I have been taking 1000 mg of Zytiga since early May this year. Now I see that several firms sell generics: Mylan, Apotex, Hikma, Teva, Patriot. I expect the efficacy and side effects would be the same, but the exorbitant cost would be considerably reduced. Am in the USA, and gross cost of Zytiga is $2363 per month; thank heavens for the Medicare prescription plan! Anyone have experience with a generic substitute for Zytiga, and have advice to offer?
Merits of generic abiraterone acetate... - Advanced Prostate...
Merits of generic abiraterone acetate vs. Zytiga

Can you purchase a generic in the US? I thought it was held up in the courts.
Yes, I just received my first supply of generic AA from Apotex this month through CVS Specialty. They helped with my copay and I'm out $5 per month. Their other source was Patriot but no copay assistance.
What do you mean when you say that CVS specialty helped you with your copay.... I thought you needed to go to the manufacturer for copay assistance..... By what process do you apply for assistance through the CVS specialty pharmacy ( they will be my required go to pharmacy at the time I go on abiraterone)..... any info would be helpful and appreciated..
Sorry I confused you. "They" refers to Apotex not CVS Specialty, although CVS rep did give me Apotex info to get approved. Here is where I went: abirateronesavings.com/pati...
This is SO aggravating and, frankly, unfair.... one has to be "commerically" insured to use this program.... I REALLY don't get this as commercial insurance is known to cover better than medicare part D yet this is where they offer the assistance..... Thank you for the info anyway....
Mine comes from Mylan....best of luck... watch out for the donut hole....Mylan has an assistance program....
Don Pescado
How much do you pay for the Mylan generic version of Abiraterone ?? Or is it fully covered by insurance ?? How much would it cost without insurance in the US ?? Thank you.
Nothing--covered by the assistance--Cigna assisted me on getting the assistance...saved them money
I’m same exactly as Fish. I’m in US. Started two years ago with Cigna covering ( $0 copay) Zytiga and I picked it up at Walgreen’s. I switched to Cigna specialty pharmacy a few months later so, since then, it’s delivered to my house each month which saves them money and, frankly, is easier for me. Cigna asked me if I was ok with Mylan about 9 months ago and I said yes and the process, my cost, and side effects for me have been exactly the same. Same delicious chalky taste.
For me the Mylan generic was only 120$ a month cheaper after insurance and Medicare paid up. 210$ a month for Mylan and 330$ for name brand. I stayed on name brand although my mo said there was no difference.
My wife just informed me I lied. There is a 2100$ donut hole cost also.

I have just ordered a month's supply of Abiraterone to be delivered to my home tomorrow afternoon. It is from Glenmark Pharma and the brand is ABIRAPRO. 120 tablets will cost me INR 10,000/- net or approx US$143/-
I’m moving
I noticed the VA has switched from the J&J factory packaged product to a generic comprised of loose pills in a VA prescription pill bottle, hand counted..
The generic seems to be just as effective..
I have been on generic from Mylan since January. I get it through Walgreen Specialty Pharmacy. Cost is about $3600 per month compared to about $11000 per month for brand Zytiga. After Medicare deductible which is paid in January my cost is about $180 per month. If you look on Goodrx.com you can find your local sources and prices.
I have the the Teva version. I did some research on them and from what I could find they are a very reputable company from Israel. My cost after all medical side pays there share Medicare Etc. Is $400.00 but beings I'm now in the catastrophic stage of my prescription plans I pay $15.00 for a 30 day supply. I've had no adverse effects from them and PSA continues to be 0.1 . Never give up never surrender. Leo
I had to switch to mylan brand and developed high liver enzymes and had to stop taking it

My husbands AST/ALT is high as well , he stopped it for 3 months but still high so MO had him start it up again. His readings are like 86/125. He says it’s his “fattyliver”. I’m concerned with him being back on it? Did your Dr offer you something else? Which liver enzyme is your dr concerned with if I may ask? Thank you.
I'm curious to see all the replies since i just spent months fighting with my insurance. They intended to switch me from zytiga to the apotex generic claiming it would save me money. I had janssen copay assistance which i will lose going to generic. So while they save a lot, my cost goes up. I put up enough of a fight that i so far dragged out the switch from last may 1st to sept 1st but i think I'm out of extensions.
I know this is an old post, but I've been away and just catching up. I started on zytiga end of June 2018. As early as December my specialty pharmacy tried to switch me to generic and I protested, so they raised my co-pay from 20. to 40.; no argument from me. Finally this July they rejected all my appeals and forced me to switch to the generic by Mylan. Here's hoping my PSA and all the other things they check for are OK on my next onco visit in a couple weeks, and if not...back to the insurance co with another appeal.
I just want whatever I am taking to work, and what I was doing was...0.02 psa for many months on Zytiga.
Wife is killing herself working so I am covered by her prescription plan. Your comment interests me. I would like to get Medicare B, a supplement and Part D. What do you have that makes prescription drugs reasonable? Any suggestions? I am on Zytiga. I am 68. Thanks