I’m looking for help. My husband has stage 4 prostate cancer that has spread to the bone. He was diagnosed September 2018. A day you always remember. Since then my husband has had 6 months of chemo and 6 sessions of radiotherapy. He still doesn’t know if any treatment has worked or helped because his oncologist has said he won’t be given a scan because it produces hormones (true or false we don’t know) and obviously with prostate cancer we have to keep the hormones down. After seeing lots of attention on Fenben and obviously with a death sentence ahead of him my husband thought let’s give it a go. After all we have nothing to lose. 3 weeks ago he started on Fenben with all the extra vitamins. Basically doing 3 days on 4 days off. Every week the stomach cramps and diarrhoea have got worse. His now at a stage where his feeling so low and ill that he says he would rather be dead than feel this way. I would like to know if there’s anyone out there that can help. Can anyone clarify the amount he should be taking of the Fenben. He has the panacur powder 4.5g which contains 999mg Fenbendazole and he takes the whole packet on his on day. Is this right and are the cramps normal. Someone please help us.
Help please Fenbendazole and stomach ... - Advanced Prostate...
Help please Fenbendazole and stomach cramps. Is my hubby taking too much

If he's following the Joe Tippens protocol, he recommends the 1 gram package. It comes in a yellow box.
So is he taking to much do you think. I’ve actually emailed joe today but I can appreciate his a busy man and I’m still awaiting his reply. I’m in the uk btw and we don’t get all the stuff that are on offer in the states
I think it may be too much, but I'll be interested to see what Joe says. It's always best to start off at the lowest amount and see how you tolerate it. My husband had no side effects from it.
I’m thinking exactly the same. I’ve never seen him so rough. He wasn’t even like this after chemo. I feel so hopeless. How much does your husband take? Are you in the uk? X
He has been overdosing on Fenbendazole. He is taking 4.5 Grams which is 4 and a half time the recommended dose. No wonder he is having abdominal cramps.
No body should take more than 1 gram a day according to Joe Tippens protocol.
Another antihelminthic drug, niclosamide, was tested in a small (n=20) dose-finding study at UW Seattle. They reported that patients taking the therapeutic dose of 1000 mg three times per day experienced prolonged grade 3 [serious] nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; and colitis, and that at doses below that, therapeutic levels of the drug in the blood were not achieved. In fact, there were no PSA decreases at any dose level. Based on that, they concluded that "Oral niclosamide is not a viable compound for repurposing as a CRPC treatment."
However, a group at UCDavis is going ahead with a couple of clinical trials of niclosamide combined with Zytiga and Xtandi, based on lab studies.
I don't know how fenbendazole effects the other drugs he may be taking. You should let his doctor know he is taking this and get some basic blood work/liver panel monitoring.
Radiation and chemo do not produce hormones.
I thought that I read you should take the 1 gram packet containing 222 mg Fenbendazole per day. That is the packet size for a 10 pound dog. That is the yellow box of Panacur C.
I also read that humans should not take more than 500 mg of Fenbendazole per day. I think you are taking way too much.
Link (see page 5): ema.europa.eu/en/documents/...
Another Link: cancertreatmentsresearch.co...
Hello Scaredwife68.
I'm confused by
"He still doesn’t know if any treatment has worked or helped because his oncologist has said he won’t be given a scan because it produces hormones (true or false we don’t know) and obviously with prostate cancer we have to keep the hormones down."
Has your husband been getting PSA tests? What do they show? In most cases, PSA tests (which are blood tests that have no effects on the body except for the needle used to draw the blood) reveal whether treatment is working or not. No "scans" are involved.
I'm also confused by scans producing hormones. I don't understand what scans would do that and what hormones are produced.
It's possible that you misinterpreted what the oncologist said. That's very easy to do. The subject is highly technical and a doctor may say things without realizing that the people he is talking to haven't understood what he said. I suggest getting a voice recorder (either a little hand held tape recorder or a smartphone app) and asking the doc if you can record your session with him. That way if you aren't sure what he said, or if you don't understand it, you can hear it again and also play it for others who might be more familiar with prostate cancer.
If necessary, you can also ask for a second opinion by another oncologist.
As for the fenbendazole, I don't know enough about it to give advice, but those who know more are saying that your husband is taking too much. It certainly sounds like it. I think I'd cut back a lot.
Best of luck.
These are the early phase Clinical Trials Tall Allen mentioned at UC Davis for trying Niclosamide in combination with either Zytiga or Xtandi.
I know a man from a Prostate Cancer Support Group who was in the Xtandi combo trial during 2019 at UC Davis, taking something like from 400-800 mg of Niclosamide, twice a day. He dropped out of the trial due to intestinal side effects, and returned to just his Xtandi.
I don't know anything, but I would just quit until I got back to normal. Sounds like the cure is worse than the disease. Your doctor and the gentlemen here should be able to get you back on track. You sound like you need to relax. You and husband should go do something fun and forget pca for awhile. Get all the facts: psa, alkaline phosphatase, timeline of treatment and etc. and post again. Someone here will be sure to have some advice for you. Don't think cancer 24/7, it will make you a nervous wreck. Restart the Fenbendazole at your leisure. Enjoy.
Scans don't produce hormones. If he is already taking Adrogen Deprivation Treatment (ADT, like eligard) to reduce his testosterone, which in turn reduces his PSA, then a scan wouldn't be productive.
Stop the dog food.... and get husband to a "good" oncologist who specializes in Prostate Cancer...
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 11/12/2019 6:41 PM EST
Scaredwife68, i just reread your original post to me. You asked me if I was in the UK. No, i am in the US, New Hampshire to be exact. But we are in the same battle. I could be scaredwife69 because that is my age and my husband and I have been married for over 48 years. I know how you feel and what you are going through. Wishing you the best!
I'm doing the 1G packet from Safeguard (green packet, much cheaper than Panacur). 222 mg per dose, every day. I've tried twice a day and get the horrible cramps. Once a day, I feel great.
I definitely think his taking to much. He is having a weeks break and then going to try the lower dose. A few have asked some background on my husband and his progress. I think things are different in the uk and we are way behind the USA. He has written a blog of his journey so far if anyone wants a read.
Don't do the wrong dosage or it does make you sick. 222mg for 3 days, then 4 days off. Try it and look for results. I personally didn't get any.
See Joe Tippens site.....”My Cancer Story Rocks”. He lays out the
Fenbend. Therapy he uses. Vaya con Dios!
Hi everyone and thanks for your replies. My OH has had a week and a half of the Fenben but started on the correct dose yesterday. So instead of a whole sachet he has had a quarter yesterday and again today. But again he has got the bad stomach cramps and diarrhoea. Is this right or could he have maybe done some damage by taking to much before
Have you tried taking extra probiotics? Fenbendazole is killing all the good and bad candida/fungus that have probably helped your digestive system and gut motility. Now that you are removing the yeast in your gut microbiome you probably need to be putting in good gut bacteria to make get things flowing properly again. You might have impacted stool in colon. Possibly see a gastroenterologist to get Lizness for your GI distress and or colonoscopy.
Look at Mebendazole. You can get it in bulk online.
Studies show it to be more effective than Fenben.
Thanks to everyone that has replied. You have all been a lot of help. My OH has been back on the wormer for 3 weeks and still suffers stomach cramps but he says there bearable and do wear off after a while. His next appointment with his oncologist is middle of October but living for 2 years with cancer and not being offered any scans (even tho we have asked so many times) how do we know what’s going on.
I don’t understand how they determine any progress without scans. I don’t know where you are getting treated but I would seek a second opinion at a good teaching/research hospital and find out what is really happening. Dana Faber in Mass. is one. It would be worth the expense of going to one to ease your concerns and perhaps get a better treatment plan if necessary.
For anyone following Joe Tippens protocol, he has updated his site as of July 2020. He now recommends taking fenbendazole 7 days a week and he has eliminated the vitamin E.
Wow I didn’t know that. We are in the uk
Dear SW68
There is a product that may help his gut biome, its called Yakult (probiotic)
It's very inexpensive, less than $3 dollars for a package of 5. In the U.S,
you can even buy it in bulk with 20 bottles to the case.
Here's a description of the product:
Yakult is a Japanese sweetened probiotic milk beverage fermented with the bacteria strain Lactobacillus paracasei Shirota(LPS). It's a patented product, so the LPS is not found in other probiotics on the market.
I had a horrible issue with my gut bacterium when given drugs that killed my gut bacteria, and caused significant pain. I went thru a bevy of tests, and there was no hope in sight, until I came across a study about LPS(Yakult). I started taking 1-2 bottle (2.7oz each). I finally returned to normal. I take it occasionally now. I did the same for my Mother, who was getting significant cramping during dialysis, doctors/staff couldn't understand it but the cramping stopped.
Depending on what's happened after the Fenben, your husband may have gut bacterium that are producing toxins, some of those toxins can pass by your blood/brain barrier to the brain and cause significant pain. The introduction of LPS competes with the other bacterium, and populates the gut bacterium lessening/eliminating those responses.
In the U.K it comes in a pack of 7, and its available in most of your supermarkets.
Here's a link:
I have no affiliation with this company, other than the use of the product.