My dad has been on Zytiga for a year and a half. Urologist told him to discontinue it because his PSA started to rise so my dad stopped taking them. We continued to get Lupron injections and measured his PSA which is slowly rising three months of discontinuing zytiga so then urologist recommended we see a oncologist oncologist put my dad back on Zytiga and after a month of being on it his PSA has doubled is this normal anyone else have the same issue? Thank you, Olivia
Back on zytiga and PSA doubled? - Advanced Prostate...
Back on zytiga and PSA doubled?

What are the actual PSA numbers?
He should not go off Zytiga just from PSA. It's only one indication. They need to to do imaging to determine whether or not it's still working. If there is no progression, you stay on the current treatment, even if the PSA is rising.

We did do more imaging but all was stable so the Urologist wasn’t sure and told us to see this wonderful knowledgeable oncologist? The numbers were not that bad while he was on zytiga and off they were 2.30 and creeping up and down now back on zytiga and it doubled one month of taking it???????
If your Dad's PSA was going up while on zytiga he should not have been placed back on it . Someone dropped the ball.
He should be placed on an other drug. I would need more information to tell you more. What is his general health, age, what are his PSA readings.
Hello yes my dad is 82 years old was diagnosed in December 2014. Is on lupron once a month and and xgeva.. Bone Mets to humerus bone since 2014. Scans everyt six month are stable. Was on zytiga and prednisone November 2017 till July 2019. PSA initially when staring Zytiga in 2017 was 5.19 went down to 1.20 for a good year and a half then about May 2019 it started to creep up and in June then July it was 2.67 urologist said discontinue and go see oncologist so more testing was done and all look stable oncologist in October said let’s start Zytiga again his PSA was about 2.85 in October doctor ordered the Zytiga we waited approval dad starts it again whole month in November I took him to go get blood work again for December and it was over 6.30 so it doubled we have an appointment with doctor on Jan 21, 2020
So that’s all he had Provange in 2016.
Something does seem weird or wrong or strange I’m sure we will have more scans because it doubled in one month but now I wonder while dad was off of it was was in the 2”s now it doubles to 6?
Sometimes I wonder if these doctors know what they are doing?
I hope you have more info thanks
When the zitiga stops working there are more meds to try . My husband started xtandi . They all only seem to work for a short time .

Thank you