At the end of an ADT holiday (PSA reaches pre-determined level) and one resumes zytiga/pred prior to getting a lupron injection is PSA Flare an issue?
Does Zytiga cause PSA Flare? - Advanced Prostate...
Does Zytiga cause PSA Flare?

I am not a fan of intermittent ADT. That aside, you may be experiencing a "PSA bounce." When prostate cancer cells die they give off PSA giving a higher higher reading.
zytiga does nothing to suppress testicular androgens.....or block any of the androgen receptive testostonergic bio pathways.....if anything you should be prepping with casodex.
Seems like faulty logic
Yes, I wasn’t precise enough. I should have said, “prior to getting a lupron injection preceded by degaralix or Casodex”. In other words should one wait for one of those two options before re-starting zytiga?
I believe zytiga’s role, being a cytochrome inhibitor plays little role in causing‘ flaring’ way of PC apoptosis. My view is zytiga is the back guard to the yoeman’s work supported by hormonal ADT....I think what’s important is how well the holiday went in terms of PC remergence. Did your PSA numbers creep up or suddenly spike?
It can. Wait a couple of months before the PSA.
Many suggest that PSA could be caused by PSA release from lysed cells. However, the aberrant activation of the androgen receptor or the transactivation of the androgen receptor induced by corticosteroids have been suggested as the possible cause responsible for PSA flare-up during systemic therapy Due to GNRH agonists, abiraterone or docetaxel. Other explanations are related to cellular heterogeneity and diversity in terms of drug sensitivity, cell cycle kinetics, and PSA expression. In any case, PSA flare early in treatment generally should not be the reason for stopping it. R