This is going to be too long! It my first attempt at connecting with this group. I have learned so much by reading your posts and replies. I know quality of life Igor the longest time is my dad’s goal. He was diagnosed May 2018 with stage four prostate cancer. He had been taking testosterone a few years before and has a great deal of strength mentally to ignore pain.
My dad, 83, has had radiation to areas in his pelvis, prostate, and top of femurs. He started on Lupron right away and was doing the prednisone and zytega for about 8 months. He cannot self cath and ended up in the hospital in February with sepsis from extreme infection that started with a UTI. He also was diagnosed with diabetes for the first time while in the hospital. The thought was that the long term prednisone could be elevating his blood sugar. He started on Glipazide and insulin when needed - checking sugar 3x per day... and changed to xtandi.
He went back to work a little and was gaining strength. His blood sugar has lowered greatly.
He decided to radiate the prostate just to see if he could get more flow and empty his bladder. It backfired and he had another catheter. Ended up in the Hospital with IV antibiotics and a unit of blood. They have him off the xtandi for a couple of weeks. He is going weekly for labs and getting shots to help with his Reb blood count issues. He’s on cymbalta (sp?) but pretty down about being so weak.
His labs every month look good for almost undetectable PSA. His last bone scan looked like the growth is holding still. His CT scan showed a small mass? By his stomach and pancreas? Not in a place that could be biopsy easily. They are watching with CTscans. But he was having extreme pain that meds were not covering. He went on morphine 15mg every 12 hours. It makes him very sleepy. Wondering if he could lower that and check to see if that pain is still there?
His muscle mass is going so quickly. He needs a walker and can’t feel his feet he says. We are walking behind him 24/7 because he feel twice.
He takes the bone builder shot and a Lupron every month.
He takes lyrica for pain- shingle residual neuropathy that he’s had for 22 years.
I’m sorry to ramble... just know the knowledge pool in this group is immense!
Foley tips or ideas about hiring a nurse to come cath at home? Could that help open up the path around the tumor?
Depression... suggestions? (unfortunately my mom is getting a PETscan today and has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. So fuckcsncer again!) any distant or video counseling recommendations Anemia- suggestions that could help?
Much gratitude for any help.