Hi! My husband’s insurance company may be switching him to the generic form of Zytiga. Cost questions aside, has anyone noticed a rise in their PSA or increase in side effects when they switched from Zytiga to Abiraterone? Thanks so much!
Abiraterone: Hi! My husband’s insurance... - Advanced Prostate...

I believe Abiraterone Acetate is the medical name of Zytiga. One of the generics is called Yonsa. You may have to figure out which generic he’s moving to.
Started on Zytiga, then changed to generic from Mylan. Both are the same Abiraterone implementation and dosages. My PSA continued to decrease while taking the generic Mylan, I've not noticed any changes.
But Yonsa is not generic Zytiga, it's a different Abiraterone implementation and dose.

Thank you! We are hoping to be switched to Mylan labs generic if that is possible. So good to hear that no changes observed.

why would u notice any difference your only reducing the cost some what they both do the same thing

The ganeric name for zytiga Is Xbira.
I was switched to the generic after being on Zytiga for 4 months. PSA did start to rise, but my Oncologist said it could not be due to the generic as its' formula is the same as the original. I'm not convinced.
I am now on Olaparib, a PARP inhibitor, due to being BRCA2+. PSA so far is going back down, and hope it will continue.
Neither are we. Never could understand how just a switch in “fillers” for generic versions could result in drastic price cuts. Best of luck to you for continued good results!
Very, very simple. Costs for making generic versions are much much cheaper because the company making the generic version usually has a) lower labor costs b) much lower R&D costs c) much lower marketing costs d) much lower profit margins.
There is likely a difference between Yonsa and Zytiga, but it is not currently known or knowable. Either one might be better than the other for your particular situation.
Thank you! We would prefer to stick to Zytiga or it’s generic equivalent( if necessary). Yonsa does not appear to be the same formulation.
Why would you care until someone establishes which is better?
Especially if logic, as opposed to clinical proof, would seem to indicate that the higher bioavailability of Yonsa would seem to make it likely to be the better performer of the two?
i was notified by my pharmacy the cost was 10,200 and its around 8,000 thats all
charlie per month
Yes that Is the name of the generic zytiga. They took my husband off the day before I received his. he took It for a long time and It works. Now he's on Xtandi. I had ordered his z zytiga just before they change it. I have 120 pills here that have never been opened from the pharmacy. But they don't have the generic In the US
We are in the US and my husband was switched to the generic. We see no differences. A lot of times the "original" creator of a drug charges more to payback their research and lab fees incurred while creating the original. At least that is most of the intent on not allowing generics for a certain pd of time.
I switched to the generic because my copay was less. Seems to be controlling my PSA. I have noticed some swelling in my legs since I switched which I control with a Lasix. When I hit my .ax out of pocket for the year I will switch back and monitor my swelling.
Glad to hear that the PSA is still controlled. Did your doctor explain why the generic version would cause leg swelling? Thank you for your help!
I was on Zytiga for 3 month, switched to Generic Abiraterone , PSA still undetectable although I do have swelling in my lower legs especially the ankles. Some days the right ankle looks like 1/2 of a tennis ball. Ice and elevation work.
Hooray that PSA is undetectable but dismayed to hear about the ankle swelling. Any chance your doctor could request that you be switched back? Thank you for responding.
Who is you RO an/or or MO at MSKcc? I'm a patient of MSKcc.
BTW without looking at google do you know who vitamin flintheart was?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/07/2019 4:42 PM DST
My husband’s RO is Dr. Zelefsky; the MO is Dr. Abida.
Heard of Flintstone vitamins but not Flintheart😉
3 Gs to you too!
Dr. Zelefsky was mine too. I think he's head of their Rad Dept. I don't know your MO. Del Zel. very competent, knows his stuff. I kidded him about the Song from the show Westside Story when I sang to him replacing Officer Krupke's name in the song to "DOCTOR ZELEFSKY". (see for yourself).
Here is Vitamin Flintheart (from Dick Tracy)
I like that 3 Gs.... never thought of that - darn it.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 04/07/2019 7:55 PM DST
Good for you! We were too in awe of Dr. Z to sing to him.
Vitamin Flintheart looks like Vincent Price
No new side effects...PSA has holding steady, now at 20
Thank you! Best of luck to you!
My insurance company switched me to the generic about 4 months ago. I had been on Zytiga for 11 months at that point. The Zytiga was hard-coated. These generics are plain white, no coating...like cheap aspirin. I sometimes get a little heart burn right after taking the generic where I never did with the Zytiga. Other than that, I have not seen any difference.
I was on a drug trial with Abiraterone (generic) and prednisone. The trial went well my PSA was low for 3 1/2 years.
Did not know that genetics are used in drug trials. Thank you for sharing.
My one of a relative already having a treatment with Abiraterone 250mg which is called Abirapro 250mg manufactured from Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. Due to the huge cost of Zytiga Abiraterone, we are buying regularly this medixocentre.com/product/ab... from India for her treatment. She got it very helpful. A side effect is nominal. However, there was some more generic abiraterone in India which is offering like Xbira, Zecyte but we found more helpful & cost-effective Abirapro abiraterone. They have an affordable cost with a quality product.
Hello, regarding leg swelling, my husband is on his 8th month of ADT and his only drug so far has been Firmagon. He has noticed some ankle swelling in the last couple of weeks. It's not been severe, but I wanted to mention it. It's most likely not directly due to the medication(s) but the side effects which I suspect will continue to get worse with each month of hormone deprivation. He first noticed it after we got back from a road trip to North Carolina. Best wishes to you both.