Had my psa checked, 1/16/19 was 0.6, 5/14/19 was 1.8, 6/24/19 was 1.6 and the last one on 1.9 ON 8/1/19. Scans done in june showed improvement in bone scan, no new lesions and some healed. Why the jump and should I be concerned , been on lupron since 3/18 and 6 rounds of chemo in 2018. Has anybody experienced this, nerve racking, my cholesterol also went up and my triglicyrids went up. Have little red meat, go out 4 to 10 times a month but get no red meat, stick with fish, chicken, very little pork. Seeing the oncologist next week after my pcp and hand surgery, nervous and a little or alot concerned about the jump.
Psa jumped in concerned mode - Advanced Prostate...
Psa jumped in concerned mode

It's still low, but you can discuss when you want to start Xofigo, Provenge, and Zytiga/Xtandi.
Thank you for responding, I just do not want to return to 2 years ago, will talk to the ocologist but aren't those drugs expensive. I have an advantage program with the insurance company .
Yes, they are expensive. They are all approved for metastatic castration-resistant PC. Check with your advantage program to see if they are covered.
some one else can jump in here or they may have below....advantage programs seem to be similar to an HMO. I had a patient(insurance agent) talk me into the switch when she had the company on the phone and stated they would pay what Medicare would cover. I called MD Anderson and they said unless I had a letter stating they would cover a procedure they had no contract with any Advantage plans. Advantage plans said no problem but kept getting the run around...I had my agent switch me back to Medicare. Went for the procedure got home 6 weeks later and had a letter from Advantage. Denied me going to Texas it read I should seek care locally and they would revisit...I was already back on Medicare..I also had 26 sessions of Hyperbaric therapy when the center ask what insurance I had, I said Medicare and they were relieved . Said no problem...While you will still have a donut hole for now all of their drug plans work out about the same...There are grants out there available and if income is in the right bracket drug companies will help...you have to ask...I get grant at Duke Cancer...I am on my second stage 4 cancer....had procedures done on my first one in Texas and they referred me to a top specialist in Miami Florida and Medicare was never turned down....also if you travel beware of these Advantage plans...especially out of country...The insurance companies make billions by denying coverage for meds and hospital stays and services. They , like drug companies are lobbying against a program like Medicare for all.....Blue Skies a Grounded but still Fighting to Fly ......Sky King
If you are on Lupron only, you may be at the beginning of castrate resistance, typically happens 1-2 years after starting primary ADT (Lupron, etc.). Typically, it would need to be above 2 before you would consider adding second line ADT such as Zytiga or Xtandi. My doctor suggested I wait a little while before starting Zytiga since he expected me to on it for quite a while (a year so far). I waited for a few doublings above 2 before starting Zytiga. I wouldn't be worried, just checking it every month at this point. These are things to discuss with your doctor.

Thank you , I will ask him next week.
Don't panic, Lupron may be failing. Which means depending on previous treatments you may have to go on radiation or chemotherapy. I don't know your age or general health so you may or may not be eligible one or both of these. But there is always the fallback position of casodex, xtandi or zytiga.
I did chemo last year, it just does make sense that it jumped so much in 3months, the scans show no cancer activity. Seems awful quick at failing when it has been under 1.0for the year and half, I would think it would slowly climb. Going to research more on diet, dairy etc to see if that makes a difference.
I would lay off the pork and chicken. Make sure your vitamin D3 level is up.
I don't eat any domestic animals. They are all fed hormones to make them grow bigger, fatter and faster. Those hormones can not be good for Pca.
After battling this disease for over two years now, I learned I can eat whatever I want to. Everything in moderation though. Eating a steak, some bacon and eggs and some fried chicken is not going to spike your PSA. You can even through in a doughnut if you want.
If in the USA PSMA research is often done on a rising PSMA with a PSA of 1.0 to 2.0 -- this could help in, for example, radiation therapy planning.