hello all, this is my first time posting but I have been following you for about a month or more and my goodness you are a helpful crowd. My husband was diagnosed in April of 2018 with PSA of 180. sent to urologist for consult who sent us for bone scans and ct of abdomen and scheduled biopsy, however no urgency so that was scheduled three weeks out. bone scans and CTs showed extensive mets to skull, shoulders, ribs, spine, pelvic bones, legs, etc. CT showed lymph nodes involved but no other organs. alkalines were super high, can't remember but in the high hundreds. sent to oncologist who said they wouldn't do anything until prostate biopsy. the day before the biopsy my husband landed in the hospital with what they said was a super bad vertigo episode so two days in hospital made him miss the biopsy and they wanted to schedule it 6 weeks away!!~! so I got on phone and started calling other urologists. got into a different one within 48 hours and they handed us a bottle of Casodex to begin treatment and scheduled biopsy for the following week. at the same time I had also contacted U of M cancer center who got a hold of us and said no biopsy was needed, he obviously has prostate cancer, so biopsy was canceled and we went to U of M where they injected hubby with Two shots of firmagon and the next day his pain was gone! however two days after that, the symptoms of "vertigo" came back and this time they figured out that he had a stroke! so in hospital for five days with that, and he made a miraculous recovery where he was able to come home and did months of PT to regain balance and strength. A month after the firmagon shots he began 3 month Lupron shots and stayed on Casodex. PSA at time of first treatment had gone up to 208 but next PSA draw it came down to 19! it continued to drop to 4.1, 2.1 and 1.4. Oncologist added Zytiga and told us to go home for three whole months! wow! however in December hubby started getting some hip and back achiness, so in January of this year 2019, he went for scans that showed all lymph nodes reduced and many of the bone mets reduced however one new one on spine. switched to Xtandi, PSA continued to rise going back to 2.4 then 4.1. taken off Xtandi and told he needed chemo. did five rounds of doxetaxel and PSA jumped 8 points from 12 to 20 with first dose. after that it kept rising slowly while on chemo. All of this time we were eyeing the LU177 trial, however once oncologist read fine print found out we needed a physical sample of the cancer and since no biopsy had been done, he needed to get one. he had done a Guardant 360 blood test early on that showed that he had cancer, but it did not type it and gave us no DNA information. in April they tried for a bone biopsy and that came back benign...oncologist felt they didn't handle sample well. at the end of June hubby was getting neuropathy in feet and PSA was not going down, so doc decided he didn't want to keep him on chemo that wasn't helping and risk not being able to do many doses of next line of chemo (cabazetaxel) due to neuropathy, but we decided to take a little break and try for a sample to get into the vision trial. hubby has done another bone biopsy, two bone marrow draws, one on each side of his back, and attempt at hitting a lymph node (which they missed completely) and now just went back and finally had the prostate biopsy...all have come up empty for a cancer sample. Urologist said he had a nugget of a prostate last week. however the PSA is rising slowly, about three weeks ago it was at 45, and his aching back and hips are back. our next attempt, thanks to all of you, is to rechallenge with Zytiga and Dexamathazone and see oncologist in a month to see if that is helping, and then I guess on to the next chemo. has anyone ever had these types of issues getting a cancer sample? He needs this to be on any type of study, to get DNA sequencing, etc. needless to say this has been a frustrating summer of scheduling biopsies and then waiting on results and then scheduling again.
thanks for any insights you can give us!