 3.8), and have done only natural/alternative protocols along with my strong connection to God.
I've been able to keep psa below 10 and stable til late 2018 -2019 when PSA began steady rise to 51. MRI impression in Oct, 2019 read:
"Large TIRADS 5 lesion replacing the majority of the prostate gland including the entire right peripheral zone and majority of the left peripheral zone and right and left transition zone. There is bilateral seminal vesicle invasion"
On Jan. 8, 2020 I went to Moffitt in Tampa and saw Dr. Julio Pow-Sang who was nothing short of wonderful in every aspect. At this point my symptoms were extreme and I could barely urinate. He gave me a DRE and said it felt like a grapefruit. He ordered PSA, Bone Scan and MRI. PSA was same day came back at 73. I started Fenben that night and after 3 days I felt symptom improvement.
This may sound crazy but I called Moffitt and postponed the scans for 6 weeks. I felt that if I had the scans then, they'd likely reveal massive advancement. So I thought if the Fenben worked for me then who knows how long I'd have to wait for a followup MRI and I wanted to see results of the Fenben ... and again, I felt God's total guidance with this so I placed total faith in Jesus.
I had scans on Feb 27, 2020 (having been on Fenben just 50 days). The Bone scan was negative and the MRI showed no seminal vesicle invasion and the one enormous lesion had shrunk and had separated into 3 small lesions with collective measurements totaling less than half the size of the enormous one. My PSA was 49 (down from 73). Also all symptoms are gone (difficult urination, burning when urinating, nocturia, ribs and neck muscle pain).
If you read Joes blog at mycancerstory.rocks (.rocks instead of .com) you will see how to join the Facebook page and there you can read the many many success stories and outright cures of all types of cancer including prostate. Of course, like any treatment, there are some (few on FB Page) that report it did not work for them. But through the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ, it sure seems to be helping me.

So to give more input on myself, I am 72. I was diagnosed one year ago on the 3rd. biopsy,16 needle. The previous 12 needle biopsies missed the cancer. Gleason 3+4, Psa 12. Treatment recommended. I looked into surgery and Proton radiation. After a life of being a timber faller and suffering exceptional incidences of trauma and surgeries I ended up with Trauma PTSD and do not want to go through anymore, so am doing the natural thing for now. Maybe at the most SBRT. I will see what the next blood test shows and go from there.
Thank you for your quick and detailed response....You may wish to cut and paste your response on your home page under your userID for reference by you and by other members.... Please don't gaff out..... and Timber.......... Hang Tough!!!
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Wednesday 04/01/2020 2:13 PM DST

What was your protocol , how much FBZ , how many times weekly?, what about 200 mg Dypridamole 25 mg aspirin generic , plus Berberine , 1500 mg daily , Simvastin 10 mg , Quercetin 300mg, how many months, have you don PsMA scan.?

My husband has been using Fenben liquid form since August, 2019, and his PSA is still rising slowly. He also takes Zytiga. He will probably use up the large bottle then taper off. I did not read of many prostate cancer successes on Joe’s Facebook page.
I recently posted in detail, on this site, the failure of fenben in my case. I had been reporting to the OMRF as requested by Joe, and my understanding is that they do not (yet?) have any prostate cancer success stories that cannot be explained by SOC.
Hi Goldenfoot,
you say, PSA was 12 eight weeks before starting Fenben and 8 as you started Fenben. For me, something else you do was working and reduced PSA before you started Fenben.
I have communicated with a fellow with Pca from the FB page who is benefiting from Fenben. But I haven't found anyone on the FB forum page with any type of cancer that isn't also doing some other sort of conventional treatment along with the Fenben, so how can anyone say for sure their great results are from Fenben alone? Joe Tippens did many rounds of chemo and immunotherapy just prior to starting Fenben. So who's to say those treatments along with the Fenben didn't help him get to his N.E.D?
Joe's original protocol calls for 3 days on, 4 days off. I may be the only one who is doing Fenben as my main treatment who has never had any conventional treatment, period. So when I started, I understood that so I started doing it 7 days straight. When I felt symptoms beginning to dissipate I backed dosage down to original guidelines of 3 days on, 4 off and within a week I started feeling symptoms returning....That's when I realized that since I have no other S.O.C. treatments going on, I may need to increase dosage again. This time I went to 7 days straight but with 2x a day, once in morning, once at bedtime. After a few days I felt symptoms improving again.
Also, there are some who say Fenben did nothing for them. I researched Fenben in the beginning and it's well substantiated that Fenben is not water soluble and it is very poorly absorbed once in the body. I've read on the FB page of how most people are just sprinkling it in yogurt, fruit juice or even water and then drinking it down. My common sense tells me that very little (if any) of the medicine is bio-available taking the medicine like that.
So in my 7 years experience doing other effective alternative protocols I recalled the Budwig protocol of Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. For time sake here, please Google Budwig Protocol or Johanna Budwig to read the fascinating results with this protocol. Dr. Budwig believed eating foods high in linoleic acid and linolenic acid (essential polyunsaturated fatty acids) would aid in increased cell membrane reproduction in individuals struggling with cancer. More specifically, the diet requires the consumption of many servings of flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese on a daily basis as the cottage cheese has unique enzymes that carry the cancer cell destroying properties of the flax oil directly into the cancer cells. I was on this protocol for 3 years and my PSA held steady throughout.
So with the Fenben, I looked into ways to render it more bio-available. I've also utilized DMSO in my past for various health protocols and am very familiar with it's pharmacology properties one of which is it's superior carrier abilities. When I catch a cold or virus, I put Oregano Oil on the bottoms of my feet which is often sufficient enough for the natural anti-biotic to get into my blood stream but I also put some DMSO on top of that and I can taste the oregano oil in my mouth within 30 seconds of applying it to the soles of my feet proving it's ability to rapidly carry medicine into the bloodstream.
So my own method to ingest FenBen is that I put the 1 gram of Fenben into a dish and add enough drops of DMSO to saturate it and I stir the mixture with a wooden stir stick (like a tooth-pick). The Fenben is then instantly solved into a creamy smooth texture. Prior to using DMSO the Fenben stayed grainy and like sand regardless of what I mixed with with, flax oil, olive oil, coconut oil, nothing would dissolve the Fenben. But the DMSO (the most powerful natural solvent known to man) does the trick.
So then I take that mixture and add it to the Budwig cottage cheese and flax oil, mix thoroughly and consume. It is this mixture that I took for 50 days that resulted in my PSA going from 73 to 49 and a remarkable improvement with my latest MRI. I truly believe that if others used DMSO as the solvent, they'd experience much better results with Fenben.
Finally, there are many who are critics and are wary of Fenben saying there are no clinical studies on it etc. Well here's one from 2011. This study was conducted at the Department of Pathology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. and the Department of Pathology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, USA. and was supported by NIH grant No. RO1 CA59705.
Here's the link to the study:
Fenben is very much proven effective.

I am using Fenben / DMSO as well , time will tell , notice some improvement in urine flow, Added 3 day on Ivermectin along fenben. Some but not all other sups Ursolic acid /curcumin, Artimisinin , Paw Paw. Bee propolis. Grow my own sprouts, homemade tomato soup yummy, lol, and on strict no sugar/ carb, no dairy, or red meat. For me I worked up to 2,000 mg per day of Fenben and 24mg of IVM/day 3days pr week. Time will tell if working, but never felt healthier. Oh fenben taken with vitd, b, k1, k2, A. Using time release b complex to much b at once not good for me. Tudca for digestion, or taken between meals for liver assist detox doing both . Pecto sol c (brand) 15grams pr day for detox and help fight cancer shown in studies. My take is attack on all fronts . no one magic pill or treatment that will allow you to eat ice cream and pizza. I keep glucose levels at or below 90. Fenben success stories link healnavigator.com/fenbendaz...
Thanks for the detailed response. Now that I have seen improvement I am doing 5 days on 2 days off. I use smoked Salmon with the natural oils. Chew it up until the Fenben is completely dissolved and wash it down with water. I may go to the extra effort to use your method. The next Psa May 4th will be the most revealing, I hope. If it drops at all from 5 I will feel like it is the fenben working.
What is DMSO and where do get it? Thanks
Any updates?
I had a PSA of 20.3 two months ago, started a daily protocol of keto, resveratrol, 50K IU Vitamin D, 22 drops of 2% Lugol's in water and brought it down to 18.6 three weeks later to the surprise of of my GP. Finally got an appointment to see an urologist last week, and am getting another PSA test on Friday.
Adding Fenben next week (with DMSO solvent and Budwig diet mixture for bioavailability,) regardless of the new PSA result, for nine weeks (3 days on, 4 off.)
I've got enough Fenben coming for the 9-week course and will get a 4th PSA after that...all before submitting to a biopsy, as the urologist is hard selling...and is clearly all fired up to declare cancer and get me radiated.
I'm so naughty.
Will report results.
Good luck with this but a drop in psa is very common when men start new diet regimes....get the biopsy to rule out cancer...you could just have prostatitis or bph.

Thanks. Maybe, but I doubt it. Same urinary symptoms for over a decade. I'm treating as cancer based on PSA and "suspicious" DRE.
For those inquiring about DMSO, it is DiMethylSulfOxide, typically available at health food stores and farm supply stores. It was discovered 150 years ago, can't be patented, so there's no big $ in big Pharma to research it (it cost $7/qt when I bought it in the 90s).
My info is old, but I think it is pretty accurate. DMSO is a byproduct of pine forest operations (think turpentine), and something like 90% of the US supply comes from a town (Bogaloosa?) in Louisiana.
I am familiar with it because in 1995 I experienced a vertebral disc failure at C7-T1, causing constant pain and loss of sensation in two fingers on my right hand. After months of physical therapy, my surgeon (Dr. Serena Hu at UCSF) said that the only option left she could recommend was surgery, discectomy & fusion (removing dozens of pieces of disc, inserting a chip from my hipbone between the C7 & T1 vertebrae, 3 bones fuse together over a year). Her track record was high 90% patients reporting high 90% satisfaction.
She was amazing. The surgery was 100% successful. I wanted to bear her children, which might be difficult, what with me being male and not straight. (Thank you, thank you, Dr. Hu!)
Unfortunately, the wait was 4 months. 4 months of constant pain? Please, no. I was taking maximum dosage of percocet, 1 every 4 hours, which helped a little for about 15 minutes. No sleep, zombified, I was not a pretty site.
A chiropractor friend recommended DMSO, which I had never heard of, so sure, why not? We smoked a joint and laughed while we tried to decide where to apply it -- the nerves originating in my neck, the pain radiating down my arm, 2 dead fingers? We used a clean white cotton washcloth to spread some on my neck. An hour later I realized it was more than 4 hrs since a percocet, and I had not felt any pain. My friend was either on to something or had some excellent weed.
He left the bottle with me. Overnight I went from 6 percocet to 1/2 of one every 24 hours. Very manageable pain. Blessed sleep. I could think, remember where I was going, stopped losing my wallet. Waiting for surgery became doable.
A few cautions. People are skeptical. I worked at the UCSF Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the time. A friend/coworker, a chemist, literally yelled at me when I told her I was applying DMSO topically, insisting it was a powerful industrial solvent, one she knew well as she cleaned mass spectrometers with it.
It IS a powerful solvent, and the cautions are interesting. It can cross the blood/brain barrier, so care should be utilized for clean hands, clean undyed cloth when handling. Once applied, you may notice powerful garlic breath shortly after, due to the sulfur. I believe I read that SFO and NYC ambulances stocked it, because it was so effective at preventing or reducing traumatic brain swelling. Farm supply stores carry it because can be an effective tool for large animal injury where swelling and pain can be difficult to manage. I had more than one person tell me, "oh, my granny swears by that, says it relieves her arthritis like nothing else."
If you're thinking of trying it, DO SOME HOMEWORK -- research, discuss with smart people you trust. Drs. Google & Internet & WebMD didn't exist when I found DMSO. There's no telling what stories are being told about it now.
OK, before all the people who might read this and who know a lot more about DMSO than I ever will get riled, here's my disclaimer: I am not a doctor, a scientist, or a researcher. Just a guy who got his pain-free, 10-fingered life back 30 years ago, when -- at 43 -- I thought I would never be pain-free again.
On Colon, lung, Brain and Pancreatic I have seen some real successes with Fenbedazole. Prostate Cancer on the other hand, is Androgen dependent so I don't see many triumph in this category. It hasn't lowered PSA for me.
My partner was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer the first week of June, 2024. In addition to hormone therapy and enzalutamide, we began ivermectin, fenbendazole and artemisia daily. He went from a PSA of 300 to 5 in just 4 months. He had a PSA done with his GP the middle of Sept and a second one done two weeks later. The first PSA showed he had dropped from 300 to 5 (in 4 months). His oncologist did a PSA two weeks later (not knowing the GP had done a recent one). His PSA dropped from 5 to 3 in two additional weeks. We will not be telling any of these Dr.'s of our additional efforts in treatment but suffice to say both were very surprised in the drop and his oncologist went so far as to confirm he was not doing anything additional to the "approved" treatments.