Hi all, I have had 2 sessions of 3 treatments with Taxotere, and my PSA has gone up in the past 2 weeks from 260 to 290 to 300. My oncologist Hope's that the next blood check will see a decrease. What is the likelihood? I was diagnosed in June 2015 with T4 and Gleason 9.
Increased PSA with Taxotere - Advanced Prostate...
Increased PSA with Taxotere

Stick with it. PSA goes up as cancer cells die.
Mine held steady for two sessions and then crept up until it was notably higher on the last reading. I finished my sixth session January 23rd and it doubled a month later and today that number doubled again. So, you are not alone and I know that is no comfort for you but I hold positive thoughts for good news for you. I was diagnosed 4/18, less than a year ago. Hoping to kick it back down with Xtandi and Cabazitaxel which I begin very soon as part of a trial.

Thanks, for your reply. I was on Xtandi for a few months only, before the efficacy were off. I hope that together with jetvana it will be more potent
It can be evidence of cancer cell death. Sometimes the PSA climbs a bit then declines.
If it does thats good.
If it doesn't it suggests that the Taxotere is not working on your particular cancer cells.
Thanks, Metungboy. I hope that this will be the case. I am also taking a supplement which seems to help stabilize my blood. It's called Protectival, and produced by Life Biotic, a small Israeli company. Perhaps worth a try?
Protectival looks interesting
Looks like manufacturing and distribution located in Netherlands with R&D in Tel Aviv, with prices in Euros.
Do you live in US?
My PSA went up after the first cycle then steadied /remaind the same after the 2nd before dropping for the remainder of the other cycles until it got too .01.
Good luck hope it starts to come down.
My considered opinion is for you to go with Nalakrats' advice.
Take a PSMA PET-CT scan and check whether your mets have increased in size and qty. If they have, stop chemo immediately and start on Abiraterone as a prelude to starting on Lu-177, especially if you are found to be PSMA avid. Take this seriously. I am talking from personal experience.
Thanks, very helpful. I will discuss this with my oncologist
Greetings Molman. Sorry I don't speak Belgiumese. You've come to the right place for info and camaraderie. Could you tell us your age please. Thank you.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Thursday 03/21/2019 6:10 PM DST
You are taking Lupron injections during chemo, right?
No, not taking Lupron at this moment, but will ask my oncologist about it. Thanks for thus
Hi John, I am 70 years old
I'm 7 years out, Xtandi , Lupron and Zyflamend for prostate. ( Zyflamend Whole body is being studied for PCa.) I was PSA 31, stage 4, M1, Gleason 9, 3 bone mets, 5 months doubling time. Currently I'm PSA .02 , mets dormant or resolved...2 lymph nodes down to normal. Nothing doing on the PET, bone scan, or cat scan. I drink pom and green tea. I'm not giving medical advice but the doctors are pleased...I battle depression and fatigue. For pain I took a lot of aspirin but that screwed up my sinuses. I now take Aleve. I'd like to find a doctor to give me celebrex and metformin, so far nothing doing. If you ask u don't get with a lot of physicians. Good luck, pray , spoil the grandkids...oh yeah I'm 66 now.