Weakness and fatigue on abiraterone p... - Advanced Prostate...

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Weakness and fatigue on abiraterone plus Prednisone

Nirman profile image
20 Replies

My father diagnosed Gleason 4+4= 8 Gleason 3 Mets PCA it's yet castration sensitive...not turned into resistant since 2 years he's been on 12 week palmorelin hormone treatment injection and abiraterone 1000 mg plus Prednisone 5 mg nowadays he's feeling weak and fatigued and it's kind of fluctuating energy somedays he feel good energized and someday feels weak and fatigued is it okay? We had his 2D echocardiogram for heart it's good blood parameters all good excellent actually. psa is 0.075 ...chest xray is normal is it normal to feel like this? Please share your experiences and advise me the best I can do for him. Thank you lots of love and prayers for everyone here.

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Nirman profile image
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20 Replies
GoBucks profile image

Fatigue is #1 side effect. Believe it or not you fight fatigue through strength. Working out is the best thing for him. If he has never worked out then start slow with walking and hand weights. He doesn't have to walk 5 miles or lift 20 pounds. He just needs to START. And then gradually work his way up to longer walks and maybe move on to wight machines. I feel best when I do an a.m. workout. Depending on where you are located perhaps you can find a trainer who has worked with cancer patients. Good luck. Tell him to get strong and stay strong!

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to GoBucks

Thank you very much your advice is really comforting

Karmaji profile image
Karmaji in reply to Nirman

With Firmagon...i feel tired..

Same now with Hyperfraction RT......

But it is strange fatigue....

Get up and walk walk.....

Do not sit....

Generally. Indians go for walk...go at Amrit wela and evening....

I feel tired but I am not tired

So exercise even mild....

Even it is good for heart...

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to Karmaji

Thank you I will definitely suggest him whatever you said God bless you

3putt profile image

Good advice from the brotherhood. When I first started the same regiment your dad is on everything, and I mean everything, looks like a couch. I could literally fall asleep anywhere anytime. I’ve always been somewhat of a jock but when I started on these meds I felt as if I never would never feel like going for a jog or play a round of golf ever again. Shortly after a few months totally devoted to my self inflicted pity party I too Egan taking the advice of those who’ve blazed this trail prior and began to work out again. I was shocked at how hard it was, and sometimes still is to get motivated. But once you get started it takes on a life of its own. So, that said, time to power off the iPad, harness up the dogs and go for a short run. Best wishes and prayers for your dad!

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to 3putt

Thank you for prayers and support

leo2634 profile image

My Doctor told me to stay as active as possible but when I'm tired to rest. I try to follow his advice as much as I can after all he's the one keeping me alive. The fatigued feelings are an unfortunate part of our treatments but as the other Brothers have mentioned keeping active does work. Never give up never surrender. Leo

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to leo2634

Thank you for motivation

tarzan11 profile image

I have been on hormonal treatment for 16 years off and on. In 2013 I received degarelix shots every month and took abiraterone with prednisone daily. It worked great taking my psa down to 0.02. I stayed on it for 8 months but stopped it because of the fatigue. It was brutal. The worst fatigue compared to all the other cycles of drugs I have done. I took off until my psa went back up to around 27 and then started stand alone Xtandi. Much better. Way less fatigue and psa around 0.98. Thru all the years and all the cycles I have keep up the exercise. Lots of walking(2-3 hours) some days and some light weight bearing exercises to help my bones as I have lost a lot of bone mass....2 inches in height over 16 years. I am 69 now. Its all a balancing act and that in itself can be tiring. Hang in there and never give up.

in reply to tarzan11

16 years. Fantastic. Good to hear it’s manageable.

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to tarzan11

Thank you God bless you lucky to be alive and kicking

tom67inMA profile image

I've been on abiraterone for about 5 months now, and ran a half marathon last weekend (see current profile photo) . Today I'm laying on the couch all day watching TV.

Suffice to say there's been a lot of inertia. When I get moving I can go for hours, but some days I never achieve takeoff speed.

My advice is to keep busy and exercise. It works for me about 80-90% of the time.

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to tom67inMA

Oh you look great thank you for advice

j-o-h-n profile image

Isn't this is your video?:


Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 10/27/2019 5:31 PM DST

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to j-o-h-n


j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

Double WTF....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 10/27/2019 6:00 PM DST

Nirman profile image
Nirman in reply to j-o-h-n

No he is not my Dad's video this a video of a French gentleman living in USA trying to cure or delay cancer he is 8 Gleason score metastatic prostate cancer please watch his video try to watch his other videos from his (cancer therapy ) video channel he is doing some experiments with help of his oncologist and science to find cure for the cancer and it looks like he I getting succeed in it please help him try to find what he is doing and share the information here

j-o-h-n profile image

Thank you for the suggestion. I'm sorry that the video, you, your dad and I got somehow mixed up in the translation. I do not speak French but I know a few words in Hindi... To clarify your situation.... your Dad has Pca but you do not. Is that correct?

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Monday 10/28/2019 3:00 PM DST

AlmostnoHope profile image

Take him off that stuff and wait til the PSA starts doubling above the count of 5. It will preserve his quality of life.

dougnola profile image

I’m cutting with the group here, but I’ve been in Zytiga, prednisone, and lupron for more than two years now (still hormone sensitive) and my fatigue is marginal at best ever since I switched to daily walking of 10,000 to 20,000 steps and moderate strength training twice per week. Morning is best for the walks to get the body going. Hang in there! ✌️

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